Splitting a Panopto recording

This guide will demonstrate how to split a recording using a copying technique

The original recording will form 'Part A' and the copy will form 'Part B'

'Splitting a Panopto recording' step-by-step guide:

1. Create a 'full' copy (or as many as needed) of the recording. Hover over the thumbnail of the recording you want to copy and click the settings cog/gear icon:

Screen capture of Replay interface with the session's 'Settings' icon highlighted


2. On the new window that opens, select Manage from the left-hand menu and locate the 'Copy video' section.

  • Use the drop-down menu to select the folder you wish to copy to. Once a folder has been selected, click the blue Create Full Copy text button and close the window
Screen capture of session settings with Manage and Create full copy highlighted


Copy session tips

  • It is best to use the same folder you are copying from to easier keep track of the recordings
  • You can change the new copy's name, at the point of creating the full copy, but Panopto will automatically add the suffix '(copy)' to the new copy's title
  • Copied recordings can take a couple of minutes to reprocess


3. Hover your cursor over the thumbnail of the original recording, click the ellipsis (3 vertical dots) and choose Edit:

Screen capture of Replay interface with 'Edit' function highlighted


4. In the editor, grey out the second half of the recording using the scissor tool. This will become 'Part A'.

NB. There is a refresher video-guide on 'How to use the Panopto online editor' at the bottom of this page

  • Once you have isolated the section you wish to form 'Part A', click Apply and close the editor
Screenshot of Panopto online editor with 'Part B' greyed out


5. Open the copy you made earlier, in the editor. This will become 'Part B'. Grey out the first half of the recording, click Apply and close the editor:

Screenshot of Panopto online editor with 'Part A' greyed out


6. Allow the copies to process.

'How to use the Panopto online editor' video-guide:



Page last updated: 27/06/2023

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