How to check if a device is centrally blocked from network connection

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Devices sending more than 360 ARP requests per minute will be identified by MAC address and COWLS FroDos will not respond to further ARP requests from this MAC address for 1 hour.

A record of devices detected as exceeding this threshold is available to registered ITSS in Teams > ITSS Community > Technical > Files > arp source-mac attacks detected.

Further information

Rationale and technical background for this scheme were shared on the itss-discuss maillist at its inception in November 2021.

Devices generating traffic that is alleged or suspected to arise from a security compromise or illegal use of the device may be blocked by MAC address on request of OxCERT.

There is currently no means for registered ITSS to check if a specific MAC address has been blocked in this way.

Other types of restriction may be implemented on centrally-managed networks. These include:

  • Blocking an individual's remote access account, affecting their use of eduroam and OWL WiFi, Oxford VPN, and some college/department network services
  • Blocking selected types of network traffic regardless of the device or user

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