How to provide feedback on our services


We welcome feedback as to how we can improve our services and service provision. We review all suggestions and will either implement them, add them to a service improvement register for consideration in the next service development cycle, or will provide reasons for not taking them forwards.

If you have an idea for improving our services then please contact us by email to Do include as much detail about how the improvement would benefit you or a wider group in the University.

We will acknowledge your idea and confirm what action has been taken, normally within 5 working days.

Thank you!


We hope that the services and standards of provision that you receive from IT Services meet or exceed your expectations. However, we recognise that there may be times when this is not the case and you have cause for concern. In such cases we ask that you provide us with feedback or make a complaint so that we can put things right and improve our services.

Your feedback will be treated seriously and without recrimination. All correspondence related to a formal complaint made as described below will be dealt with in confidence, subject to the need to share information in order to investigate the matters that are the subject of your complaint. This may include sharing information with members of staff who have been involved in such matters.

University policy

Guidance for students making a complaint or academic appeal is published on the University website. We will acknowledge, consider and respond to your complaint under Stage 1 (Local Resolution) of the procedure relating to academic, administrative and support provisions. If this does not resolve the matter satisfactorily then you may raise the matter with the Proctors under Stage 2.

For complaints made by members of staff, our investigation and response will be in accordance with University grievance procedures where applicable. If our response does not resolve the matter satisfactorily then you may raise the matter with the Registrar.

Informal resolution

In the first instance, please raise your concerns with the member of IT Services staff who you have had contact with already. If you are not in touch with anyone then please contact our service desk.

In many cases your concerns can be resolved at this informal stage. It will help if you can describe clearly how we have failed to meet your expectations, and include any call reference numbers or provide copies of related correspondence.

Formal complaint

If you feel that the outcome of informal resolution has not satisfactorily addressed your concerns then please contact us by email to You can also contact us on this address if you do not feel able, or it is inappropriate, to raise your complaint as outlined above. Please include:

  • A clear statement of how we have failed to meet your expectations
  • The date or period that this relates to, if applicable
  • Any call reference numbers or copies of related correspondence
  • University contact details so that we can get in touch to discuss the issues raised

Please do not include personal information such as staff names in your initial contact with us; we will request these details confidentially when we need them.
We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and provide a written response within 20 working days. If you are not happy with this response then you can request escalation to the Head of Department (Chief Information Officer) within 2 weeks. The Head of Department will review your complaint and provide a written response within 20 working days.


We hope that the services and standards of provision that you receive from IT Services meet or exceed your expectations. If you would like to tell us about an individual or service that has recently delighted you then please contact us by email to

We will pass compliments about individuals to the relevant member of staff and their line manager. Feedback relating to services will be passed to the relevant service owner and manager. Both may be included in internal communications; however, we won’t include your name or identification in this case.

Please do include details of what we did that stood out, and how this helped you. We’ll use this to shared good practice and improve our services.

Thank you!

Other channels

Dedicated feedback channels exist for a number of scenarios, and these will usually be the most appropriate and expedient way to provide feedback:

  • Projects; via the project contact address or your representative on the board
  • Governance / funding decisions; via your representative on the relevant Portfolio Committee
  • Services under review; via the associated service review request for input
  • Support calls; via a response to the support call itself

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