- PCs should be given a NetBIOS or Computer Name which starts with an identifier that is unique to the unit where the PC is located. A list of current WINS unit identifiers is available elsewhere on this page
- The unit identifier can be separated from the rest of the name by a hyphen
- The NetBIOS name for Active Directory domains should be chosen carefully to identify your unit unambiguously and avoid name clashes with other domain or computer names
How to manage WINS
Guidance on configuring and using the central Window Internet Name Service
If your unit is not listed, or you have any other enquiry about this list, please contact winsmaster@it.ox.ac.uk.
Unit name | Code |
All PCs outside units, named by their owners (e.g. University accommodation) | XYZZ |
All Souls College | ALLS |
All Souls College | ASC |
Applied Computing | ACOM |
Ashmolean | ASHMOL |
Ashmolean Library | ASHL |
Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology | ASHM |
Balliol College | BALL |
Balliol College | BALLIO |
Balliol College | BALLIOL |
Beazley Archive | BEAZ |
Begbroke Directorate | BEGBK |
Biomedical Services Unit | BMED |
Blackfriars | BLAC |
Bodleian Library | BODL |
Bodleian Library | BODLEY |
Botanic Garden | BOTA |
Brasenose College | BNC |
Brasenose College | BRAS |
Cairns Library | CAIR |
Campaign for Oxford | CPGM |
Campion Hall | CAMP |
Careers Service | CARE |
Careers Service | CAS |
Centre for Brazilian Studies | BRAZIL |
Centre for Brazilian Studies | BRST |
Centre for Criminological Research | CRIM |
Centre for Modern Chinese Studies | CMCS |
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies | SOCL |
Chemical Crystallography Laboratory | CRYS |
Childhood Cancer Research Group | CCRG |
Christ Church | CHCH |
Christ Church | CHRI |
Classics Office and Library | CLAS |
Classics Office and Library | CLASS |
Clinical Epidemiology Unit | CLEP |
Clinical Geratology | GERI |
Clinical Trial Service Unit | CTSU |
Committee for Archaeology | ARCH |
Comparative Philology and General Linguistics | CPGL |
Computing Laboratory | COML |
Computing Laboratory | COMLAB |
Computing Services | OUCS |
Consulting | CONS |
Corpus Christi College | CCC |
Corpus Christi College | CORP |
Department for Continuing Education | CONT |
Department for Continuing Education | REWLEY |
Department of Applied Social Studies and Social Research | SOCR |
Department of Astrophysics | ASTR |
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics | ATMP |
Department of Atomic and Laser Physics | ATOM |
Department of Biochemistry | BIOC |
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine | CARD |
Department of Cellular Science | CELL |
Department of Chemistry | CHEM |
Department of Clinical Neurology | CLNE |
Department of Clinical Pharmacology | CLPH |
Department of Condensed Matter Physics | COND |
Department of Earth Sciences | EART |
Department of Educational Studies | EDST |
Department of Educational Studies | EDSTUD |
Department of Engineering Science | ENGS |
Department of Experimental Psychology | XPSY |
Department of Human Anatomy | ANAT |
Department of Materials | OUMS |
Department of Medical Illustration | DOMI |
Department of Medicine | DMED |
Department of Paediatrics | PAED |
Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics | DPMP |
Department of Pharmacology | PHAR |
Department of Physics | CLAR |
Department of Physiology | PHYS |
Department of Plant Sciences | DOPS |
Department of Plant Sciences | PLS |
Department of Psychiatry | PSYC |
Department of Radiology | RADI |
Department of Statistics | STAT |
Department of the History of Art | ARTH |
Department of the History of Art | DHA |
Department of Theoretical Chemistry | TCLB |
Department of Theoretical Physics | THPH |
Department of Zoology | ZOOL |
Department of Zoology | ZOO |
Developmental Biology | DEVB |
Diabetes Research Laboratories | DIAB |
Diabetes Trials Unit | DIAB |
Division of Public Health and Primary Care | PHPC |
Dyson Perrins Laboratory | DP- |
Dyson Perrins Laboratory | DPLB |
Economics Library | ECON |
Educational Technology Resources Centre | ETRC |
English Faculty Library | ENGL |
English Faculty Library | ENGLISH |
Environmental Change Institute | ENVC |
Environmental Change Institute | UKCIP |
Europaeum | ERPM |
European Humanities Research Centre | EHRC |
Examination Schools | EXAM |
Exeter College | EXET |
Faculty of Biological Sciences | BIOF |
Faculty of English Language and Literature | ENGF |
Faculty of Literae Humaniores | CLAS |
Faculty of Literae Humaniores | CLASS |
Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages | FMML |
Faculty of Modern History | HIST |
Faculty of Modern History | MHF |
Faculty of Modern History | MODHIST |
Faculty of Music | MUSIC |
Faculty of Music | MUSF |
Faculty of Oriental Studies | FOST |
Faculty of Theology | THEO |
Green College | GREE |
Green College | GREEN |
Greyfriars | GREY |
Harris Manchester College | HMC |
Harris Manchester College | MANC |
Harris Manchester College | MANCH |
Health Care Epidemiology | UHCE |
Health Care Libraries Unit | HCLU |
Health Services Research Unit | PHPC |
Hertford College | HERT |
History Faculty Library | HIST |
ICT Support Team | ICT- |
Indian Institute Library | INDL |
Information Management Services Unit | IMSU |
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory | ICL- |
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory | ICLB |
Institute for Slavonic Studies | SLAV |
Institute for the Advancement of Learning | LERN |
Institute of Archaeology | ARCH |
Institute of Biological Anthropology | BIOA |
Institute of Biological Anthropology | IBA |
Institute of Economics and Statistics | ECON |
Institute of European and Comparative Law | CECL |
Institute of European and Comparative Law | IECL |
Institute of Health Sciences | IHSC |
Institute of Molecular Medicine | IMMD |
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology | ISCA |
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology | SOCA |
Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology | IVEM |
Inter-Faculty Committee for Chinese Studies | CHIN |
Inter-Faculty Committee for Japanese Studies | ICJS |
Inter-Faculty Committee for Latin American Studies | ICLA |
Inter-Faculty Committee for Modern Middle Eastern Studies | ICME |
Inter-Faculty Committee for Slavonic and East European Studies | SLAV |
Inter-Faculty Committee for South Asian Studies | ASIA |
International Development Centre | IDVC |
Isis Innovation | ISIS |
Jesus College | JESU |
John Radcliffe (somewhere) | JR2 |
Keble College | KEBL |
Keble College | KEBLE |
Kellogg College | KELL |
Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics | MOLB |
Lady Margaret Hall | LADY |
Lady Margaret Hall | LMH |
Language Centre | MLCR |
Latin American Centre | LATC |
Law Faculty | LAW |
Law Faculty | LAWF |
Libraries Automation Service | LAS |
Libraries Automation Service | LASV |
Linacre College | LINA |
Lincoln College | LINC |
Magdalen College | MAG |
Magdalen College | MAGD |
Mansfield College | MANS |
Mathematical Institute | MATH |
McDonnell-Pew Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience | NONE |
Medical School Offices | MSOF |
Merton College | MERT |
Metabolic Research Laboratory | MRLB |
Modern Languages Faculty Library | MLFL |
Molecular Biology | MOLB |
Museum of the History of Science | MOHS |
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit | NPEU |
New College | NEW |
New College | NEWC |
New Dictionary of National Biography | HIST |
Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies | NISS |
Nuffield College | NUFF |
Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics | ANAE |
Nuffield Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences | CLBI |
Nuffield Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences | NDCLS |
Nuffield Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences | NDPB |
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine | CLME |
Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | NDOG |
Nuffield Department of Ophthalmology | OPHT |
Nuffield Department of Orthopaedic Surgery | NDOS |
Nuffield Department of Surgery | NDOS |
Occupational Health Service | UOHS |
Oriel College | ORIE- |
Oriel College | ORIEL |
Oriental Institute | ORIENT |
Oriental Institute | ORIN |
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies | OCIS |
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies | OXCIS |
Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences | OCMS |
Oxford Lipid Metabolism Group | OLMG |
Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Centre | OOEC |
Oxford University Students Union | OUSU |
Pain Relief Unit | ANAE |
Pembroke College | PEMB |
Pembroke College | PMB |
Philosophy Library and Centre | PLAC |
Phonetics Laboratory | PHON |
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory | PTCH |
Physical Chemistry Laboratory | PCLB |
Pitt Rivers Museum | PITT |
Queen Elizabeth House | QEHS |
Radcliffe Science Library | RSLY |
Regent's Park College | REGE |
Regent's Park College | REP |
Regent's Park College | RPC |
Research Institute | RESI |
Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art | ARCH |
Rhodes House | RHDH |
Rhodes House | RHLH |
Rhodes House Library | RHLY |
Rothermere Institute | ROTH |
Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art | RSDA |
Said Business School of Management Studies | MAST |
School of Geography | GEO |
School of Geography | GEOG |
Sheldonian Theatre | SHEL |
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology | PATH |
Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment | SMTH |
Social Studies Faculty Centre | SSFC |
Somerville College | SOME |
Sports Federation | SPRT |
St Anne's College | SANN |
St Anne's College | STANNES |
St Antony's College | SANT |
St Benet's Hall | SBEN |
St Catherine's College | CATZ |
St Catherine's College | SCAT |
St Cross College | SCRO |
St Cross College | STCR |
St Cross College | STCROSS |
St Cross College | STX |
St Edmund Hall | SEDM |
St Edmund Hall | SEH |
St Hilda's College | SHIL |
St Hilda's College | STHIL |
St Hilda's College | STHILDA |
St Hilda's College | STHILDAS |
St Hugh's College | SHUG |
St Hugh's College | STHUGH |
St John's College | SJC |
St John's College | SJOH |
St Peter's College | SPET |
Sub-Faculty of Philosophy | SFOP |
Sub-Faculty of Politics | POLF |
Sub-Faculty of Sociology | SFOS |
Taylor Institution Library | TAY |
Taylor Institution Library | TAYL |
Taylor Institution Library | TAYLOR |
Taylor Institution Slavonic Library | SLAV |
Templeton College | TEMP |
The Oxford Institute for Ethics and Communication in Health Care Practice | IHSU |
The Pauling Human Sciences Centre | PHSC |
The Queen's College | QUEE |
The University Club | CLUB |
Theology Faculty Library | THEO |
Transport Studies Unit | TSU0 |
Trinity College | TRIN |
University Archives | ARCH |
University College | UNIV |
University Counselling Service | COUN |
University Development Office | DEVO |
University Libraries | BODL |
University Libraries | ULIB |
University Museum | UMUS |
University Offices | ADMIN |
University Offices | ADMN |
University Parks | PARKS |
University Safety Office | SAFE |
University Surveyor's Office | SURV |
Veterinary Services | VET0 |
Voltaire Foundation | VOLT |
Wadham College | WADH |
Wadham College | WADHAM |
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics | WELL |
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics | WHGU |
Wellcome Trust Centre for the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease | CEID |
Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine at Oxford | WUHM |
Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine at Oxford | WUHMO |
Westminster College | WEST |
Wolfson College | WOLF |
Worcester College | WORC |
Wycliffe Hall | WYCL |
Wycliffe Hall | WYCLIFFE |
Naming your PC
- Choose a name for your PC that follows the naming standards and is approved by your local IT
- Select Start > Settings > System > About
- Select Rename this PC
- Enter the new name and select Next
- Select Restart now to complete the change
Configure WINS settings
If your PC gets its network address automatically (using DHCP) then it should receive the correct WINS server settings for the network that you are connected to. If your PC requires manual network address configuration, or you need to override the automatic settings, then:
- Select Start , begin typing connection, select View network connections
- For each connection that might be used (usually named Ethernet and Wifi) visit Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) > Properties > Advanced > WINS and select Add to enter each of the central WINS server addresses
- Repeat for Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IP) on each connection
If you need to add, change or remove the mapping between a NetBIOS name and IP address ("static mapping") then please send your request to winsmaster@it.ox.ac.uk.
Moving from local WINS servers to central ones is easy enough. We can help make this a seamless transition by checking for any name collisions and providing temporary replication between the central servers and your local ones to allow the change to take place gradually without interruption of service. Request assistance from winsmaster@it.ox.ac.uk.
Get support
If you cannot find the solution you need here then we have other ways to get IT support
Submit a suggestion, compliment or complaint