How to manage WINS

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  1. PCs should be given a NetBIOS or Computer Name which starts with an identifier that is unique to the unit where the PC is located. A list of current WINS unit identifiers is available elsewhere on this page
  2. The unit identifier can be separated from the rest of the name by a hyphen
  3. The NetBIOS name for Active Directory domains should be chosen carefully to identify your unit unambiguously and avoid name clashes with other domain or computer names

If your unit is not listed, or you have any other enquiry about this list, please contact

Unit name Code
All PCs outside units, named by their owners (e.g. University accommodation) XYZZ
All Souls College ALLS
All Souls College ASC
Applied Computing ACOM
Ashmolean ASHMOL
Ashmolean Library ASHL
Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology ASHM
Balliol College BALL
Balliol College BALLIO
Balliol College BALLIOL
Beazley Archive BEAZ
Begbroke Directorate BEGBK
Biomedical Services Unit BMED
Blackfriars BLAC
Bodleian Library BODL
Bodleian Library BODLEY
Botanic Garden BOTA
Brasenose College BNC
Brasenose College BRAS
Cairns Library CAIR
Campaign for Oxford CPGM
Campion Hall CAMP
Careers Service CARE
Careers Service CAS
Centre for Brazilian Studies BRAZIL
Centre for Brazilian Studies BRST
Centre for Criminological Research CRIM
Centre for Modern Chinese Studies CMCS
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies SOCL
Chemical Crystallography Laboratory CRYS
Childhood Cancer Research Group CCRG
Christ Church CHCH
Christ Church CHRI
Classics Office and Library CLAS
Classics Office and Library CLASS
Clinical Epidemiology Unit CLEP
Clinical Geratology GERI
Clinical Trial Service Unit CTSU
Committee for Archaeology ARCH
Comparative Philology and General Linguistics CPGL
Computing Laboratory COML
Computing Laboratory COMLAB
Computing Services OUCS
Consulting CONS
Corpus Christi College CCC
Corpus Christi College CORP
Department for Continuing Education CONT
Department for Continuing Education REWLEY
Department of Applied Social Studies and Social Research SOCR
Department of Astrophysics ASTR
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics ATMP
Department of Atomic and Laser Physics ATOM
Department of Biochemistry BIOC
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine CARD
Department of Cellular Science CELL
Department of Chemistry CHEM
Department of Clinical Neurology CLNE
Department of Clinical Pharmacology CLPH
Department of Condensed Matter Physics COND
Department of Earth Sciences EART
Department of Educational Studies EDST
Department of Educational Studies EDSTUD
Department of Engineering Science ENGS
Department of Experimental Psychology XPSY
Department of Human Anatomy ANAT
Department of Materials OUMS
Department of Medical Illustration DOMI
Department of Medicine DMED
Department of Paediatrics PAED
Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics DPMP
Department of Pharmacology PHAR
Department of Physics CLAR
Department of Physiology PHYS
Department of Plant Sciences DOPS
Department of Plant Sciences PLS
Department of Psychiatry PSYC
Department of Radiology RADI
Department of Statistics STAT
Department of the History of Art ARTH
Department of the History of Art DHA
Department of Theoretical Chemistry TCLB
Department of Theoretical Physics THPH
Department of Zoology ZOOL
Department of Zoology ZOO
Developmental Biology DEVB
Diabetes Research Laboratories DIAB
Diabetes Trials Unit DIAB
Division of Public Health and Primary Care PHPC
Dyson Perrins Laboratory DP-
Dyson Perrins Laboratory DPLB
Economics Library ECON
Educational Technology Resources Centre ETRC
English Faculty Library ENGL
English Faculty Library ENGLISH
Environmental Change Institute ENVC
Environmental Change Institute UKCIP
Europaeum ERPM
European Humanities Research Centre EHRC
Examination Schools EXAM
Exeter College EXET
Faculty of Biological Sciences BIOF
Faculty of English Language and Literature ENGF
Faculty of Literae Humaniores CLAS
Faculty of Literae Humaniores CLASS
Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages FMML
Faculty of Modern History HIST
Faculty of Modern History MHF
Faculty of Modern History MODHIST
Faculty of Music MUSIC
Faculty of Music MUSF
Faculty of Oriental Studies FOST
Faculty of Theology THEO
Green College GREE
Green College GREEN
Greyfriars GREY
Harris Manchester College HMC
Harris Manchester College MANC
Harris Manchester College MANCH
Health Care Epidemiology UHCE
Health Care Libraries Unit HCLU
Health Services Research Unit PHPC
Hertford College HERT
History Faculty Library HIST
ICT Support Team ICT-
Indian Institute Library INDL
Information Management Services Unit IMSU
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory ICL-
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory ICLB
Institute for Slavonic Studies SLAV
Institute for the Advancement of Learning LERN
Institute of Archaeology ARCH
Institute of Biological Anthropology BIOA
Institute of Biological Anthropology IBA
Institute of Economics and Statistics ECON
Institute of European and Comparative Law CECL
Institute of European and Comparative Law IECL
Institute of Health Sciences IHSC
Institute of Molecular Medicine IMMD
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology ISCA
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology SOCA
Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology IVEM
Inter-Faculty Committee for Chinese Studies CHIN
Inter-Faculty Committee for Japanese Studies ICJS
Inter-Faculty Committee for Latin American Studies ICLA
Inter-Faculty Committee for Modern Middle Eastern Studies ICME
Inter-Faculty Committee for Slavonic and East European Studies SLAV
Inter-Faculty Committee for South Asian Studies ASIA
International Development Centre IDVC
Isis Innovation ISIS
Jesus College JESU
John Radcliffe (somewhere) JR2
Keble College KEBL
Keble College KEBLE
Kellogg College KELL
Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics MOLB
Lady Margaret Hall LADY
Lady Margaret Hall LMH
Language Centre MLCR
Latin American Centre LATC
Law Faculty LAW
Law Faculty LAWF
Libraries Automation Service LAS
Libraries Automation Service LASV
Linacre College LINA
Lincoln College LINC
Magdalen College MAG
Magdalen College MAGD
Mansfield College MANS
Mathematical Institute MATH
McDonnell-Pew Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience NONE
Medical School Offices MSOF
Merton College MERT
Metabolic Research Laboratory MRLB
Modern Languages Faculty Library MLFL
Molecular Biology MOLB
Museum of the History of Science MOHS
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit NPEU
New College NEW
New College NEWC
New Dictionary of National Biography HIST
Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies NISS
Nuffield College NUFF
Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics ANAE
Nuffield Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences CLBI
Nuffield Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences NDCLS
Nuffield Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences NDPB
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine CLME
Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology NDOG
Nuffield Department of Ophthalmology OPHT
Nuffield Department of Orthopaedic Surgery NDOS
Nuffield Department of Surgery NDOS
Occupational Health Service UOHS
Oriel College ORIE-
Oriel College ORIEL
Oriental Institute ORIENT
Oriental Institute ORIN
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies OCIS
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies OXCIS
Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences OCMS
Oxford Lipid Metabolism Group OLMG
Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Centre OOEC
Oxford University Students Union OUSU
Pain Relief Unit ANAE
Pembroke College PEMB
Pembroke College PMB
Philosophy Library and Centre PLAC
Phonetics Laboratory PHON
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory PTCH
Physical Chemistry Laboratory PCLB
Pitt Rivers Museum PITT
Queen Elizabeth House QEHS
Radcliffe Science Library RSLY
Regent's Park College REGE
Regent's Park College REP
Regent's Park College RPC
Research Institute RESI
Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art ARCH
Rhodes House RHDH
Rhodes House RHLH
Rhodes House Library RHLY
Rothermere Institute ROTH
Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art RSDA
Said Business School of Management Studies MAST
School of Geography GEO
School of Geography GEOG
Sheldonian Theatre SHEL
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology PATH
Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment SMTH
Social Studies Faculty Centre SSFC
Somerville College SOME
Sports Federation SPRT
St Anne's College SANN
St Anne's College STANNES
St Antony's College SANT
St Benet's Hall SBEN
St Catherine's College CATZ
St Catherine's College SCAT
St Cross College SCRO
St Cross College STCR
St Cross College STCROSS
St Cross College STX
St Edmund Hall SEDM
St Edmund Hall SEH
St Hilda's College SHIL
St Hilda's College STHIL
St Hilda's College STHILDA
St Hilda's College STHILDAS
St Hugh's College SHUG
St Hugh's College STHUGH
St John's College SJC
St John's College SJOH
St Peter's College SPET
Sub-Faculty of Philosophy SFOP
Sub-Faculty of Politics POLF
Sub-Faculty of Sociology SFOS
Taylor Institution Library TAY
Taylor Institution Library TAYL
Taylor Institution Library TAYLOR
Taylor Institution Slavonic Library SLAV
Templeton College TEMP
The Oxford Institute for Ethics and Communication in Health Care Practice IHSU
The Pauling Human Sciences Centre PHSC
The Queen's College QUEE
The University Club CLUB
Theology Faculty Library THEO
Transport Studies Unit TSU0
Trinity College TRIN
University Archives ARCH
University College UNIV
University Counselling Service COUN
University Development Office DEVO
University Libraries BODL
University Libraries ULIB
University Museum UMUS
University Offices ADMIN
University Offices ADMN
University Parks PARKS
University Safety Office SAFE
University Surveyor's Office SURV
Veterinary Services VET0
Voltaire Foundation VOLT
Wadham College WADH
Wadham College WADHAM
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics WELL
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics WHGU
Wellcome Trust Centre for the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease CEID
Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine at Oxford WUHM
Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine at Oxford WUHMO
Westminster College WEST
Wolfson College WOLF
Worcester College WORC
Wycliffe Hall WYCL
Wycliffe Hall WYCLIFFE

Naming your PC

  1. Choose a name for your PC that follows the naming standards and is approved by your local IT
  2. Select Start   > Settings  > System > About
  3. Select Rename this PC
  4. Enter the new name and select Next
  5. Select Restart now to complete the change

Configure WINS settings

If your PC gets its network address automatically (using DHCP) then it should receive the correct WINS server settings for the network that you are connected to. If your PC requires manual network address configuration, or you need to override the automatic settings, then:

  1. Select Start  , begin typing connection, select View network connections
  2. For each connection that might be used (usually named Ethernet and Wifi) visit Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) > Properties > Advanced > WINS and select Add to enter each of the central WINS server addresses
  3. Repeat for Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IP) on each connection


If you need to add, change or remove the mapping between a NetBIOS name and IP address ("static mapping") then please send your request to

Moving from local WINS servers to central ones is easy enough. We can help make this a seamless transition by checking for any name collisions and providing temporary replication between the central servers and your local ones to allow the change to take place gradually without interruption of service. Request assistance from

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