How to request University email to be automatically forwarded to an external email address

Exceptions will be considered on an individual basis with approval required from the Chief Information Officer (CIO).

  1. If you are the owner of the email address for which you want to request an exception, select:

Exception to External Email Forwarding Restriction


  1. If you are not the owner, you need to seek the consent of the owner and provide evidence of this with your request. If it is not possible to get the consent of the owner, you should seek the advice of the Information Compliance team prior to completing the form via
  2. The Information Compliance team will ask you to consider whether a less privacy intrusive approach could be considered such as setting up an out of office message instead. As set out in the IT regulations approval from the Registrar, the Proctors or Head of House may be required.

Notice: Checking if you are the owner of an email address

You can see a list of usernames and email addresses you own via Registration


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