SigmaPlot concurrent licence server

The rental cost for this license is covered by cost recovery from SigmaPlot users.  The concurrent SigmaPlot licenses are managed by a license server at IT Services.  You must be able to connect to this server to use the license.  License seats are issued by the license server on a first come first served basis.  Contact in the first instance.

To reduce administration costs, SigmaPlot is distributed through and managed by SigmaPlot representatives in each department or college.

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The following provides a specification of the IT Services SigmaPlot Concurrent License server (the 'Service') which they manage on behalf of the University of Oxford SigmaPlot Concurrent Licence user community (the 'Subscribers').

Service availability

Support for the Service is available during normal working hours, this being 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays and the Christmas closure period.

The Service is run on highly resilient hardware.  Any loss of hardware availability should normally be resolved in less than 24 hours after any breakdown.

Operational procedures will be deployed that ensure the efficient running of the Service and removal of redundant licence allocations.

Misuse of licenses will be investigated.


Departments and colleges that install SigmaPlot licences will be expected to nominate primary and, optionally, secondary SigmaPlot representatives.

All correspondence with IT Services about SigmaPlot licenses and the Service should be directed through SigmaPlot representatives.

IT Services will maintain a mailing list of SigmaPlot representatives.  The mailing list will be used to inform the representatives about possible disruption to the service, new versions of the software and any other matters related to the Service.  It will be the responsibility of the representatives within a department or college to pass that information on to users of the license inside their own organisation.

IT Services will provide web pages providing information about the service.

IT Services will give at least one weeks notice for scheduled service disruptions.


Primary application level support will be the responsibility of the SigmaPlot representatives.

IT Services will only provide support for issues relating directly to a service they provide.  They will not provide support about using SigmaPlot other than matters relating to use of the licence server.

Support from IT Services will only be through the SigmaPlot representatives.

IT Services will assist user self help groups with mailing lists.

Software distribution and record keeping

IT Services will provide a download location to allow SigmaPlot representatives to install software on client machines.

SigmaPlot Representatives are responsible for keeping accurate records of each client installation

Each department or college that uses the SigmaPlot concurrent licence server must nominate a primary, and optionally secondary, SigmaPlot representative.  It is only through these representatives that departments and colleges and IT Services will liaise on matters relating to this service.

If your establishment does not have a SigmaPlot representative and you would like to use the concurrent SigmaPlot licence, email with 'SigmaPlot' in the subject line for details of payment and how to access the server.  After payment you will be added to the current representative list and to the SigmaPlot representative mailing list.

Representatives are responsible to all areas of your Department or College for SigmaPlot software distribution and first line support with regard to problems with the license.

Departments and colleges that have subscribed to the SigmaPlot concurrent licence server are expected to nominate a primary and, optionally, a secondary SigmaPlot representative.  These representatives have the following role:

  • Report faults or problems with the service.  All requests to IT Services relating to this service must be made through a SigmaPlot representative, who acts as the conduit to IT Services for any support queries or problems relating to the licence server encountered by themselves or any other SigmaPlot user in their department or college.
  • Distribute the SigmaPlot Software for client installations and maintain a record of each installation.

Mailing list

IT Services maintain a mailing list of nominated SigmaPlot representatives within departments and colleges (

The mailing list is used to inform the representatives about new versions of the software, possible disruption to the service and any other matters related to the SigmaPlot concurrent license service.  It is the responsibility of the SigmaPlot representatives to pass appropriate information on to users of the service in their own departments and colleges.

Current SigmaPlot Representatives

Department Contact
Biochemistry Martin Ackland
Earth Sciences May Chung
Inorganic Chemistry Tom Bradshaw
Medical Science Division (MSD IT Supported units) Gerard Robinson
MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit Rosemary Painter
MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit Ben Micklem
Oxford University Centre for the Environment David Ford
Pharmacology Judith Schweimer
Plant Sciences Tom King
Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics Sean Nightingale
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology John Marriott
Structural Biology Jun Dong
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics Ruth Porter
Worcester College Daniel Smith


For updates to this list, please contact

IT Services do not provide any technical support on the use of SigmaPlot as an application.  The support that IT Services provide relates to access to and management of the licence server.  This support is only available to members of staff who have been nominated as the SigmaPlot representative in departments and colleges that have registered to use the licence server.

For each department or college, primary application level support is the responsibility of the nominated SigmaPlot representative.

Discussion list

The mailing list is available to all SigmaPlot users, allowing users to discuss SigmaPlot matters between themselves, perhaps resolving problems in the use of SigmaPlot.

Please do not assume that IT Services will respond to mailing list discussions.  Matters relating to the SigmaPlot service should be directed to your SigmaPlot representative, who will raise them directly with IT Services if appropriate.

Administration list

The mailing list is available to SigmaPlot representatives and IT Services to communicate on matters relating to the administration of the licence server service.  IT Services will use this list as the route to the community for all announcements relating to the service.

License server fault reporting

Please report license server problems to

The SigmaPlot software is distributed via the SigmaPlot representatives who have access to the necessary licence details.

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