How to use University maps in your website

Estates Services has worked with digital mapping consultant SmartNE to bring visitors, students, and staff an improved interactive online map.

The improvements focus on searchability, accessibility information for building users, navigation and pathfinding with step-free access. This has all been made possible by adding 130 internal floor plans to our functional teaching and publicly accessible spaces.

You can easily create a custom map designed to display the map, a single location or a group of locations, and embed this within your website using an iframe. The following explains how to obtain the desired URL from the University Map to be used within an iframe.


University map

Add the Oxford University campus map to a page.

Example code:

<iframe title="University map" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></iframe>

Will display the following:


Single location map

Add the Oxford University campus map to a page, highlighting a location.

  1. In a web browser, open the Oxford Campus Map
  2. Use the search field to locate the location you would like your map to feature
  3. Copy the resulting URL from the browser
  4. Add the URL to the iframe and match the iframe title text to the location

Example code: 

<iframe title="Ashmolean Museum" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></iframe>

Will display the following:


Multiple locations map

Add the Oxford University campus map to a page, highlighting multiple locations.

  1. In a web browser, open the Oxford Campus Map
  2. Use the search field to locate the first location you would like your map to feature
  3. Save the resulting URL from the browser
  4. Use the search field to locate the next location to highlight on the map
  5. Copy the ID from the URL, for example the ID of the Ashmolean Museum is 5da6eb323ac1ce0077dc7463
  6. Append the previous URL with a comma then the location's ID
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each additional location
  8. Add the URL to the iframe and update the iframe title text

Example code: 

<iframe title="Multiple museum locations" src=",5da6eb323ac1ce0077dc7484,5da6eb313ac1ce0077dc73fc" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></iframe>

Will display the following:


Small map

You can define the type or style of map by appending an ‘instance‘ reference to the URL.

Instances are defined by system administrators to create customised versions of the mapping application in terms of its functionality and style. One such instance is iframe_small, this has been created to support a smaller map size and provides a reduced number of menu options. To use, append the URL with ?instance=iframe_small.

Example code: 

<iframe title="Ashmolean Museum" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></iframe>

Will display the following:


Request a change or provide feedback to Estates Services

For general feedback:

  1. In a web browser, access the University map
  2. Select the feedback icon on the navigation bar
  3. Select the relevant section

For an existing location:

  1. In a web browser, access the University map
  2. Select the location on the map, or use the search function
  3. If available and appropriate, select Go inside then the floor and room
  4. Select Send feedback


Please use the feedback form within the map