Cloud services toolkit

If you are interested in using cloud or hosted IT services (or are already using one of these services) it is important that you are clear of the implications with regard to data protection and information security.

This toolkit provides guidance to assist members of the University when assessing the suitability of the service for processing and storing data controlled by the University. The guidance is intended to be applicable to the University, its constituent units, and its members (whether staff or student).

The toolkit was developed by a working group convened by IT Services and including representation from Legal Services, Information Security, OUP and Purchasing.





To access the toolkit, select the 'Get the cloud toolkit' link (log in with Single Sign-On) and then select the 'Download' option at the top of the page


Public cloud services checklist

From 2025 onwards, the University Procurement Office will require cloud service providers (CSPs) to complete a checklist based on ISO/IEC 19086-1. This is referred to as the public cloud services checklist and will apply in particular to tenders for SaaS applications. The checklist is maintained by the Service Management Office.

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