CUD data reference

Referenced files in the card publish folder for Card/Registration’s values. This is not a definitive list of all departments and colleges, see the University organisation structure for the official list.

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Column 1 is from Registration; the rest are from SITS

Registration code Faculty code Short name Full name In use Type
alls ALL ALL SOULS All Souls College Y COLLEGE
ball BAL BALLIOL Balliol College Y COLLEGE
blac BKF BLACKFRIARS Blackfriars Y PPH
bras BNC BRASENOSE Brasenose College Y COLLEGE
camp CAM CAMPION Campion Hall Y PPH
corp CCC CORPUS CHRISTI Corpus Christi College Y COLLEGE
exet EXT EXETER Exeter College Y COLLEGE
grte GTC GREEN TEMPLETON Green Templeton College Y COLLEGE
manc HAR HARRIS MANCHEST Harris Manchester College Y COLLEGE
hert HTF HERTFORD Hertford College Y COLLEGE
jesu JES JESUS Jesus College Y COLLEGE
kebl KBL KEBLE Keble College Y COLLEGE
kell KEL KELLOGG Kellogg College Y COLLEGE
linc LIN LINCOLN Lincoln College Y COLLEGE
lina LNR LINACRE Linacre College Y COLLEGE
magd MAG MAGDALEN Magdalen College Y COLLEGE
mans MAN MANSFIELD Mansfield College Y COLLEGE
mert MER MERTON Merton College Y COLLEGE
newc NEW NEW New College Y COLLEGE
  NOC NO COLLEGE No College Y  
nuff NUF NUFFIELD Nuffield College Y COLLEGE
orie ORL ORIEL Oriel College Y COLLEGE
pemb PBK PEMBROKE Pembroke College Y COLLEGE
quee QNS QUEEN'S The Queen's College Y COLLEGE
rege RPK REGENT'S PARK Regent's Park College Y PPH
reub RBN REUBEN Reuben College Y COLLEGE
ripo RPN RIPON Ripon College Cuddesdon Y COLLEGE
sann SAN ST ANNE'S St Anne's College Y COLLEGE
sant SAT ST ANTONY'S St Antony's College Y COLLEGE
sben SBE ST BENET'S St Benet's Hall Y PPH
scat SCA ST CATHERINE'S St Catherine's College Y COLLEGE
scro SCR ST CROSS St Cross College Y COLLEGE
shil SHI ST HILDA'S St Hilda's College Y COLLEGE
shug SHU ST HUGH'S St Hugh's College Y COLLEGE
sjoh SJO ST JOHN'S St John's College Y COLLEGE
some SOM SOMERVILLE Somerville College Y COLLEGE
spet SPE ST PETER'S St Peter's College Y COLLEGE
sste SST ST STEPHEN'S St Stephen's House Y PPH
trin TRI TRINITY Trinity College Y COLLEGE
univ UNI UNIVERSITY University College Y COLLEGE
wadh WAD WADHAM Wadham College Y COLLEGE
wolf WOL WOLFSON Wolfson College Y COLLEGE
worc WOR WORCESTER Worcester College Y COLLEGE
wycl WYC WYCLIFFE Wycliffe Hall Y PPH

Note that this table is a work in progress.  There are one-to-many reg-to-SITS values, which need further investigation; perhaps with the organisational chart.  Please feel free to point out corrections.

  Department code Short name Full name
meddiv 2B00D2 MED SCI DIV

Medical Sciences Division

idrm 2B01AK IDRM Institute of Developmental & Regenerative Medicine
medsci 2B01BR MED SCI DIV OFF Medical Sciences Divisional Office
kavlinano 2B01KZ KAVLINANO Kavli Institute for NanoScience Discovery
tdi 2B02AJ TDI Target Discovery Institute (TDI)
strubi 2B02B5 STRUBI Structural Biology
ccvtm 2B02B6 CCVTM Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine
tropical 2B02B9 TROPMED Centre for Tropical Medicine
ndmstrat 2B02BH NDM STRATEGIC Nuffield Department of Medicine Strategic
ccmp 2B02H2 CCMP Centre for Cellular and Molecular Physiology
humgen 2B02H5 HUMAN GENETICS Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
sgc 2B02H9 SGC Structural Genomics Consortium
clmed 2B02HB NDM - EXPMED Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine Experimental Medicine Division
vaccine 2B02HC JENNER Jenner Institute
ludwig 2B02HP LICR Oxford Branch of the Ludwig Insititute for Cancer Research
clmed 2B02XX NDM Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine
obst 2B04HE OBS AND GYNAE Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
kennedy 2B05AZ KIR Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology (KIR)
ndorms 2B05HF NDORMS Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS)
ndorms 2B05XX NDORMS Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS)
surg 2B06HJ NDS Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS)
path 2B10BV PATHOLOGY Sir William Dunn School of Pathology
pharm 2B11BW PHARMACOLOGY Department of Pharmacology
expsych 2B12AU EXP PSYCH - ZOO Department of Experimental Psychology (Zoology Building Services Unit)
expsych 2B12CQ EXP PSYCHOLOGY Department of Experimental Psychology
expsych 2B12XX EXP PSYCHOLOGY Department of Experimental Psychology
ndcn 2B17HM CLIN NEUROSCI Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
paed 2B18HN PAEDIATRICS Department of Paediatrics
ccrg 2B18HT CHLD CANCER RES Childhood Cancer Research Group
paed 2B18XX PAEDIATRICS Department of Paediatrics
psych 2B19HQ PSYCHIATRY Department of Psychiatry
bioch 2B25AL BIOCHEMISTRY Department of Biochemistry
medawar 2B26AW MEDAWAR Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research
dpag 2B27AV PHYS, ANA & GE Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
msdtc 2B28BS DTC - MSD Doctoral Training Centre - Medical Sciences Division
npeu 2B29B2 NPEU Unit of Health-Care Epidemiology
pubhealth [deprecated] 2B29BX PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Public Health
ctsu 2B29H6 CTSU Clinical Trial Service Unit
ceu 2B29HI CEU Cancer Research UK Epidemiology Unit
dph 2B29XX POP HEALTH Department of Population Health
phc 2B30BZ PRIMARY CARE Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
biomed 2B32GV BIOMED SERVICES Department of Biomedical Services
oncology 2B34AN ONCOLOGY Department of Oncology
oncology 2B34BB CANCER CENTRE Cancer Centre
rob [deprecated] 2B34H3 RAD, ONC, & BI Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology and Biology
oncology 2B34XX ONCOLOGY Department of Oncology
rdm 2B35CC RDM STRATEGIC Radcliffe Department of Medicine (Strategic)
expmed 2B35CF RDM - INVMED Radcliffe Department of Medicine Investigative Medicine Division
clinlab 2B35H4 CLIN LAB SCI Nuffield Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences
ocdem 2B35H7 OCDEM RDM - Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism
molmed 2B35H8 WEATHERALL INST Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine
cardio 2B35HS CV MEDICINE Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
rdm 2B35XX RDM Radcliffe Department of Medicine
socsci 3C00D3 SOCIAL SCI DIV Social Sciences Division
area 3C01M3 AREA STUDIES Area Studies
rees 3C01MB RUS & E.EURO ST Russian and East European Studies
africa 3C01MH AFRICAN STUDIES African Studies Centre
nissan 3C01MJ JAPANESE ST. Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies
latcent 3C01MP LATIN AMER CEN Latin American Centre
ccsp 3C01MR CONT CHINESE ST Contemporary Chinese Studies
asian 3C01MT SOUTH ASIAN ST Contemporary South Asian Studies
area 3C01XX SIAS School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies
education 3C02EP EDUCATION Department of Education
law 3C03BA LAW FACULTY Faculty of Law
socleg 3C03CX SOCIO-LEGAL ST Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
crim 3C03JG CRIMINOLOGY Centre for Criminology
law 3C03XX LAW Faculty of Law
manstud 3C04MQ SAID Saïd Business School
politics 3C05CT POLITICS & IR Department of Politics and International Relations
spi 3C06CV SOC POL & INTER Department of Social Policy and Intervention
econ 3C07CU ECONOMICS Department of Economics
sociology 3C08CY SOCIOLOGY Department of Sociology
internet 3C09CZ INTERNET INST Oxford Internet Institute
qeh 3C10VG INT DEVELOPMENT Department of International Development
socanth 3C11AE SOC & CUL ANTH Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
sch_anth 3C11AG SCHL OF ANTH School of Anthropology
humsci 3C11ME HUMAN SCIENCES Institute of Human Sciences
sch_anth 3C11XX ANTHROPOLOGY School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
geog 3C12AC GEOGRAPHY School of Geography and the Environment
envch 3C12AF ECI Environmental Change Institute (ECI)
trans 3C12JQ TRANSPORT ST Transport Studies Unit
smith 3C12LD SMITH SCHOOL Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
ouce 3C12XX SOGE School of Geography and the Environment
archinst 3C13EB ARCHAEOLOGY INS Institute of Archaeology
archres 3C13EC ARCH RES LAB Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art
archfac 3C13XX ARCHAEOLOGY School of Archaeology
oxman 3C15LA OXFORD-MAN INST Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance
martin 3C15LC MARTIN SCHL James Martin 21st Century School
socsci 3C15XX SOCSCI DIV ADMN Social Sciences Divisional Administration
bsg 3C16LE BLAVATNIK SCHL Blavatnik School of Government
mpls 4D00D4 MPLS DIV Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division
begbroke 4D01DS BEGBROKE PARK Oxford University Begbroke Science Park
mpls 4D01XX MPLS DIV ADM MPLS Divisional Administration
inorg 4D02DH INORGANIC CHEM Sub-Department of Inorganic Chemistry
organic 4D02DM ORGANIC CHEM Sub-Department of Organic Chemistry
ptchem 4D02DN PHYS & THE CHEM Sub-Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
chem 4D02DP CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry
chem_biol 4D02DQ CHEM BIOLOGY Sub-Department of Chemical Biology
chem_rl 4D02DW CHEM RES LAB Chemistry Research Laboratory
chem 4D02XX CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry
earth 4D03DG EARTH SCIENCES Department of Earth Sciences
engsci 4D04DF ENGINEERING SCI Department of Engineering Science
mat 4D05DJ MATERIALS Department of Materials
maths 4D06BK MATHS INST Mathematical Institute
astro 4D07DB ASTROPHYSICS Sub-Department of Astrophysics
atmos 4D07DC AOP PHYSICS Sub-Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Planetary Physics
physics 4D07DE PHYSICS Department of Physics
conden 4D07DK COND MAT PHYS Sub-Department of Condensed Matter Physics
particle 4D07DL PARTICLE PHYS Sub-Department of Particle Physics
thphys 4D07DR THEO PHYSICS Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics
physics 4D07DT PHYSICS - CEN Department of Physics
atom 4D07DU ATOM & LAS PHYS Sub-Department of Atomic and Laser Physics
comlab 4D08BL COMPUTER SCI Department of Computer Science
stats 4D09AM STATISTICS Department of Statistics
plant 4D10AP PLANT SCIENCES Department of Plant Sciences
zoo 4D11AT ZOOLOGY Department of Zoology
oerc 4D12E9 OX E-RES CENTRE Oxford e-Research Centre
dtc 4D13DD LSI DTC - MPLS Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training Centre-MPLS
humdiv 5E00D5 HUMANITIES DIV Humanities Division
roth 5E01M1 ROTHMERE INST Rothermere American Institute
engfac 5E02AX ENGLISH FACULTY Faculty of English Literature and Language
modlang 5E03CA MOD LANG FAC Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages
french 5E03YE FRENCH Sub-Faculty of French
german 5E03YF GERMAN Sub-Faculty of German
greek 5E03YG BYZ & MOD GREEK Sub-Faculty of Byzantine and Modern Greek
italian 5E03YH ITALIAN Sub-Faculty of Italian
russian 5E03YK RUSSIAN & SLAV Sub-Faculty of Russian and Other Slavonic Languages
spanish 5E03YL SPANISH Sub-Faculty of Spanish
celtic 5E03YM CELTIC Sub-Faculty of Celtic
portuguese 5E03YN PORTUGUESE Sub-Faculty of Portuguese
linguist 5E04E1 LIN PHIL & PHON Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics
classics 5E05BE CLASSICS Faculty of Classics
clas_arch 5E05YA AHIST & CLASARC Sub-Faculty of Ancient History and Classical Archaeology
clas_lang 5E05YC CLAS LANG & LIT Sub-Faculty of Classical Languages and Literature
philfac 5E06YD PHILOSOPHY Faculty of Philosophy
histfac 5E07CD HISTORY Faculty of History
music 5E08CG MUSIC Faculty of Music
orient 5E09CK ORIENTAL STDS Faculty of Oriental Studies
rsa 5E10GP RUSKIN SCHOOL Ruskin School of Art
theofac 5E11DX THEOLOGY Faculty of Theology and Religion
voltaire 5E13VF VOLTAIRE FOUND Voltaire Foundation
conted 7G01EQ CONT ED Department for Continuing Education


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