IAM service requests

Some service requests may be made through the Registration interface. There is a list of service requests that are available here.


The following additional service requests are available. Those which are not yet available as OSM service requests can be requested by e-mailing iam@it.ox.ac.uk.

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  • Create/Delete a /itss principal
  • Create/Delete host/, krbtgt/ and other service principals
  • Assign/Revoke management rights over a service principal to a /itss principal
  • Delete a webauth/ service principal
  • Assign/Revoke management rights over a webauth/ service principal to a /itss principal
  • Create/Delete an oak-ldap/ service principal
  • Assign/Revoke management rights over an oak-ldap/ service principal to a /itss principal
  • Grant/Revoke Oak Access to a webauth/ service principal
  • Change the level of an oak-ldap/ or webauth/ service principal's Oak access
  • Register/De-register a SAML Service Provider with the UK Access Management Federation
  • Release/Withdraw Oak LDAP attributes to a SAML Service Provider
  • Register/De-register for Web UI access
  • Register/De-register for REST Interface access
  • Request additional CUD attributes
  • Create/delete a cud/ service principal
  • Assign/Revoke management rights over a cud/ service principal to a /itss principal
  • Creation, administration and deletion of a CUD push (SQL, LDAP, SOAP)
  • Request access to Card photos via REST interface