Divisional Software Licensing Group (DSLG)

DSLG role and contacts

The Divisional Software Licensing Group (DSLG) is an advisory group that meets twice a year in MT (Michaelmas Term) and HT (Hilary Term) Week 0 with the ITS3 Team Manager as part of IT Services support for ITSS in the university. You can make suggestions ahead of these meetings to your divisional group representative.

DSLG representative's role

Your representative serves as a channel to the larger software interest group of IT Managers called the Divisional Software Licensing Group. They are voluntary and advisory. To this end, we regularly discuss the current site licence provision by providing an opportunity for a multiple divisional conversation, look for ways to serve the needs of site license users and where possible uncover divisional interest to justify the commitment of a site license. 

However, this group has no funding of its own and requires Divisional funding support for any new site licence consideration. The small historic budget is fully committed to the current site license provision found on the Software and Registration Download page.

Full details of what is available or coordinated from central IT Services are listed at How to get software. If it is not listed on this page your dept. may have purchased a product exclusively for its members' use. Please contact your finance team or IT Manager directly. There is a list of Local IT support staff.

Divisional Group Representatives

Humanities - Luka Milkovic - luka.milkovic@ames.ox.ac.uk

Medical Sciences - James Lewin - james.lewin@medsci.ox.ac.uk

MPLS - Paul Warren - paul.warren@mpls.ox.ac.uk

Social Sciences (interim) - John Mead - john.mead@socsci.ox.ac.uk

Colleges - Mark Norman - mark.norman@nuffield.ox.ac.uk

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