How to access multiple email accounts in one client

There is often no need to forward emails from your University account to a personal or external account to facilitate access to them because you can set up a consolidated view of multiple email accounts in the same client.  This allows you to manage both your University email account and your external and/or personal email account in a single place, easily navigating between multiple accounts.

Add an email account to Outlook

There are many different types of email accounts you can add to Outlook, including Microsoft 365, Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, and Exchange accounts.

General guidance on how to add an email account to Outlook is available from Microsoft Support. This includes:

The above instructions include how to add a Gmail account to Outlook, however, for specific instructions related to Gmail, you can also use these links:

Notice: Outlook on the web

It is not possible to add third-party accounts to Outlook on the web (