Overview: Linux service

The GNU/Linux service supports various computing tasks (academic and administrative) by providing a fully maintained GNU/Linux computing environment including a broad selection of relevant application software.

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The list of installed applications includes:

  • Email and Web clients
  • Text editing and typesetting tools (including LaTeX and various Postscript/PDF tools)
  • Mathematical software (including R)
  • Graphics editors (including GIMP, ImageMagick)
  • Software development tools (including compilers, interpreters, SCM clients, and debuggers)
  • X11 Windows subsystem

Your Linux shell account includes 250MB storage. This is accessible when logged into the system, or via SFTP.

This is separate from any quota associated with personal web pages, even though both are accessed through this service.

System information:

Attribute Specification
Architecture x64
CPU Intel Xeon E5, 32 cores
GPU No dedicated GPU