Survey advice service

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There are many different online survey tools out there, and it's not always easy to know where to start. We can give an overview of some key tools, talk through some of their strengths and weaknesses, and help you work out which one is the best option for your project. 

Topics we can advise on include:

  • Survey tools available via the University
  • What to think about if considering a third-party tool
  • Survey tool features
  • Information security and data protection
  • Cost

While it's always been important to ensure that survey data is treated properly, the arrival of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in May 2018 has raised the profile of this issue - and has tightened up the requirements.

If you're collecting data about people, or which is sensitive for any other reason, you'll need think through how you're going to handle it, so you can be sure you're doing everything that's needed. We can provide some pointers on what you need to consider, and on how to make staying compliant as straightforward as possible.

Guidance on data protection when running Surveys and focus groups is available from the central University Compliance team.

Sometimes it can be helpful to get someone else to cast an eye over your survey before you launch it. We're happy to look at a draft or preview version and provide some basic feedback: we'll look out for typos, glitches in the survey structure, or things that aren't clear.

We run regular free training sessions:

To check for upcoming dates or to book a place, visit the course pages.


If you'd like to meet to talk through your survey requirements, or if you have a question, please get in touch by emailing

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