Case Management super users

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Issue review and triage

Where possible, super users should assist other users with any Case Management issues and advise when a ticket with IT Services should be created.

Super users should make sure any support call contains the following details:

  • Their contact details
  • A brief description of the issue
  • A screenshot showing the issue
  • A screenshot of any error messages, if not shown already

If a super user does need to raise a support call they can go to Request for help using the subject: Case Management super user escalation

Advocate the use of advanced case management functions

Case Management has some more advanced functions that may or may not be useful for teams. These include:

  • Dashboards and reports
  • Word and email templates
  • Custom data views

Super users should familiarise themselves with these features, plus anything beyond these that they think their team could make use of, and encourage others in the team to use them. Please speak with IT Services if you would like more information about some of the advanced features mentioned. Most can be done with standard Case Management access but some, such as Word templates, require assistance from IT Services. You can contact the support team directly in the Case Management channel in Teams. To raise a support call, go to Request for help and use the subject: Case Management (followed by the function in question, such as dashboards, templates, data views etc.)

Disseminate Information

Super users should ensure information from IT Services about issues or changes to Case Management are shared with other users. Super users will be included in all relevant communications from the support team.

All super users have a Dynamics security role called Case Super User. This role gives the necessary access to Dynamics to carry out the following tasks.

Create new case categories

Case categories can be created by super users only and super users should be consulted if a new category needs to be created. Categories can also be edited and deleted by super users only.

Remove old contact records and account records

Case Worker, Case Manager, and Case Super User roles can create new contact records, but only the super user role can remove contact records. Contact records are used by the Case Concerning field on the case record.

All super users belong to a specific SharePoint group. This group gives the necessary access to SharePoint to carry out the following tasks.

Add new links to the sidebar

Super users can add links to the left-hand navigation bar on a Case Management SharePoint site. The links can allow users quick access to a specific document library (top-level folder), a specific folder, a specific file or even to an external website.

Add new document libraries

Super users can add new document libraries to a SharePoint site and manage permissions to those libraries. Document libraries are top-level folders that contain other folders or files.

Grant access to the SharePoint site

By default, Case Management users and non-Case Management users cannot see the Case Management SharePoint site; they only ever get access to see a specific case folder or in some cases a specific document library, such as the main case folder. Super users can grant permission to the whole SharePoint site to users which allows them to see the SharePoint home page and some of its content.

Access to a SharePoint site differs from access to a case folder in Case Management. For the most part, the Case Management system processes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 control the latter (barring any manual permission requests processed manually for external people) but the former can only be done by a Super User.

Once given, access to the SharePoint site allows the user to see the SharePoint home page. This can be useful if your team uses areas other than the main Case folder to store documents.

To grant this access, the super must follow these steps:

  1. Select the cog wheel icon   from the top-right side of the screen
  2. Select Site Permissions
  3. Select Advanced permissions settings
  4. Select the group you wish to add the user to:
  • For most users, they should be added to the ‘Visitors group’ as this will give them access to view the site but not edit anything
  • For some users (usually those who want control over the folder structure of the site or its appearance), they should be added to the Members group as this will give them access to edit the site
  • No one should be added to the owners group. This is reserved for IT staff and gives the user full control over the site
  1. Click the button labelled New
  2. Enter the user’s email address or type their name into the top box. You should see their name appear in a list as you type. Select them from the list
  3. Click the ‘Share’ button. This will grant them access to the group and send them an email notification to let them know. If you do not want to send them a notification, select Show Options and untick Send an email notification

When the steps have been completed, the user will have access the SharePoint home page. 

Inherited vs Unique Permissions

When a document library (top-level folders) is created on a SharePoint site it will inherit permissions setup at the site level. This means that whoever has access to the site will, by inheritance, have access to the document library. Some document libraries such as the main case document library break the inheritance and have unique permission. This means that even if a user has access at the site level, they may not be able to see a document library if it has unique permissions. The only way to see a document library with unique permission is to be given access to it in addition to any other access. In addition to the Case document library, all individual case folders within it will also have unique permissions set primarily by the Case Management system. This is to ensure access to those case folders are kept to a minimum and only those people who have been authorised to have access to folder can do so.

Add permissions to a case folder via Dynamics or directly in SharePoint?

Adding, updating or removing access to a case folder should be done in Dynamics using the share function. Adding permissions to a case folder should only be done in SharePoint when the person is not a Case Management user (an external person).

Amending folder permissions

Though not just the responsibility of the super user, it is important to note that permission to a folder especially a folder containing sensitive information should be managed carefully. When necessary, permission to a folder may no longer be needed and therefore should be removed. Super users and other users should ensure that any permission granted via Dynamics, to the Read Only, Read Edit and Read Edit Delete teams, is removed via Dynamics. Any permission granted in SharePoint, for non-Case Management users, should be removed via SharePoint. 

Super users are encouraged to arrange a super user forum with other super users.

A super user forum is an opportunity for the super users from each Case Management team to meet and discuss, among other things:

  • System issues and how they have worked around it
  • Best practices and tips for getting the most out of Case Management
  • Changes they would like to see in the system

The forum should consist of the super users from each Case Management team and ideally someone from the IT support team to log issues and make a note of potential changes.

The forum should decide on the frequency of the meetings but a suggestion would be to meet once a term.

Student Administration:

  • James Tibbert

Legal Services Office:

  • Gemma Jacobs

Education Policy Support:

  • Susan Brace
  • Tahmina Choudery

Proctors Office:

  • Maya Bindasova 

Owner permissions not updated

Bug reference: 67605
If a user shares a SharePoint folder with a user and then shares the case record in Dynamics, the logic apps will not update the permissions on the SharePoint folder. This is likely because it simply checks to see if that person already has access and if so the remaining logic is bypassed. This should not happen, as the correct and supported way of sharing a case folder with another user is to first share the case with them in Dynamics. The only time the SharePoint folder *should* be shared is if the person it is being shared with does not have access to the Case Management system in Dynamics. 

Cases can't be repointed manually

Bug reference: 68444
In the previous Case Management solution, users were able to alter the field 'SharePoint URL' which meant that they were able to move SharePoint folders to a different location and repoint a case record there. With the new logic app solution, that field is no longer available and thus the ability to repoint a case record at a different location is no longer possible. Moving files within SharePoint is still permitted, though doing so will lose the connection between the case and the SharePoint folder.  

Disassociating an email from a case does not remove files

Bug reference: 68472
When an email is converted to a case or associated with an existing case, any attachments are associated with the case and saved into SharePoint. When an email is disassociated from a case, that email's attachments are *not* removed from it. The user will need to manually remove the files from the case and from the SharePoint folder (or delete the SharePoint folder that was created by associating the email)

Random characters appearing at the end of folder name

Bug reference: 68318
Certain files, when uploaded into SharePoint, will contain random characters appended to the end of the filename. This does not affect the functionality of the system and the file can be opened normally; this simply looks messy and confusing for the user. 

Error message when selecting 'Attach Case Files'

Bug reference: 68473
When selecting the 'Attach Case Files' button, the user will sometimes receive an error message titled 'Case Documents Error'. The message will contain technical details of the error, which will be of no use to the user. There is no known workaround for this issue. 

Extra characters added to folder name when name over 95 characters

Bug reference: 68767
Folder names that are longer than 95 characters are being unexpectedly altered by the system. After saving a case with 95 characters or more and clicking the Documents tab, a folder with the same name is created in SharePoint. The folder name contains a series of random characters appended to the end. This does not affect the functionality of the SharePoint folder. 

Changing user's Business Unit to a Case Management one does not add them back into the relevant team

Bug reference: 69200
Based on the original requirement, when a BU is changed to a non-Case Management BU, then all the SharePoint group permissions are removed, the inverse is not true. So if a user associated with the correct teams is moved back into a Case Management Business Unit (a Business unit whose parent Business Unit is 'Case Management'), their users is not added to the relevant SharePoint groups in SharePoint.

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