CUD attribute name | Data type | Description of data | Examples or links to list of values |
cud:uas_sits:titl_cd | String | Title | Mr, Miss, Ms, Mrs, Dr |
cud:uas_sits:frnm1 | String | First name | Joseph, Jane |
cud:uas_sits:surnm | String | Last name | Bloggs |
cud:uas_sits:known_as | String | Preferred name | Jane |
cud:uas_sits:initials | String | Initials | JJB |
cud:uas_sits:gnd | String | Gender | F/M |
cud:uas_sits:gnd_name | String | Female, Male | Female, Male |
cud:uas_sits:dob | String | Date of Birth | YYYYMMDD |
cud:uas_sits:dom_cd | String | Domicile Code | XF |
cud:uas_sits:dom_hesa_cd | String | Domicile HESA Code | XX4 |
cud:uas_sits:dom_name | String | Domicile Name | England |
cud:uas_sits:rout_cd | String | Route Code | see course-codes |
cud:uas_sits:rout_name | String | Route Name | see course-codes |
cud:uas_sits:award_aim | String | Award aim complete (Yes, No) | Y/N |
cud:uas_sits:course_block | String | Year of the course | 1, 2, 3 |
cud:uas_sits:course_join_status | String | Course Join Status | see course-status |
cud:uas_sits:course_status | String | Course Status | see course-status |
cud:uas_sits:crs_exp_end_dt | String | Course Expected end date | YYYYMMDD |
cud:uas_sits:crs_start_dt | String | Course Start date | YYYYMMDD |
cud:uas_sits:unit_set_cd | String | Unit Set Code | 1, 2, 3 |
cud:uas_sits:mode_of_attendance | String | Full time (FT) or part-time (PT) | FT/PT |
cud:uas_sits:dept_cd | String | Administering Department Code | see dept-codes |
cud:uas_sits:co_owning_dept_code | List | Co-Owning Department/s - where applicable | see dept-codes |
cud:uas_sits:div_cd | String | 2-digit Division Code | 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E, 7G |
cud:uas_sits:div_desc | String | Division name | Medical Sciences, Social Sciences, MPLS (Maths, Physical & Life Sciences), Humanities, Continuing Education |
cud:uas_sits:college_cd | String | College code | see college-codes |
cud:uas_sits:application_dept_codes | List | Department(s) to where applications have been made | see dept-codes |
cud:uas_sits:application_college_codes | List | College(s) to where applications have been made | see college-codes |
CUD attributes - SITS
SITS data
When requesting access to view these attributes, you will need to specify a use case and permission would need to be granted by your unit or college's Information Custodian as to the appropriateness of the request. In the event of a request for access to SITS attributes, the IAM team would contact the relevant Information Custodian for approval.
The SITS data in CUD is rich. There is a high-level 'simplified' record that contains the more usually requested attributes, such as current status, college, route code. The fuller, richer SITS data exists as nested attributes and are not visible in the UI directly. For those data it is necessary to download as XML or JSON in order to view the nested data.
The SITS data is markedly different to OSS. See the code translation sections for the lists of values available.
There are SITS attributes that are the equivalent of the previous OSS attributes, though the values will be different in most cases. See the lists of values below.
However SITS do include some legacy OSS values in their data set for students and these are indicated in the following table too.
Description | Old OSS | SITS | Legacy values provided by SITS |
Foreign Key ID | cud:fk:oss_student_number | cud:fk:sits_student_code | |
Course name | cud:uas_oss:progshorttitle | cud:uas_sits:rout_name | cud:uas_sits:oss_code |
Course code | cud:uas_oss:progcode | cud:uas_sits:rout_cd | |
Course type | cud:uas_oss:progtype | cud:uas_sits:crs_level | |
Course attempt status | cud:uas_oss:prog_attmpt_status | cud:uas_sits:scj_status_name |
The richer, nested data are:
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
cud:uas_sits:contact_details | List | Contains all Person Contact Details | |
Type | String | Describes what type of contact detail | Phone, Email |
SubType | String | Defines type | Mobile, Home, Oxford Email, Other Email |
Value | String | Contact detail e.g. email address, phone number | - |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
cud:uas_sits:nationalities | List | Contains all Person Nationalities | |
NatCd | String | 1 to 3 Digit code for each known nationality | 0, 771 |
NatName | String | Full Nationality name | United Kingdom, United States of America |
NatStartDt | String | Where known date the nationality is valid from | YYYYMMDD |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
cud:uas_sits:addresses | List | Contains all known Person Home, Correspondence & term-time addresses | |
AddressSeq | String | Incrementing number identifying the Address in the sequence of addresses | 0001, 0002, 0003, ... |
AddressTyp | String | Code Given to Address Type | H = Home, C = Correspondence, T = Term-Time |
Line1 | String | 1st Line of Address | |
Line2 | String | 2nd Line of Address | |
Line3 | String | 3rd Line of Address | |
Line4 | String | 4th Line of Address - Town or City | |
Line5 | String | 5th Line of Address - County or State | |
City | String | Populated when not in Line4 | |
PostCode | String | Post/Zip Code | |
State | String | Populated when not in Line5 | |
County | String | Populated when not in Line6 | |
AddressCtryCd | String | 1 to 3 Digit code | 0, 771 |
AddressCtryDesc | String | Full country name | United Kingdom, United States of America |
PrimaryFlag | String | Has this address been flagged as primary | Y, N, NULL |
AddressEmail | String | Email address supplied for that address | |
TelNo | String | Telephone number supplied for that address | |
MobileNo | String | Mobile number supplied for that address | |
Confirmed | String | Address Status | H = Historical, C = Current, F = Future |
LastUpdateDt | String | Date address was last updated | YYYYMMDD |
AddressEntity | String | Record type address is associated with | STU |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
cud:uas_sits:qualifications | List | Contains all known qualifications studied prior to Oxford Study | |
QualCode | String | Code assigned to qualification type | A1, A-LEVEL |
QualDesc | String | Description of Qualification | Advanced Subsidiary, Speech and Drama Exam Grade 8 |
QualYear | String | Date achieved | YYYY |
PredictedResult | String | Qualification predicted result | A, A*, B, |
ClaimedResult | String | Qualification claimed result | A, A*, B, |
ApprovedResult | String | Final result of qualification | A, A*, B, |
AwdBody | String | 4 to 6 digit code - a qualification's awarding body - where no AwdBodyDescUCAS exists | 1234, 123456 |
AwdBodyDesc | String | Description of a qualification's awarding body - where no AwdBodyDescUCAS exists | AQA |
AwdBodyDescUCAS | String | UCAS description for qualification's awarding body - in full | AQA |
QualSitting | String | qualification Exam sitting | S, NULL |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
SubjCode | String | 4 to 6 digit alphanumeric code related to a qualification | A100, PHYS-A |
SubjDesc | String | Description of Subject - where known |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
cud:uas_sits:external_ids | List | Contains all known IDs | |
ExtId | String | ID content | Dependent in ExtIDType |
ExtIdType | String | Named ID | HUSID, SSN_NO, CARD NUMB, OXFORDUSER |
ExtIdStartDt | String | Date ID is valid from - where applicable | YYYYMMDD |
ExtIdEndDt | String | Date ID Expires - where applicable | YYYYMMDD |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
Student | List | Details of Student | |
StudentNumber | string | 6 or 7-digit numeric SITS Code for student | 123456 |
LastInstit | string | Where applicable - code for last institute studied at | |
StudentEndDt | string | End date of current course | YYYYMMDD |
ProvMatricDt | string | Expected matriculation date | YYYYMMDD |
MatricDt | string | Actual matriculation date | YYYYMMDD |
Fresher | string | Is Fresher | Y, N |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
Suspensions | List | Details of all suspensions during a student's career cycle | |
SuspendStrDt | String | Start date of suspension | YYYYMMDD |
SuspendEndDt | String | End date of suspension | YYYYMMDD |
SuspendSeq | String | Sequence of a suspension | 1,2 |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
Enrolments | List | Details of each Enrolment a student has undertaken - One Enrolment per Program of Study | |
Code | String | Student's StudentNumber plus sequential number to denote each Enrolment and sequence | 123456/1, 123456/2 |
Status | String | The overall status of the student | enrolled, Suspended |
SCJStage | String | Student Course Join Stage - stage of Student career cycle | STUDENT, FRESHER |
SCJSequence | String | Student Course Join Sequence - sequential number denotes order of enrolments based on SCJ e.g. 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd | 1, 2 |
CrsStartDt | String | Program of study start date | YYYYMMDD |
CrsExpEndDt | String | Program of study expected end date | YYYYMMDD |
CrsEndDt | String | Program of study actual end date | YYYYMMDD |
CollegeCd | String | Code for College at which program of study takes place | See college codes |
CollegeName | String | Full name of College at which program of study takes place | See college codes |
SCJStatusCd | String | 4 digit code for student's Student Course Join status | See course status |
SCJStatusName | String | Description of student's Student Course Join status | See course status |
SprStatusCd | String | 4 digit code for student's Student Program Route status | See course status |
SprStatusName | String | Description student's Student Program Route status | See course status |
AwardAim | String | Award Successfully completed? | Y/N |
ModeOfAttendance | String | Whether program of study is full-time or part-time | FT/PT |
CrsLength | String | Course length in years | 1, 2 , 3, 4 |
CrsTotalYears | String | Actual number of years studied | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
FinalYear | String | Year program of study completes | YYYY |
ExpEndTerm | String | Academic Year and term program of study expended to complete | YYYY/YY TT |
EntryYear | String | Academic Year program of study starts | YYYY/YY |
StartTerm | String | Academic term program of study starts | ACADM/H/T |
HESAStartDate | String | Start date reported to HESA | YYYYMMDD |
Progress | String | Progression - final outcome | |
DiscontinReasonCd | String | 2 Digit alphanumeric Code for Discontinuation Reason | 01, MP |
TrnsfFromSCJCd | String | "code" of course from 1st column of Enrolments from which student has transferred | 123456/1 |
TrnsfToSCJCd | String | "code" of course from 1st column of Enrolments to which student has transferred | 123456/2 |
TrnsfFromCrsCd | String | Alphanumeric Program of Study code from which the student has transferred | See course codes |
TrnsfFromCrsName | String | Description of student's Program of Study from which the student has transferred | See course codes |
TrnsfToCrsCd | String | Alphanumeric Program of Study code to which the student has transferred | See course codes |
TrnsfToCrsName | String | Description of student's Program of Study to which the student has transferred | See course codes |
TrnsfToDt | String | Date Student transferrd to new course | YYYYMMDD |
AltnFeeEntryYear | String | Alternate Fee Entry year | YYYY/YY |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
AwdProg | List | Details of each Program of Study a student has undertaken - One EnrolAwdProg per Enrolment | |
code | String | Student's StudentNumber plus sequential number to denote each Enrolment and sequence | 123456/1, 123456/2 |
AwdCd | String | Type of Award being studied | BA, MST, MPHIL, DPHIL |
AwdName | String | Full name of award being studied | Bachelor of Arts |
CrsCd | String | Alphanumeric CRS (Course) Code for Program of Study | UA_ZPLW1 |
CrsName | String | CRS name for Program of Study | Philosophy, Politics and Economics |
CrsShortName | String | CRS short name for Program of Study | BA PPE |
RoutCd | String | Alphanumeric ROU (Route) Code for Program of Study | UA_ZPLW1 |
RoutName | String | ROU name for Program of Study | BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics |
OSSCode | String | 6 digit numeric legacy code for program of study | 123456 |
PrgCd | String | Alphanumeric PRG (Program) Code for Program of Study | UA_ZPLW1 |
UCASCode | String | UCAS Code for program of study - where applicable | L0V0 |
Finalist | String | Is the student a "Finalist" | Y/N |
CrsLevel | String | Undergraduate or Postgraduate | UGRAD, PGRAD_T, PGRAD_R |
DateAwdConferred | String | Date that the Award is conferred to student | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
DegreeCeremonyStatusName | String | Status from Enrolment Table | Enrolled, Suspended |
DegreeCeremonyCd | String | Degree ceremony code allocated to student | A130622AM |
DegreeCeremonyDt | String | Date of Degree Ceremony | YYYYMMDD |
DegreeCeremonyCollegeCd | String | Student's College code | MER |
DegreeCeremonyCourseCd | String | Alphanumeric CRS (Course) Code for Program of Study | UA_ZPLW1 |
DegreeCeremonyAwardCd | String | Type of Award being studied | BA, MST, MPHIL, DPHIL |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
YearsOfAwdProg | List | Details of each Year of each Program of Study - One or more YearsOfAwdProg per Enrolment and EnrolAwdProg | |
code | String | Student's StudentNumber plus sequential number to denote each Enrolment and sequence | 12345/1, 12345/2 |
SCESequence | String | Student Course Enrolment Sequence - sequential number denotes order of SCEs e.g. 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd (1 SCE for each year studied) | 1, 2, 3 |
SCEStatusCd | String | 4 digit code for student's Student Course Enrolment status | E_ER |
SCEStatusDesc | String | Description of student's Student Course Enrolment status | Ready to Enrol (Continuer) |
SCEStatusUpdateDt | String | Date SCE status was updated | YYYYMMDD |
Occur | String | 2 digit code Term SCE commenced | MT, HT, TT |
AttendModeCd | String | 2 digit code Full-Time or Part-Time Attendance Mode | FT/PT |
AttendModeDesc | String | Description Full-Time or Part-Time Attendance Mode | Full-time or Part-time |
DeptCd | String | 6 digit alphanumeric code for administrative department | 3C03XX |
DeptName | String | Full name of administrative department | Faculty of Law |
DeptShortName | String | Short name of administrative department | Law Faculty |
FeeStatusCd | String | Single digit code for fee status | H, E, O |
DivCd | String | 2 Digit alphanumeric code for Division | 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E |
UnitSetCd | String | Year of course | 1, 2, 3 |
FeesDesc | String | Fee status Description | Home, EU, Overseas |
ExternalLocCd | String | Student Attendance Type code | Z |
ExternalLocDesc | String | Student Attendance Type description | At institution or a partner for whole year |
Block | String | Year of Course | 1, 2, 3 |
DivDesc | String | Description for Division | Humanities |
TuitionFeeValue | String | Gross value of fee expected to be paid by the student | 9000 |
FeeDueDt | String | Date Fee is due to have been paid | YYYYMMDD |
AcademicYear | String | This is the academic year for that particular "Block" or "Unit Set Code" | YYYY/YY |
FundingType | String | 2 Digit code for type of funding for course | 01, 12 |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
YearsOfAwdProg | List | Details of each Year of each Program of Study - One or more YearsOfAwdProg per Enrolment and EnrolAwdProg | |
code | String | Student's StudentNumber plus sequential number to denote each Enrolment and sequence | 12345/1, 12345/2 |
SCESequence | String | Student Course Enrolment Sequence - sequential number denotes order of SCEs e.g. 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd (1 SCE for each year studied) | 1, 2, 3 |
SCEStatusCd | String | 4 digit code for student's Student Course Enrolment status | E_ER |
SCEStatusDesc | String | Description of student's Student Course Enrolment status | Ready to Enrol (Continuer) |
SCEStatusUpdateDt | String | Date SCE status was updated | YYYYMMDD |
Occur | String | 2 digit code Term SCE commenced | MT, HT, TT |
AttendModeCd | String | 2 digit code Full-Time or Part-Time Attendance Mode | FT/PT |
AttendModeDesc | String | Description Full-Time or Part-Time Attendance Mode | Full-time or Part-time |
DeptCd | String | 6 digit alphanumeric code for administrative department | 3C03XX |
DeptName | String | Full name of administrative department | Faculty of Law |
DeptShortName | String | Short name of administrative department | Law Faculty |
FeeStatusCd | String | Single digit code for fee status | H, E, O |
DivCd | String | 2 Digit alphanumeric code for Division | 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E |
UnitSetCd | String | Year of course | 1, 2, 3 |
FeesDesc | String | Fee status Description | Home, EU, Overseas |
ExternalLocCd | String | Student Attendance Type code | Z |
ExternalLocDesc | String | Student Attendance Type description | At institution or a partner for whole year |
Block | String | Year of Course | 1, 2, 3 |
DivDesc | String | Description for Division | Humanities |
TuitionFeeValue | String | Gross value of fee expected to be paid by the student | 9000 |
FeeDueDt | String | Date Fee is due to have been paid | YYYYMMDD |
AcademicYear | String | This is the academic year for that particular "Block" or "Unit Set Code" | YYYY/YY |
FundingType | String | 2 Digit code for type of funding for course | 01, 12 |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
Co-OwningDepartments | List | Details of Departments which Co-Own a course of study - where applicable | |
CoOwnDptCd | String | 6 digit alphanumeric code for Co_Owning Department | 3C03XX |
CoOwnDptDesc | String | Full name of Co_Owning department | Faculty of Law |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
Supervisions | List | Details of Supervisors/College Advisors related to a student | |
PersonCode | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's 8 digit PRS Code in SITS | C0123456 |
SuperTitlCd | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's Title Code | Mr, Ms. Dr. Prof. |
SuperTitlDesc | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's Full Title | Professor |
SuperFrnm1 | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's First name | |
SuperFrnm2 | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's Middle name/names | |
SuperSrnm | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's Surname | |
SuperFullName | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's Full name | |
SuperSrtDt | String | Date Supervisor/College Advisor's relationship starts | YYYYMMDD |
SuperEndDt | String | Date Supervisor/College Advisor's relationship ends | YYYYMMDD |
SuperSupCode | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's 8 digit PRS Code in SITS | C0123456 |
SuperExtId | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's Oxford username | ABCD1234 |
SuperDeptCd | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's 6 Digit Alphnumeric Dept code | 3C03XX |
SuperDeptName | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's Department Description | Faculty of Law |
SuperDeptShortName | String | Short name of Supervisor/College Advisor's department | Law Faculty |
SuperTypeCd | String | Code denoting Supervisor or College Advisor | SUPER or COLLADV |
SuperTypeName | String | Supervisor or College Advisor | Supervisor or College Advisor |
SuperEmail | String | Supervisor/College Advisor's email address |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
AssessmentsEntered | List | Details of ReAssessments | |
Code | String | Student's StudentNumber plus sequential number to denote each Enrolment and sequence | 123456/1 |
Reassessment | String | ReAssesment required? | Y/N |
Thesis Research Degree
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
ThesisResearchDegree | List | Details of Theses, Reaserch and Degree classes | |
ResCouncilId | String | 7 Digit Alphanumeric Research Council ID | W12W907 |
ResearchTitle | String | Full Title of Research | |
ThesisStatus | String | Status of Thesis submission | PENDING or SUBMITTED |
ThesisFinalInd | String | Is the Thesis final | Y/N |
ThesisRsltCd | String | Code denoting result for Thesis | |
ThesisRsltDesc | String | Description of result | |
ThesisRsltDt | String | Date of thesis result | YYYYMMDD |
ThesisSubmitDt | String | Date of thesis submission | YYYYMMDD |
ThesisResubmissionDt | String | Date of thesis resubmission | YYYYMMDD |
ThesisMaxSubmitDt | String | Maximum date at which thesis can be submitted | YYYYMMDD |
YearOutcome | String | Outcome of year | |
DegreeClassCd | String | Code denoting degree class attained | |
DegreeClassName | String | Full name of degree calss attained |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
AppliedCollDept | List | College/Dept applied to | |
application_dept_code | String | 6 Digit Alphnumeric Dept code applied to | 3C03XX |
application_college_code | String | College code applied to | LMH |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
Applicant | List | Details of Application | |
ApplicantCode | String | 6 digit numeric code unique to applicant | 123456 |
ApplicantNumber | String | 6 digit numeric code in OSS & SITS | 123456 |
Application | List | Details of Theses, Reaserch and Degree classes | |
OSSCourseCd | String | 6 Digit legacy course code from OSS | 123456 |
ApplyCollCd | String | College code applied to | See college lookups sheets |
ApplyCollName | String | Full Name of college applied to | See college lookups sheets |
StartDt | String | Start date for application | YYYYMMDD |
EndDt | String | End date for application | YYYYMMDD |
YearOfProg | String | YEAR1 | YEAR1 |
OutComeStatus | String | Final Outcome of Application | GRAD_OFFER, UG_UNCOND |
OfferResponse | String | Response to University Contract | NOT-REQ, PENDING, UG-UFIRM, CONT_SENT |
ApplyAttendModeCd | String | In Oxford - Year Abroad | 1/YA |
ApplyAttendTypeCd | String | Full or Part Time | FT/PT |
ApplyFeeStatusCd | String | Fee status code | H,O,E, Q |
FeeStatusName | String | Full name of Fee Status | Home, European Union, Overseas, Query |
AcadCal | String | Academic year & Term for application | 1415ACYR1M |
CollegeOffer | String | Offer college has made to applicant | ACCEPT, NULL |
ApplStatus | String | Current status of application | Contract Sent, Place accepted |
PrgAtmptStatus | String | Program Attempt Status | Please see coursestatus lookup sheet |
Data Item | Details | Examples | |
AwdProg | List | Details of course applied to | |
AwdCd | String | Type of Award being studied | BA, MST, MPHIL, DPHIL |
AwdName | String | Full name of award being studied | Bachelor of Arts |
CrsCd | String | Alphanumeric CRS (Course) Code for Program of Study | UA_ZPLW1 |
CrsName | String | CRS name for Program of Study | Philosophy, Politics and Economics |
RoutCd | String | Alphanumeric ROU (Route) Code for Program of Study | UA_ZPLW1 |
RoutName | String | ROU name for Program of Study | BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics |
OSSCode | String | 6 digit numeric legacy code for program of study | 123456 |
PrgCd | String | Alphanumeric PRG (Program) Code for Program of Study | UA_ZPLW1 |
PrgName | String | Description for Program | BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics |
CrsLevel | String | Undergraduate or Postgraduate | UGRAD, PGRAD_T, PGRAD_R |
AdminDeptCd | String | 6 digit aphanumeric code for administrative department | 3C03XX |
AdminDeptName | String | Full name of administrative department | Faculty of Law |
AdminDivCd | String | 2 Digit alphanumeric code for Division | 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E |
AdminDivName | String | Description for Division | Humanities |
The OSS attribute was cud:uas_oss:prog_attmpt_status
The SITS attribute for status code is cud:uas_sits:scj_status_cd, with its description in cud:uas_sits:scj_status_name.
OSS Status | Additional OSS condition (never held in CUD? Delete this column?) | SCJ and SPR codes | Code on latest SCE | Code on earlier SCEs - E_CB (completed block) in most cases | Status Description |
LAPSED | E_WD | E_WD | E_CB | Withdrawn | |
COMPLETED | NOMINATED_COMPLETION_PERD in IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT_SV is not null | E_CC | E_CB | E_CB | Completed - Conferred |
COMPLETED | NOMINATED_COMPLETION_PERD in IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT_SV is null | E_CL | E_CB | E_CB | Completed - Leave to supplicate |
DISCONTIN | discontinuation_reason-cd = M_TRANSFER or P_TRANSFER or LGY_TRNSFR | E_TP | E_TP | E_CB | Transferred programme |
DISCONTIN | Any other discontinuation_reason-cd | E_WD | E_WD | E_CB | Withdrawn |
Function xxigsp0128.GET_THE_SUBMISSION_DT (spa.person_id, cand.SEQUENCE_NUMBER, spa.course_cd) returns a value | E_AT | E_AT applies only at the SCJ/SPR level; for SCE follow the appropriate rule below | E_CB | Submitted - PGR |
current IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB record exists with encumbrance_type R_CENTRAL | E_RA | E_RA | E_CB | Awaiting Decision (or Referred to Admin) |
ENROLLED | current IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB record exists with encumbrance_type PGCE HOLD | E_EP | E_EP | n/a | Provisionally Enrolled |
ENROLLED | and none of the other conditions above apply | E_EE | E_EE | E_CB | Enrolled |
INACTIVE | Most recent progression_outcome_type in IGS_PR_STDNT_PR_OU for the student's most recent SUSA is INCOM AND student has at least one IGS_AS_SU_STMPTOUT record for the same year as the progresion outcome, with a grade of PND, and this is the most recent outcome for the assessment unit. |
E_AP | E_AP | E_CB | Results Pending |
INACTIVE | No record exists in IGS_AS_SC_ATTEMPT_H for student/course combination OR (No record exists in IGS_AS_SC_ATTEMPT_H for student/course combination with course_attempt-status = ENROLLED AND commencement_dt > sysdate+100) |
E_EF | E_EF | n/a | Ready to Enrol (Fresher) |
INACTIVE | No record exists in IGS_AS_SC_ATTEMPT_H for student/course combination AND current IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB record exists with encumbrance_type PGCE HOLD | E_EX | E_EX | E_CB | Ready to enrol (Provisional) |
INACTIVE | Record exists in IGS_AS_SC_ATTEMPT_H for student/course combination with course_attempt-status = ENROLLED AND at least one unit attempt IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT record exists for the latest academic calendar |
E_EE | E_ER | E_CB | Ready to Enrol (returner) |
INACTIVE | igs_en_stdnt_ps_intm records exist for the SPA, and end_dt in the most recent is earlier than today but falls within the latest academic calendar | E_SO | E_SO | E_CB | Suspended - return overdue |
INACTIVE | and none of the other conditions above is met | M_INAC | M_INAC | E_CB | See sheet Unidentified status - investigation of M_INAC results may yield more rules to identify these |
INTERMIT | intermission_type in the current IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_INTM like 'ACADEMIC%' AND intermission end-date is: for MT starters, 29 April for HT starters, 30 Oct for TT starters, 30 Jan AND Class standing is RE-ASSESSMENT |
E_SA | E_SA | E_CB | Although Senior Tutors wanted to show students returning for assessment only as simply "Suspended" we can justify a distinct status code for system operational reasons, provided we are careful about wording. |
INTERMIT | and conditions above do not apply | E_SS | E_SS | E_CB | Suspended |
The SITS college codes are used in CUD affiliations.
OSS Code | College | SITS:Vision code | Current? |
ALL-S | All Souls College | ALL | Y |
BALL | Balliol College | BAL | Y |
BLACKF | Blackfriars | BKF | Y |
BNC | Brasenose College | BNC | Y |
CAMP | Campion Hall | CAM | Y |
CCC | Corpus Christi College | CCC | Y |
CH-CH | Christ Church | CCH | Y |
EXETER | Exeter College | EXT | Y |
GREEN | Green College | GRN | N |
GREYF | Greyfriars | GRY | N |
GTC | Green Templeton College | GTC | Y |
H-MAN | Harris Manchester College | HAR | Y |
HERT | Hertford College | HTF | Y |
JESUS | Jesus College | JES | Y |
KEBLE | Keble College | KBL | Y |
KELL | Kellogg College | KEL | Y |
LINA | Linacre College | LNR | Y |
LINC | Lincoln College | LIN | Y |
LMH | Lady Margaret Hall | LMH | Y |
MAGD | Magdalen College | MAG | Y |
MANS | Mansfield College | MAN | Y |
MERT | Merton College | MER | Y |
NEW | New College | NEW | Y |
NO_COLL | No College | NOC | Y |
NUFF | Nuffield College | NUF | Y |
ORIEL | Oriel College | ORL | Y |
PEMB | Pembroke College | PBK | Y |
QUEENS | The Queen's College | QNS | Y |
REGENT | Regent's Park College | RPK | Y |
REWLEY | Not known - for migration purposes only | UU | N |
RIPON | Ripon College Cuddesdon | RPN | Y |
S-ANNE | St Anne's College | SAN | Y |
S-ANT | St Antony's College | SAT | Y |
S-BEN | St Benet's Hall | SBE | Y |
S-CATS | St Catherine's College | SCA | Y |
S-CR | St Cross College | SCR | Y |
S-HIL | St Hilda's College | SHI | Y |
S-HUGH | St Hugh's College | SHU | Y |
S-JOHN | St John's College | SJO | Y |
S-PET | St Peter's College | SPE | Y |
S-STE | St Stephen's House | SST | Y |
SEH | St Edmund Hall | SED | Y |
SOMER | Somerville College | SOM | Y |
TEMP | Templeton College | TEM | N |
TRIN | Trinity College | TRI | Y |
UNIV | University College | UNI | Y |
UU | Not known - for migration purposes only | UU | N |
WADH | Wadham College | WAD | Y |
WOLF | Wolfson College | WOL | Y |
WORC | Worcester College | WOR | Y |
WYCL | Wycliffe Hall | WYC | Y |
PPH | Permanent Private Hall - for admissions purposes | PPH | N |
HOLD | Not known - for migration purposes only | UU | N |
OPEN | Open College Application - for admissions purposes | OPN | N |
Departmental codes are also used in CUD affiliations for students; the co-owning department of a student's course.
See also: cud:uas_sits:dept_cd, cud:uas_sits:dept_desc in a student's CUD attribute.
OSS Code | Department | SITS:Vision Code |
00 | University of Oxford | 00 |
2B00 | Medical Sciences Division | 2B00D2 |
2B02 | NDM | 2B02XX |
2B04 | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | 2B04HE |
2B05 | NDORMS | 2B05XX |
2B06 | Surgical Sciences | 2B06HJ |
2B10 | Pathology Dunn School | 2B10BV |
2B11 | Pharmacology | 2B11BW |
CQNE | Neuroscience | 2B12CQ |
2B12 | Experimental Psychology | 2B12XX |
2B17 | Clinical Neurosciences | 2B17HM |
2B18 | Paediatrics | 2B18XX |
2B19 | Psychiatry | 2B19HQ |
2B25 | Biochemistry | 2B25AL |
2B27 | Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics | 2B27AV |
2B28 | Doctoral Training Centre - MSD | 2B28BS |
2B29 | Public Health | 2B29XX |
2B30 | Primary Care | 2B30BZ |
2B34 | Oncology | 2B34AN |
AN | Oncology | 2B34AN |
H3 | Radiation Oncology and Biology | 2B34H3 |
H4 | Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 2B35H4 |
HS | Cardiovascular Medicine | 2B35HS |
2B35 | RDM | 2B35XX |
MB | Russian & East European Stud | 3C01MB |
MH | African Studies | 3C01MH |
MJ | Japanese Studies | 3C01MJ |
MP | Latin American Centre | 3C01MP |
MR | Contemporary Chinese Studies | 3C01MR |
MT | South Asian Studies | 3C01MT |
3C02 | Education | 3C02EP |
JG | Centre for Criminology | 3C03JG |
3C03 | Law | 3C03XX |
3C04 | Said Business School | 3C04MQ |
3C05 | Politics & Int Relations | 3C05CT |
3C06 | Social Policy and Intervention | 3C06CV |
3C07 | Economics | 3C07CU |
3C08 | Sociology | 3C08CY |
3C09 | Oxford Internet Institute | 3C09CZ |
3C10 | International Development | 3C10VG |
AE | Social & Cultural Anthropology | 3C11AE |
ME | Human Sciences Institute | 3C11ME |
3C12 | SOGE | 3C12XX |
3C13 | Archaeology | 3C13XX |
3C16 | Blavatnik School of Government | 3C16LE |
DH | Inorganic Chemistry | 4D02DH |
DM | Organic Chemistry | 4D02DM |
DN | Physical & Theoretical Chem | 4D02DN |
DQ | Chemical Biology | 4D02DQ |
4D02 | Chemistry | 4D02XX |
4D03 | Earth Sciences | 4D03DG |
4D04 | Engineering Science | 4D04DF |
4D05 | Department of Materials | 4D05DJ |
4D06 | Mathematical Institute | 4D06BK |
DB | Astrophysics | 4D07DB |
DC | Atmos Ocean & Planet Physics | 4D07DC |
4D07 | Physics | 4D07DE |
DK | Condensed Matter Physics | 4D07DK |
DL | Particle Physics | 4D07DL |
DR | Theoretical Physics | 4D07DR |
DU | Atomic & Laser Physics | 4D07DU |
4D08 | Computer Science | 4D08BL |
4D09 | Statistics | 4D09AM |
4D10 | Plant Sciences | 4D10AP |
4D11 | Zoology | 4D11AT |
4D13 | Doctoral Training Centre - MPLS | 4D13DD |
H5 | Human Genetics WT Centre | 4D13DD |
5E02 | English Faculty | 5E02AX |
5E03 | Medieval & Modern Lang Fac | 5E03CA |
5E04 | Ling Philology & Phonetics Faculty | 5E04E1 |
5E05 | Classics Faculty | 5E05BE |
YA | Ancient Hist & Classical Arch | 5E05YA |
YC | Classical Languages & Lit | 5E05YC |
5E06 | Philosophy Faculty | 5E06YD |
5E07 | History Faculty | 5E07CD |
5E08 | Music Faculty | 5E08CG |
5E09 | Oriental Studies Faculty | 5E09CK |
5E10 | Ruskin School of Drawing | 5E10GP |
5E11 | Theology Faculty | 5E11DX |
7G01 | Continuing Education | 7G01EQ |
The SITS attributes contain cud:uas_sits:oss_code which is the OSS mapping to cud:uas_sits:rout_cd.
OSS Programme of Study code | SITS Specialism code | SITS Specialism name | SITS Specialism name | SITS Award Programme Name | SITS Programme Group Code | SITS Programme Group Name | |
004011 | R11_9A1 | Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Applications (EPSRC CDT) | R11_1 | Partial Differential Equations CDT | R11_1 | Partial Differential Equations CDT | |
004007 | R12_9A1 | Synthesis for Biology & Medicine (CDT) | R12_1 | Synthesis for Biology and Medicine (CDT) | R12_1 | Synthesis for Biology & Medicine (CDT) | |
004010 | R13_6A1 | Statistical Science (CDT) - Collaborative | R13_6A1 | Statistical Science (CDT) - Collaborative | R13_1 | Statistical Science (CDT) | |
004009 | R13_9A1 | Statistical Science (CDT) | R13_1 | Statistical Science (CDT) | R13_1 | Statistical Science (CDT) | |
004012 | R14_9A1 | Gas Turbine Aerodynamics (CDT) | R14_1 | Gas Turbine Aerodynamics (CDT) | R14_1 | Gas Turbine Aerodynamics (CDT) | |
004013 | R15_9A1 | Ind Focused Maths Modelling (CDT) | R15_1 | Ind Focused Maths Modelling (CDT) | R15_1 | Ind Focused Maths Modelling (CDT) | |
004015 | R16_9A1 | Oil & Gas (CDT) | R16_1 | Oil and Gas (CDT) | R16_1 | Oil & Gas (CDT) | |
004027 | R16_EG1 | Oil & Gas (CDT) - Earth Sciences | R16_1 | Oil and Gas (CDT) | R16_1 | Oil & Gas (CDT) | |
004026 | R16_EN1 | Oil & Gas (CDT) - Engineering Science | R16_1 | Oil and Gas (CDT) | R16_1 | Oil & Gas (CDT) | |
002465 | R1_9A1 | Healthcare Innovation (RCUK CDT) | R1_1 | Healthcare Innovation (RCUK CDT) | R1_1 | Healthcare Innovation (RCUK CDT) | |
002455 | R2_9A1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
003758 | R2_BC1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Biochemistry | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
003755 | R2_CU1 | Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Clinical Neuroscience | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
003757 | R2_FD1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Organic Chemistry | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
003754 | R2_FE1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Physical & Theoretical Chemistry | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
003987 | R2_PF1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Plant Science | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
004000 | R2_PH1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Pharmacology | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
R2_PYAG1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Physicology | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | ||
003756 | R2_SB1 | Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Structural Biology | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
003759 | R2_VT1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP - Zoology | R2_1 | DPhil Interdisciplinary Biosci DTP | R2_1 | DPhil Inter Biosci Doctoral Training Partnership | |
002460 | R3_9A1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002461 | R3_AA1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Astrophysics | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
R3_AB1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Atmospheric | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | ||
002471 | R3_AC1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Condensed Matter Physics | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002478 | R3_AD1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Particle Physics | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002485 | R3_AE1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Theoretical Physics | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002463 | R3_AF1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Atomic and Laser Physics | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002464 | R3_BC1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Biochemistry | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002466 | R3_CB1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Chemical Biology | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002467 | R3_CJ1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Clinical Laboratory Sciences | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
004002 | R3_CM1 | Life Sciences Interface (EPSRC CDT) - Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002469 | R3_CN1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Computing | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002468 | R3_CT1 | Life Sciences Interface (EPSRC CDT) - Clinical Neurology | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
003999 | R3_CU1 | Life Sciences Interface (EPSRC CDT) - Clinical Neurosciences | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002472 | R3_EN1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Engineering | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002474 | R3_FC1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Inorganic Chemistry | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002477 | R3_FD1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Organic Chemistry | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002479 | R3_FE1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002473 | R3_HG1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Human Genetics WT Centre | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
004001 | R3_MD1 | Life Sciences Interface (EPSRC CDT) - RDM | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002475 | R3_MR1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Materials | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002476 | R3_MS1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Mathematics | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002481 | R3_PS1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Physics | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
R3_PYAG1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Physiology | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | ||
002484 | R3_ST1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Statistics | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002486 | R3_VT1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Zoology | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002483 | R3_YL1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC - Radiation Oncology and Biology | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | R3_1 | DPhil Life Sciences Interface DTC | |
002457 | R4_9A1 | CDT Cyber Security | R4_1 | DPhil CDT Cyber Security | R4_1 | DPhil Centre Doctoral Training Cyber Security | |
002488 | R4_BA1 | Cyber Security (CDT) - Said Business School | R4_1 | DPhil CDT Cyber Security | R4_1 | DPhil Centre Doctoral Training Cyber Security | |
002458 | R4_CN1 | CDT Cyber Security - Computer Science | R4_1 | DPhil CDT Cyber Security | R4_1 | DPhil Centre Doctoral Training Cyber Security | |
002489 | R4_GC1 | Cyber Security (CDT) - Blavatnik School of Govt | R4_1 | DPhil CDT Cyber Security | R4_1 | DPhil Centre Doctoral Training Cyber Security | |
002487 | R4_NN1 | Cyber Security (CDT) - Oxford Internet Institute | R4_1 | DPhil CDT Cyber Security | R4_1 | DPhil Centre Doctoral Training Cyber Security | |
002459 | R4_RE1 | CDT Cyber Security - Oxford e-Research Centre | R4_1 | DPhil CDT Cyber Security | R4_1 | DPhil Centre Doctoral Training Cyber Security | |
002491 | R4_YS1 | Cyber Security (CDT) - International Relations | R4_1 | DPhil CDT Cyber Security | R4_1 | DPhil Centre Doctoral Training Cyber Security | |
003701 | R5_9A1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003731 | R5_AA1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Astrophysics | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
R5_AB1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Atmospheric | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | ||
003733 | R5_AC1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Condensed Matter Physics | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003738 | R5_AD1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Particle Physics | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003742 | R5_AE1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Theoretical Physics | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003728 | R5_AF1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Atomic and Laser Physics | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003743 | R5_BC1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Biochemistry | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003732 | R5_CB1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Chemical Biology | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003752 | R5_CM1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - NDCM | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003746 | R5_CM2 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Clinical Medicine | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003747 | R5_CN1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Computer Science | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003745 | R5_EN1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Engineering | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003734 | R5_FC1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Inorganic Chemistry | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003736 | R5_FD1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Organic Chemistry | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003737 | R5_FE1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003997 | R5_MG1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Said Business School | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003748 | R5_ML1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - NDORMS | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003998 | R5_MS1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Mathematics | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
R5_PYAG1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Physiology | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | ||
003741 | R5_ST1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC - Statistics | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches IDC | R5_1 | DPhil Systems Approaches Bio-Medical Science IDC | |
003700 | R6_9A1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003702 | R6_AA1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Astrophysics | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
R6_AB1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Atmospheric | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | ||
003711 | R6_AC1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Condensed Matter Physics | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003718 | R6_AD1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Particle Physics | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003724 | R6_AE1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Theoretical Physics | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003704 | R6_AF1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Atomic and Laser Physics | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003705 | R6_BC1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Biochemistry | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003706 | R6_CB1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Chemical Biology | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003707 | R6_CJ1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Clinical Laboratory Sciences | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003709 | R6_CN1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Computing | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003708 | R6_CU1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Clinical Neurology | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003712 | R6_EN1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Engineering | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003714 | R6_FC1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Inorganic Chemistry | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003717 | R6_FD1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Organic Chemistry | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003719 | R6_FE1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003713 | R6_HG1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Human Genetics WT Centre | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003715 | R6_MR1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Materials | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003716 | R6_MS1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Mathematics | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003751 | R6_PA1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Pathology | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003744 | R6_PF1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Plant Sciences | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
R6_PYAG1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Physiology | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | ||
003723 | R6_ST1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Statistics | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
003726 | R6_VT1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Zoology | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | |
R6_YL1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC - Radiation | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | R6_1 | DPhil Systems Biology DTC | ||
002456 | R7_9A1 | Science and Technology Fusion Energy (EPSRC CDT) | R7_1 | Fusion CDT | R7_1 | Science and Technology Fusion Energy (EPSRC CDT) | |
004005 | R8_9A1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) | R8_1 | Environmental Research (DTP) | R8_1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) | |
R8_AB1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Atmospheric | R8_1 | Environmental Research (DTP) | R8_1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) | ||
004022 | R8_AR1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Archaeology | R8_1 | Environmental Research (DTP) | R8_1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) | |
004030 | R8_EG1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Earth Sciences | R8_1 | Environmental Research (DTP) | R8_1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) | |
004021 | R8_EV1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - School of Geography and the Environment | R8_1 | Environmental Research (DTP) | R8_1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) | |
004031 | R8_PF1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Plant Sciences | R8_1 | Environmental Research (DTP) | R8_1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) | |
004032 | R8_VT1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) - Zoology | R8_1 | Environmental Research (DTP) | R8_1 | Environmental Research (NERC DTP) | |
004028 | R9_6A1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) Collaborative | R9_6A1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) - Collaborative | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004029 | R9_9A1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004045 | R9_AC1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Condensed Matter Physics | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004047 | R9_BC1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Biochemistry | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004041 | R9_CN1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Computer Science | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004049 | R9_CU1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Clinical Neurosciences (FMRIB) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004040 | R9_EN1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Engineering | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004044 | R9_FD1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Organic Chemistry | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004042 | R9_MS1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Mathematics | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
004046 | R9_PF1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Plant Sciences | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
R9_PYAG1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Physiology | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | ||
004043 | R9_ST1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) - Statistics | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (CDT) | R9_1 | Biomedical Imaging (EPSRC & MRC CDT) | |
003915 | RA_DN1 | DPhil Ion Channels and Disease | RA_1 | DPhil in Ion Channels and Disease | RA_1 | DPhil Ion Channels and Disease | |
003985 | RB_BM1 | DPhil Biomedical and Clinical Sciences | RB_1 | DPhil Biomedical and Clinical Sciences | RB_1 | DPhil Biomedical and Clinical Sciences | |
003940 | RC_CS1 | DPhil Chromosome Biology | RC_1 | DPhil Chromosome Biology | RC_1 | DPhil Chromosome and Developmental Biology | |
002300 | RD_AA1 | DPhil Astrophysics | RD_AA1 | DPhil Astrophysics | RD_AA1 | DPhil Astrophysics | |
RD_AB1 | DPhil Atmospheric | RD_AB1 | DPhil AOP Physics | RD_AB1 | DPhil Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics | ||
002380 | RD_AC1 | DPhil Condensed Matter Physics | RD_AC1 | DPhil Condensed Matter Physics | RD_AC1 | DPhil Condensed Matter Physics | |
002550 | RD_AD1 | DPhil Particle Physics | RD_AD1 | DPhil Particle Physics | RD_AD1 | DPhil Particle Physics | |
002610 | RD_AE1 | DPhil Theoretical Physics | RD_AE1 | DPhil Theoretical Physics | RD_AE1 | DPhil Theoretical Physics | |
002320 | RD_AF1 | DPhil Atomic and Laser Physics | RD_AF1 | DPhil Atomic and Laser Physics | RD_AF1 | DPhil Atomic and Laser Physics | |
001910 | RD_AG1 | DPhil Human Anatomy and Genetics | RD_AG1 | DPhil Human Anatomy and Genetics | RD_AG1 | DPhil Human Anatomy and Genetics | |
000055 | RD_AJ9P1 | DPhil Architectural History | RD_AJ9P1 | DPhil Architectural History | RD_AJ9P1 | DPhil Architectural History | |
001640 | RD_AN1 | DPhil Social and Cultural Anthropology | RD_AN1 | DPhil Social and Cultural Anthropology | RD_AN1 | DPhil Social and Cultural Anthropology | |
001655 | RD_AN2 | DPhil Anthropology | RD_AN2 | DPhil Anthropology | RD_AN2 | DPhil Anthropology | |
003500 | RD_AN6A1 | DPhil Biological Anthropology | RD_AN6A1 | DPhil Biological Anthropology | RD_AN6A1 | DPhil Biological Anthropology | |
001340 | RD_AR1 | DPhil Archaeology | RD_AR1 | DPhil Archaeology (Full-time) | RD_AR1 | DPhil Archaeology | |
000040 | RD_AR9P1 | DPhil Archaeology (Continuing Education) | RD_AR9P1 | DPhil Archaeology (Continuing Education) | RD_AR9P1 | DPhil Archaeology (Continuing Education) | |
001300 | RD_AS1 | DPhil Archaeological Science | RD_AS1 | DPhil Archaeological Science | RD_AS1 | DPhil Archaeological Science | |
001750 | RD_AT1 | DPhil Anaesthetics | RD_AT1 | DPhil Anaesthetics | RD_AT1 | DPhil Anaesthetics | |
000290 | RD_AY1 | DPhil Ancient History (Full-time) | RD_AY1 | DPhil Ancient History (FT) | RD_AY1 | DPhil Ancient History | |
000290 | RD_AY9P1 | DPhil Ancient History (Part-time) | RD_AY9P1 | DPhil Ancient History (PT) | RD_AY1 | DPhil Ancient History | |
001380 | RD_BC1 | DPhil Biochemistry | RD_BC1 | DPhil Biochemistry | RD_BC1 | DPhil Biochemistry | |
001390 | RD_BC6A1 | DPhil Biochemistry (OU/TSRI) | RD_BC6A1 | DPhil Biochemistry (OU/TSRI) | RD_BC6A1 | DPhil Biochemistry (joint Oxford/TSRI) | |
003986 | RD_BM1 | DPhil Biomedical Sciences: NIH-OU | RD_BM1 | DPhil Biomedical Sciences: NIH-OU | RD_BM1 | DPhil Biomedical Sciences: NIH-Oxford | |
000015 | RD_BT9P1 | DPhil Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | RD_BT9P1 | DPhil Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | RD_BT9P1 | DPhil Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | |
001360 | RD_BYAR1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Archaeology) | RD_BYAR1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Archaeology) | RD_BYAR1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Archaeology) | |
000370 | RD_BYCL1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Classics) | RD_BYCL1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Classics) | RD_BYCL1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Classics) | |
000400 | RD_BYHY1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Mod History) | RD_BYHY1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Mod History) | RD_BYHY1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Modern History) | |
000401 | RD_BYHY2 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (History) | RD_BYHY2 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (History) | RD_BYHY2 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (History) | |
000380 | RD_BYQ1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Med and Mod Lang) | RD_BYQ1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Med and Mod Lang) | RD_BYQ1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Medieval and Modern Lang) | |
000390 | RD_BYYV1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Theology) | RD_BYYV1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Theology) | RD_BYYV1 | DPhil Byzantine Studies (Theology ) | |
001955 | RD_CA1 | DPhil Oncology | RD_CA1 | DPhil Oncology | RD_CA1 | DPhil Oncology | |
003550 | RD_CB1 | DPhil Chemical Biology | RD_CB1 | DPhil Chemical Biology | RD_CB1 | DPhil Chemical Biology | |
000500 | RD_CC1 | DPhil Classical Languages and Literature (Full-time) | RD_CC1 | DPhil Classical Languages and Literature (FT) | RD_CC1 | DPhil Classical Languages and Literature | |
000500 | RD_CC9P1 | DPhil Classical Languages and Literature (Part-time) | RD_CC9P1 | DPhil Classical Languages and Literature (PT) | RD_CC1 | DPhil Classical Languages and Literature | |
001850 | RD_CF1 | DPhil Clinical Pharmacology | RD_CF1 | DPhil Clinical Pharmacology | RD_CF1 | DPhil Clinical Pharmacology | |
002255 | RD_CG1 | DPhil Criminology | RD_CG1 | DPhil Criminology | RD_CG1 | DPhil Criminology | |
001790 | RD_CJ1 | DPhil Clinical Laboratory Sciences | RD_CJ1 | DPhil Clinical Laboratory Sciences | RD_CJ1 | DPhil Clinical Laboratory Sciences | |
001810 | RD_CM1 | DPhil Clinical Medicine | RD_CM1 | DPhil Clinical Medicine | RD_CM1 | DPhil Clinical Medicine | |
002340 | RD_CN1 | DPhil Computer Science | RD_CN1 | DPhil Computer Science | RD_CN1 | DPhil Computer Science | |
000520 | RD_CPK1 | DPhil Comparative Philology and General Linguistics | RD_CPK1 | DPhil Comp Philology and Gen Linguistics | RD_CPK1 | DPhil Comparative Philology and General Lings | |
001431 | RD_CR1 | DPhil Classical Archaeology | RD_CR1 | DPhil Classical Archaeology | RD_CR1 | DPhil Classical Archaeology | |
001830 | RD_CT1 | DPhil Clinical Neurology | RD_CT1 | DPhil Clinical Neurology | RD_CT1 | DPhil Clinical Neurology | |
001835 | RD_CU1 | DPhil Clinical Neurosciences | RD_CU1 | DPhil Clinical Neurosciences | RD_CU1 | DPhil Clinical Neurosciences | |
001770 | RD_CV1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Medicine | RD_CV1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Medicine | RD_CV1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Medicine | |
004183 | RD_CVCY1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Medicinal Chemistry | RD_CVCY1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Medicinal Chemistry | RD_CVCY1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Medicinal Chemistry | |
002680 | RD_DT1 | DPhil Development Studies | RD_DT1 | DPhil Development Studies | RD_DT1 | DPhil Development Studies | |
002695 | RD_DT2 | DPhil International Development | RD_DT2 | DPhil in International Development | RD_DT2 | DPhil International Development | |
002870 | RD_ED1 | DPhil Educational Studies (Full-time) | RD_ED1 | DPhil Educational Studies (Full-time) | RD_ED1 | DPhil Educational Studies | |
003115 | RD_ED2 | DPhil Education (Full-time) | RD_ED2 | DPhil Education (Full-time) | RD_ED2 | DPhil Education | |
002870 | RD_ED9P1 | DPhil Educational Studies (Part-time) | RD_ED9P1 | DPhil Educational Studies (Part-time) | RD_ED1 | DPhil Educational Studies | |
003115 | RD_ED9P2 | DPhil Education (Part-time) | RD_ED9P2 | DPhil Education (Part-time) | RD_ED2 | DPhil Education | |
002400 | RD_EG1 | DPhil Earth Sciences (Full-time) | RD_EG1 | DPhil Earth Sciences (Full-time) | RD_EG1 | DPhil Earth Sciences | |
002400 | RD_EG9P1 | DPhil Earth Sciences (Part-time) | RD_EG9P1 | DPhil Earth Sciences (Part-time) | RD_EG1 | DPhil Earth Sciences | |
003340 | RD_EH9P1 | DPhil Evidence Based Health Care | RD_EH9P1 | DPhil Evidence Based Health Care | RD_EH9P1 | DPhil Evidence Based Health Care | |
000590 | RD_EL1 | DPhil English Language and Literature | RD_EL1 | DPhil English Language and Literature | RD_EL1 | DPhil English Language and Literature | |
000591 | RD_EL6J1 | DPhil English (to 1550) | RD_EL6J1 | DPhil English (to 1550) | RD_EL6J1 | DPhil English (to 1550) | |
000592 | RD_EL6L1 | DPhil English | RD_EL6L1 | DPhil English | RD_EL6L1 | DPhil English | |
002420 | RD_EN1 | DPhil Engineering Science | RD_EN1 | DPhil Engineering Science | RD_EN1 | DPhil Engineering Science | |
001890 | RD_EP1 | DPhil Experimental Psychology (Direct Entry) | RD_EP1 | DPhil Experimental Psychology (Direct Entry) | RD_EP1 | DPhil Experimental Psychology | |
001890 | RD_EP6A1 | DPhil Experimental Psychology (1+3) | RD_EP6A1 | DPhil Experimental Psychology (1+3) | RD_EP1 | DPhil Experimental Psychology | |
000110 | RD_ET9P1 | DPhil English Local History | RD_ET9P1 | DPhil English Local History | RD_ET9P1 | DPhil English Local History | |
001510 | RD_EV1 | DPhil Geography and the Environment | RD_EV1 | DPhil Geography and the Environment | RD_EV1 | DPhil Geography and the Environment | |
002440 | RD_FC1 | DPhil Inorganic Chemistry | RD_FC1 | DPhil Inorganic Chemistry | RD_FC1 | DPhil Inorganic Chemistry | |
002530 | RD_FD1 | DPhil Organic Chemistry | RD_FD1 | DPhil Organic Chemistry | RD_FD1 | DPhil Organic Chemistry | |
002560 | RD_FE1 | DPhil Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | RD_FE1 | DPhil Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | RD_FE1 | DPhil Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | |
003400 | RD_FR1 | DPhil Fine Art (Full-Time) | RD_FR1 | DPhil Fine Art (Full-Time) | RD_FR1 | DPhil Fine Art | |
003400 | RD_FR9P1 | DPhil Fine Art (Part-Time) | RD_FR9P1 | DPhil Fine Art (Part-Time) | RD_FR1 | DPhil Fine Art | |
003996 | RD_GN9P1 | DPhil Continuing Education | RD_GN9P1 | DPhil Continuing Education | RD_GN9P1 | DPhil Continuing Education | |
001980 | RD_GY1 | DPhil Obstetrics and Gynaecology | RD_GY1 | DPhil Obstetrics and Gynaecology | RD_GY1 | DPhil Obstetrics and Gynaecology | |
000872 | RD_HR1 | DPhil History (History of Art) | RD_HR1 | DPhil History (History of Art) | RD_HR1 | DPhil History (History of Art) | |
000873 | RD_HR2 | DPhil History of Art | RD_HR2 | DPhil History of Art | RD_HR2 | DPhil History of Art | |
000873 | RD_HR9P2 | DPhil History of Art (Part-time) | RD_HR9P2 | DPhil History of Art (Part-time) | RD_HR2 | DPhil History of Art | |
003950 | RD_HSHN1 | DPhil History (Science and Medicine and Economic and Social History) | RD_HSHN1 | DPhil in History (HSM and ESH) | RD_HSHN1 | DPhil History (Science and Med, and Econ and Soc) | |
003950 | RD_HSHN9P1 | DPhil History (HSM and ESH) (Part-time) | RD_HSHN9P1 | DPhil History (HSM and ESH) (Part-time) | RD_HSHN1 | DPhil History (Science and Med, and Econ and Soc) | |
000870 | RD_HY1 | DPhil Modern History | RD_HY1 | DPhil Modern History | RD_HY1 | DPhil Modern History | |
000871 | RD_HY2 | DPhil History | RD_HY2 | DPhil History | RD_HY2 | DPhil History | |
000871 | RD_HY9P2 | DPhil History (Part-time) | RD_HY9P2 | DPhil History (Part-time) | RD_HY2 | DPhil History | |
003000 | RD_JU1 | DPhil Law | RD_JU1 | DPhil Law | RD_JU1 | DPhil Law | |
003260 | RD_LS1 | DPhil Socio-Legal Studies | RD_LS1 | DPhil Socio-Legal Studies | RD_LS1 | DPhil Socio-Legal Studies | |
001956 | RD_MD1 | DPhil Medical Sciences | RD_MD1 | DPhil Medical Sciences | RD_MD1 | DPhil Medical Sciences | |
001950 | RD_ME1 | DPhil Medical Oncology | RD_ME1 | DPhil Medical Oncology | RD_ME1 | DPhil Medical Oncology | |
003060 | RD_MG1 | DPhil Management Studies | RD_MG1 | DPhil Management Studies | RD_MG1 | DPhil Management Studies | |
002020 | RD_ML1 | DPhil Orthopaedic Surgery | RD_ML1 | DPhil Orthopaedic Surgery | RD_ML1 | DPhil Orthopaedic Surgery | |
002025 | RD_ML2 | DPhil Musculoskeletal Sciences | RD_ML2 | DPhil Musculoskeletal Sciences | RD_ML2 | DPhil Musculoskeletal Sciences | |
002470 | RD_MR1 | DPhil Materials | RD_MR1 | DPhil Materials | RD_MR1 | DPhil Materials | |
002500 | RD_MS1 | DPhil Mathematics | RD_MS1 | DPhil Mathematics | RD_MS1 | DPhil Mathematics | |
000920 | RD_MU1 | DPhil Music (Full-time) | RD_MU1 | DPhil Music (FT) | RD_MU1 | DPhil Music | |
000920 | RD_MU9P1 | DPhil Music (Part-time) | RD_MU9P1 | DPhil Music (PT) | RD_MU1 | DPhil Music | |
002360 | RD_NA1 | DPhil Numerical Analysis | RD_NA1 | DPhil Numerical Analysis | RD_NA1 | DPhil Numerical Analysis | |
003710 | RD_NS1 | DPhil Neuroscience | RD_NS1 | DPhil Neuroscience | RD_NS1 | DPhil Neuroscience | |
000960 | RD_OS1 | DPhil Oriental Studies | RD_OS1 | DPhil Oriental Studies | RD_OS1 | DPhil Oriental Studies | |
002060 | RD_PA1 | DPhil Pathology | RD_PA1 | DPhil Pathology | RD_PA1 | DPhil Pathology | |
002170 | RD_PC1 | DPhil Psychology | RD_PC1 | DPhil Psychology | RD_PC1 | DPhil Psychology | |
002181 | RD_PD1 | DPhil Population Health | RD_PD1 | DPhil Population Health | RD_PD1 | DPhil Population Health | |
002181 | RD_PD6A1 | DPhil Population Health (1+3) | RD_PD6A1 | DPhil Population Health (1+3) | RD_PD1 | DPhil Population Health | |
002040 | RD_PE1 | DPhil Paediatrics | RD_PE1 | DPhil Paediatrics | RD_PE1 | DPhil Paediatrics | |
001620 | RD_PF1 | DPhil Plant Sciences | RD_PF1 | DPhil Plant Sciences | RD_PF1 | DPhil Plant Sciences | |
002000 | RD_PG1 | DPhil Ophthalmology | RD_PG1 | DPhil Ophthalmology | RD_PG1 | DPhil Ophthalmology | |
002080 | RD_PH1 | DPhil Pharmacology | RD_PH1 | DPhil Pharmacology | RD_PH1 | DPhil Pharmacology | |
003120 | RD_PL1 | DPhil Politics | RD_PL1 | DPhil Politics | RD_PL1 | DPhil Politics | |
003186 | RD_PP1 | DPhil Public Policy | RD_PP1 | DPhil Public Policy | RD_PP1 | DPhil Public Policy | |
002130 | RD_PT1 | DPhil Primary Health Care | RD_PT1 | DPhil Primary Health Care | RD_PT1 | DPhil Primary Health Care | |
002180 | RD_PU1 | DPhil Public Health | RD_PU1 | DPhil Public Health | RD_PU1 | DPhil Public Health | |
002150 | RD_PV1 | DPhil Psychiatry | RD_PV1 | DPhil Psychiatry | RD_PV1 | DPhil Psychiatry | |
002110 | RD_PY1 | DPhil Physiology | RD_PY1 | DPhil Physiology | RD_PY1 | DPhil Physiology | |
RD_PYAG1 | DPhil Physiology | RD_PYAG1 | DPhil Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics | RD_PYAG1 | DPhil Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics | ||
000850 | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3C1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (CZE) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3C9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (CZE) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3D1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SLO) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3D3N1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SLO and BYZ) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3D3N9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SLO and BYZ) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3D9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SLO) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3G1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and GER) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3G9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and GER) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3N1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and BYZ) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3N9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and BYZ) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and POR) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3P9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and POR) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3R1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and RUS) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3R9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and RUS) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3S1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and SPA) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3S9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and SPA) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3T1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and ITA) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F3T9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and ITA) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3F9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3C1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and CZE) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3C9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and CZE) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3N1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and BYZ) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3N9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and BYZ) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and POR) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3P9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and POR) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3R1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and RUS) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3R9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and RUS) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3S1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and SPA) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3S9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and SPA) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3T1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and ITA) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G3T9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and ITA) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3G9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3L1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (CLT) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3L9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (CLT) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3N1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (BYZ) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3N4A1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (BYZ and ENG) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3N4A9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (BYZ and ENG) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3N9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (BYZ) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (POR) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3P3N1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (POR and BYZ) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3P3N9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (POR and BYZ) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3P3R1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (POR and RUS) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3P3R9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (POR and RUS) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3P9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (POR) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3R1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (RUS) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3R3N1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (RUS and BYZ) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3R3N9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (RUS and BYZ) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3R9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (RUS) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3S1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3S3N1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and BYZ) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3S3N9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and BYZ) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3S3P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and POR) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3S3P9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and POR) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3S3R1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and RUS) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3S3R9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and RUS) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3S9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T3N1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and BYZ) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T3N9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and BYZ) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T3P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and POR) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T3P9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and POR) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T3R1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and RUS) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T3R9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and RUS) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T3S1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and SPA) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T3S9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and SPA) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T4A1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and ENG) (Full-time) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T4A9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and ENG) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q3T9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA) (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000850 | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (Part-time) | RD_Q9P1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (PT) | RD_Q1 | DPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
004182 | RD_SD9P1 | DPhil Sustainable Urban Development | RD_SD9P1 | DPhil Sustainable Urban Development | RD_SD9P1 | DPhil Sustainable Urban Development | |
000280 | RD_SE5J9P1 | DPhil Software Engineering | RD_SE5J9P1 | DPhil Software Engineering | RD_SE5J9P1 | DPhil Software Engineering | |
RD_SJ1 | DPhil Information | RD_SJ1 | DPhil Info, Comm, and Soc Sci | RD_SJ1 | DPhil Information, Communication and Social Sci | ||
003220 | RD_SP1 | DPhil Social Policy | RD_SP1 | DPhil Social Policy | RD_SP1 | DPhil Social Policy | |
003230 | RD_SR1 | DPhil Social Work | RD_SR1 | DPhil Social Work | RD_SR1 | DPhil Social Work | |
003231 | RD_SR2 | DPhil Social Intervention | RD_SR2 | DPhil Social Intervention | RD_SR2 | DPhil Social Intervention | |
002580 | RD_ST1 | DPhil Statistics | RD_ST1 | DPhil Statistics | RD_ST1 | DPhil Statistics | |
002250 | RD_SU1 | DPhil Surgery | RD_SU1 | DPhil Surgery | RD_SU1 | DPhil Surgery | |
002251 | RD_SU2 | DPhil Surgical Sciences | RD_SU2 | DPhil Surgical Sciences | RD_SU2 | DPhil Surgical Sciences | |
003290 | RD_SY1 | DPhil Sociology | RD_SY1 | DPhil Sociology | RD_SY1 | DPhil Sociology | |
001450 | RD_VC1 | DPhil Environmental Change | RD_VC1 | DPhil Environmental Change | RD_VC1 | DPhil Environmental Change | |
001730 | RD_VT1 | DPhil Zoology | RD_VT1 | DPhil Zoology | RD_VT1 | DPhil Zoology | |
002720 | RD_W1 | DPhil Economics | RD_W1 | DPhil Economics | RD_W1 | DPhil Economics | |
002200 | RD_YL1 | DPhil Radiobiology (Direct Entry) | RD_YL1 | DPhil Radiobiology (Direct Entry) | RD_YL1 | DPhil Radiobiology | |
002200 | RD_YL6A1 | DPhil Radiobiology (1+3) | RD_YL6A1 | DPhil Radiobiology (1+3) | RD_YL1 | DPhil Radiobiology | |
002950 | RD_YS1 | DPhil International Relations | RD_YS1 | DPhil International Relations | RD_YS1 | DPhil International Relations | |
001230 | RD_YV1 | DPhil Theology (Full-time) | RD_YV1 | DPhil Theology (Full-time) | RD_YV1 | DPhil Theology | |
001230 | RD_YV9P1 | DPhil Theology (Part-time) | RD_YV9P1 | DPhil Theology (Part-time) | RD_YV1 | DPhil Theology | |
001140 | RD_Z1 | DPhil Philosophy | RD_Z1 | DPhil Philosophy | RD_Z1 | DPhil Philosophy | |
003810 | RE_EM1 | ENGD Engineered Metals | RE_EM1 | ENGD Engineered Metals | RE_EM1 | EngD Engineered Metals | |
003811 | RE_MR1 | ENGD Materials Science | RE_MR1 | ENGD Materials Science | RE_MR1 | EngD in Materials Science | |
001775 | RF_CD1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Science | RF_1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Science | RF_1 | DPhil Cardiovascular Science (BHF) | |
003930 | RG_GM1 | DPhil Genomic Medicine and Statistics | RG_1 | DPhil Genomic Medicine and Statistics | RG_1 | DPhil Genomic Medicine and Statistics | |
003910 | RH_SB1 | DPhil Structural Biology | RH_1 | DPhil Structural Biology | RH_1 | DPhil Structural Biology | |
RK_MJ1 | DPhil Infection | RK_1 | DPhil Infect, Imm, and Trans Med | RK_1 | DPhil Infection, Immunology & Translational Med | ||
001650 | RL_AN1 | MLitt Social and Cultural Anthropology | RL_AN1 | MLitt Social and Cultural Anthropology | RL_AN1 | MLitt Social and Cultural Anthropology | |
001350 | RL_AR1 | MLitt Archaeology | RL_AR1 | MLitt Archaeology | RL_AR1 | MLitt Archaeology | |
000300 | RL_AY1 | MLitt Ancient History | RL_AY1 | MLitt Ancient History | RL_AY1 | MLitt Ancient History | |
001370 | RL_BYAR1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Archaeology) | RL_BYAR1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Archaeology) | RL_BYAR1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Archaeology) | |
000410 | RL_BYCL1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Classics) | RL_BYCL1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Classics) | RL_BYCL1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Classics) | |
000440 | RL_BYHY1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Mod History) | RL_BYHY1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Mod History) | RL_BYHY1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Modern History) | |
000441 | RL_BYHY2 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (History) | RL_BYHY2 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (History) | RL_BYHY2 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (History) | |
000420 | RL_BYQ1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Med and Mod Lang) | RL_BYQ1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Med and Mod Lang) | RL_BYQ1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Medieval and Modern Lang) | |
000430 | RL_BYYV1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Theology) | RL_BYYV1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Theology) | RL_BYYV1 | MLitt Byzantine Studies (Theology) | |
000510 | RL_CC1 | MLitt Classical Languages and Literature | RL_CC1 | MLitt Classical Languages and Literature | RL_CC1 | MLitt Classical Languages and Literature | |
000530 | RL_CPK1 | MLitt Comparative Philology and General Linguistics | RL_CPK1 | MLitt Comp Philology and Gen Linguistics | RL_CPK1 | MLitt Comparative Philology and General Lings | |
002685 | RL_DT1 | MLitt International Development | RL_DT1 | MLitt International Development | RL_DT1 | MLitt International Development | |
002880 | RL_ED1 | MLitt Educational Studies (Full-time) | RL_ED1 | MLitt Educational Studies (Full-time) | RL_ED1 | MLitt Educational Studies | |
002885 | RL_ED2 | MLitt Education (Full-time) | RL_ED2 | MLitt Education (Full-time) | RL_ED2 | MLitt Education | |
002880 | RL_ED9P1 | MLitt Educational Studies (Part-time) | RL_ED9P1 | MLitt Educational Studies (Part-time) | RL_ED1 | MLitt Educational Studies | |
002885 | RL_ED9P2 | MLitt Education (Part-time) | RL_ED9P2 | MLitt Education (Part-time) | RL_ED2 | MLitt Education | |
000600 | RL_EL1 | MLitt English Language and Literature | RL_EL1 | MLitt English Language and Literature | RL_EL1 | MLitt English Language and Literature | |
001520 | RL_EV1 | MLitt Geography and the Environment | RL_EV1 | MLitt Geography and the Environment | RL_EV1 | MLitt Geography and the Environment | |
003410 | RL_FR1 | MLitt Fine Art (Full-Time) | RL_FR1 | MLitt Fine Art (Full-Time) | RL_FR1 | MLitt Fine Art | |
003410 | RL_FR9P1 | MLitt Fine Art (Part-Time) | RL_FR9P1 | MLitt Fine Art (Part-Time) | RL_FR1 | MLitt Fine Art | |
000880 | RL_HY1 | MLitt Modern History | RL_HY1 | MLitt Modern History | RL_HY1 | MLitt Modern History | |
000881 | RL_HY2 | MLitt History | RL_HY2 | MLitt History | RL_HY2 | MLitt History | |
003010 | RL_JU1 | MLitt Law | RL_JU1 | MLitt Law | RL_JU1 | MLitt Law | |
003270 | RL_LS1 | MLitt Socio-Legal Studies | RL_LS1 | MLitt Socio-Legal Studies | RL_LS1 | MLitt Socio-Legal Studies | |
003070 | RL_MG1 | MLitt Management Studies | RL_MG1 | MLitt Management Studies | RL_MG1 | MLitt Management Studies | |
000930 | RL_MU1 | MLitt Music | RL_MU1 | MLitt Music | RL_MU1 | MLitt Music | |
000970 | RL_OS1 | MLitt Oriental Studies | RL_OS1 | MLitt Oriental Studies | RL_OS1 | MLitt Oriental Studies | |
003130 | RL_PL1 | MLitt Politics | RL_PL1 | MLitt Politics | RL_PL1 | MLitt Politics | |
000840 | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3C1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (CZE) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3D1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (SLO) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3F1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3F3G1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and GER) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3F3N1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and BYZ) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3F3P1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and POR) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3F3R1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and RUS) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3F3S1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and SPA) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3F3T1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and ITA) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3G1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3G3N1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and BYZ) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3G3P1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and POR) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3G3R1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and RUS) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3G3S1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and SPA) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3G3T1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and ITA) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3L1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (CLT) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3N1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (BYZ) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3N4A1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (BYZ and ENG) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3P1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (POR) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3P3N1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (POR and BYZ) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3P3R1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (POR and RUS) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3R1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (RUS) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3R3N1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (RUS and BYZ) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3S1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3S3N1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and BYZ) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3S3P1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and POR) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3S3R1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA and RUS) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3T1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3T3N1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and BYZ) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3T3P1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and POR) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3T3R1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and RUS) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3T3S1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and SPA) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
000840 | RL_Q3T4A1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA and ENG) | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | RL_Q1 | MLitt Medieval and Modern Languages | |
RL_SJ1 | MLitt Information | RL_SJ1 | MLitt Info, Comm, and Soc Sci | RL_SJ1 | MLitt Info, Comm, and Soc Sci | ||
003240 | RL_SP1 | MLitt Social Policy | RL_SP1 | MLitt Social Policy | RL_SP1 | MLitt Social Policy | |
003250 | RL_SR1 | MLitt Social Work | RL_SR1 | MLitt Social Work | RL_SR1 | MLitt Social Work | |
003241 | RL_SR2 | MLitt Social Intervention | RL_SR2 | MLitt Social Intervention | RL_SR2 | MLitt Social Intervention | |
003280 | RL_SY1 | MLitt Sociology | RL_SY1 | MLitt Sociology | RL_SY1 | MLitt Sociology | |
001460 | RL_VC1 | MLitt Environmental Change | RL_VC1 | MLitt Environmental Change | RL_VC1 | MLitt Environmental Change | |
002730 | RL_W1 | MLitt Economics | RL_W1 | MLitt Economics | RL_W1 | MLitt Economics | |
002960 | RL_YS1 | MLitt International Relations | RL_YS1 | MLitt International Relations | RL_YS1 | MLitt International Relations | |
001240 | RL_YV1 | MLitt Theology (Full-time) | RL_YV1 | MLitt Theology (Full-time) | RL_YV1 | MLitt Theology | |
001240 | RL_YV9P1 | MLitt Theology (Part-time) | RL_YV9P1 | MLitt Theology (Part-time) | RL_YV1 | MLitt Theology | |
001150 | RL_Z1 | MLitt Philosophy | RL_Z1 | MLitt Philosophy | RL_Z1 | MLitt Philosophy | |
001445 | RM_AA1 | MSc(Res) Astrophysics | RM_AA1 | MSc(Res) Astrophysics | RM_AA1 | MSc(Res) Astrophysics | |
RM_AB1 | MSc(Res) Atmospheric | RM_AB1 | MSc(Res) AOP Physics | RM_AB1 | MSc(Res) Atmospheric,Oceanic and Planetary Physics | ||
002390 | RM_AC1 | MSc(Res) Condensed Matter Physics | RM_AC1 | MSc(Res) Condensed Matter Physics | RM_AC1 | MSc(Res) Condensed Matter Physics | |
001435 | RM_AD1 | MSc(Res) Particle Physics | RM_AD1 | MSc(Res) Particle Physics | RM_AD1 | MSc(Res) Particle Physics | |
003510 | RM_AE1 | MSc(Res) Theoretical Physics | RM_AE1 | MSc(Res) Theoretical Physics | RM_AE1 | MSc(Res) Theoretical Physics | |
003520 | RM_AF1 | MSc(Res) Atomic and Laser Physics | RM_AF1 | MSc(Res) Atomic and Laser Physics | RM_AF1 | MSc(Res) Atomic and Laser Physics | |
001920 | RM_AG1 | MSc(Res) Human Anatomy and Genetics | RM_AG1 | MSc(Res) Human Anatomy and Genetics | RM_AG1 | MSc(Res) Human Anatomy and Genetics | |
001310 | RM_AS1 | MSc(Res) Archaeological Science | RM_AS1 | MSc(Res) Archaeological Science | RM_AS1 | MSc(Res) Archaeological Science | |
001760 | RM_AT1 | MSc(Res) Anaesthetics | RM_AT1 | MSc(Res) Anaesthetics | RM_AT1 | MSc(Res) Anaesthetics | |
001400 | RM_BC1 | MSc(Res) Biochemistry | RM_BC1 | MSc(Res) Biochemistry | RM_BC1 | MSc(Res) Biochemistry | |
001965 | RM_CA1 | MSc(Res) Oncology | RM_CA1 | MSc(Res) Oncology | RM_CA1 | MSc(Res) Oncology | |
003560 | RM_CB1 | MSc(Res) Chemical Biology | RM_CB1 | MSc(Res) Chemical Biology | RM_CB1 | MSc(Res) Chemical Biology | |
001860 | RM_CF1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Pharmacology | RM_CF1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Pharmacology | RM_CF1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Pharmacology | |
001800 | RM_CJ1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Laboratory Sciences | RM_CJ1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Laboratory Sciences | RM_CJ1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Laboratory Sciences | |
001820 | RM_CM1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Medicine | RM_CM1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Medicine | RM_CM1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Medicine | |
002350 | RM_CN1 | MSc(Res) Computer Science | RM_CN1 | MSc(Res) Computer Science | RM_CN1 | MSc(Res) Computer Science | |
001840 | RM_CT1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Neurology | RM_CT1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Neurology | RM_CT1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Neurology | |
001845 | RM_CU1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Neurosciences | RM_CU1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Neurosciences | RM_CU1 | MSc(Res) Clinical Neurosciences | |
001780 | RM_CV1 | MSc(Res) Cardiovascular Medicine | RM_CV1 | MSc(Res) Cardiovascular Medicine | RM_CV1 | MSc(Res) Cardiovascular Medicine | |
002860 | RM_ED1 | MSc(Res) Education | RM_ED1 | MSc(Res) in Education (Full-time) | RM_ED1 | MSc(Res) Education | |
002860 | RM_ED9P1 | MSc(Res) Education (Part-time) | RM_ED9P1 | MSc(Res) in Education (Part-time) | RM_ED1 | MSc(Res) Education | |
002410 | RM_EG1 | MSc(Res) Earth Sciences | RM_EG1 | MSc(Res) Earth Sciences | RM_EG1 | MSc(Res) Earth Sciences | |
002430 | RM_EN1 | MSc(Res) Engineering Science | RM_EN1 | MSc(Res) Engineering Science | RM_EN1 | MSc(Res) Engineering Science | |
001900 | RM_EP1 | MSc(Res) Experimental Psychology (Direct Entry) | RM_EP1 | MSc(Res) Experimental Psychology (Direct Entry) | RM_EP1 | MSc(Res) Experimental Psychology | |
001530 | RM_EV1 | MSc(Res) Geography and the Environment | RM_EV1 | MSc(Res) Geography and the Environment | RM_EV1 | MSc(Res) Geography and the Environment | |
002450 | RM_FC1 | MSc(Res) Inorganic Chemistry | RM_FC1 | MSc(Res) Inorganic Chemistry | RM_FC1 | MSc(Res) Inorganic Chemistry | |
002540 | RM_FD1 | MSc(Res) Organic Chemistry | RM_FD1 | MSc(Res) Organic Chemistry | RM_FD1 | MSc(Res) Organic Chemistry | |
002570 | RM_FE1 | MSc(Res) Phys and Theoretical Chemistry | RM_FE1 | MSc(Res) Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | RM_FE1 | MSc(Res) Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | |
001990 | RM_GY1 | MSc(Res) Obstetrics and Gynaecology | RM_GY1 | MSc(Res) Obstetrics and Gynaecology | RM_GY1 | MSc(Res) Obstetrics and Gynaecology | |
001966 | RM_MD1 | MSc(Res) Medical Sciences | RM_MD1 | MSc(Res) Medical Sciences | RM_MD1 | MSc(Res) Medical Sciences | |
001960 | RM_ME1 | MSc(Res) Medical Oncology | RM_ME1 | MSc(Res) Medical Oncology | RM_ME1 | MSc(Res) Medical Oncology | |
002030 | RM_ML1 | MSc(Res) Orthopaedic Surgery | RM_ML1 | MSc(Res) Orthopaedic Surgery | RM_ML1 | MSc(Res) Orthopaedic Surgery | |
002035 | RM_ML2 | MSc(Res) Musculoskeletal Sciences | RM_ML2 | MSc(Res) Musculoskeletal Sciences | RM_ML2 | MSc(Res) Musculoskeletal Sciences | |
002480 | RM_MR1 | MSc(Res) Materials | RM_MR1 | MSc(Res) Materials | RM_MR1 | MSc(Res) Materials | |
002510 | RM_MS1 | MSc(Res) Mathematics | RM_MS1 | MSc(Res) Mathematics | RM_MS1 | MSc(Res) Mathematics | |
002370 | RM_NA1 | MSc(Res) Numerical Analysis | RM_NA1 | MSc(Res) Numerical Analysis | RM_NA1 | MSc(Res) Numerical Analysis | |
002070 | RM_PA1 | MSc(Res) Pathology | RM_PA1 | MSc(Res) Pathology | RM_PA1 | MSc(Res) Pathology | |
002050 | RM_PE1 | MSc(Res) Paediatrics | RM_PE1 | MSc(Res) Paediatrics | RM_PE1 | MSc(Res) Paediatrics | |
001630 | RM_PF1 | MSc(Res) Plant Sciences | RM_PF1 | MSc(Res) Plant Sciences | RM_PF1 | MSc(Res) Plant Sciences | |
002010 | RM_PG1 | MSc(Res) Ophthalmology | RM_PG1 | MSc(Res) Ophthalmology | RM_PG1 | MSc(Res) Ophthalmology | |
002090 | RM_PH1 | MSc(Res) Pharmacology | RM_PH1 | MSc(Res) Pharmacology | RM_PH1 | MSc(Res) Pharmacology | |
002140 | RM_PT1 | MSc(Res) Primary Health Care | RM_PT1 | MSc(Res) Primary Health Care | RM_PT1 | MSc(Res) Primary Health Care | |
002190 | RM_PU1 | MSc(Res) Public Health | RM_PU1 | MSc(Res) Public Health | RM_PU1 | MSc(Res) Public Health | |
002160 | RM_PV1 | MSc(Res) Psychiatry | RM_PV1 | MSc(Res) Psychiatry | RM_PV1 | MSc(Res) Psychiatry | |
002120 | RM_PY1 | MSc(Res) Physiology | RM_PY1 | MSc(Res) Physiology | RM_PY1 | MSc(Res) Physiology | |
RM_PYAG1 | MSc(Res) Physiology | RM_PYAG1 | MSc(Res) Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics | RM_PYAG1 | MSc(Res) Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics | ||
000271 | RM_SE5J9P1 | MSc(Res) Software Engineering | RM_SE5J9P1 | MSc(Res) Software Engineering | RM_SE5J9P1 | MSc(Res) Software Engineering | |
003221 | RM_SP1 | MSc(Res) Social Policy | RM_SP1 | MSc(Res) Social Policy | RM_SP1 | MSc(Res) Social Policy | |
003232 | RM_SR1 | MSc(Res) Social Intervention | RM_SR1 | MSc(Res) Social Intervention | RM_SR1 | MSc(Res) Social Intervention | |
002590 | RM_ST1 | MSc(Res) Statistics | RM_ST1 | MSc(Res) Statistics | RM_ST1 | MSc(Res) Statistics | |
002260 | RM_SU1 | MSc(Res) Surgery | RM_SU1 | MSc(Res) Surgery | RM_SU1 | MSc(Res) Surgery | |
002261 | RM_SU2 | MSc(Res) Surgical Sciences | RM_SU2 | MSc(Res) Surgical Sciences | RM_SU2 | MSc(Res) Surgical Sciences | |
001740 | RM_VT1 | MSc(Res) Zoology | RM_VT1 | MSc(Res) Zoology | RM_VT1 | MSc(Res) Zoology | |
002210 | RM_YL1 | MSc(Res) Radiobiology (Direct Entry) | RM_YL1 | MSc(Res) Radiobiology (Direct Entry) | RM_YL1 | MSc(Res) Radiobiology | |
004023 | RN_6A1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) Collaborative | RN_6A1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) - Collaborative | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004016 | RN_9A1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004056 | RN_AC1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) - Condensed Matter Physics | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004054 | RN_BC1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) - Biochemistry | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004053 | RN_CN1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) - Computer Science | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004050 | RN_EN1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) - Engineering | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004057 | RN_FC1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) - Inorganic Chemistry | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004051 | RN_MS1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) - Mathematics | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004055 | RN_PF1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) - Plant Sciences | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
004052 | RN_ST1 | Synthetic Biology - (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) - Statistics | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (CDT) | RN_1 | Synthetic Biology (EPSRC & BBSRC CDT) | |
003020 | RP_JU1 | MPhil Law | RP_JU1 | MPhil Law | RP_JU1 | MPhil Law | |
004006 | RQ_9A1 | Theory and Modelling in Chemical Sciences (EPSRC CDT) | RQ_1 | Theory and Modelling in Chem Sciences (EPSRC CDT) | RQ_1 | Theory and Modelling in Chem Sciences (EPSRC CDT) | |
004017 | RR_9A1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) | RR_1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) | RR_1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) | |
004061 | RR_AC1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) - Condensed Matter Physics | RR_1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) | RR_1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) | |
004062 | RR_MR1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) - Materials | RR_1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) | RR_1 | New and Sustainable Photovoltaics (EPSRC CDT) | |
000710 | RS_HB1 | MSt Historical Research | RS_HB1 | MSt Historical Research | RS_HB1 | MSt Historical Research | |
000720 | RS_HC1 | MSt Historical Research (Medieval) | RS_HC1 | MSt Historical Research (Medieval) | RS_HC1 | MSt Historical Research (Medieval History) | |
003040 | RS_LR1 | MSt Legal Research | RS_LR1 | MSt Legal Research | RS_LR1 | MSt Legal Research | |
003275 | RS_LY1 | MSt Socio-Legal Research | RS_LY1 | MSt Socio-Legal Research | RS_LY1 | MSt Socio-Legal Research | |
004019 | RT_9A1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | |
004037 | RT_AF1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) - Atomic & Laser Physics | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | |
004038 | RT_EN1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) - Engineering | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | |
004036 | RT_FE1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) - Physical & Theoretical Chemistry | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | |
004035 | RT_MR1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) - Materials | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | RT_1 | Diamond Science and Technology (EPSRC CDT) | |
004018 | RU_9A1 | Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) | RU_1 | Auto Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) | RU_1 | Auto Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) | |
004025 | RU_CN1 | Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) - Computer Science | RU_1 | Auto Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) | RU_1 | Auto Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) | |
004024 | RU_EN1 | Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) - Engineering Science | RU_1 | Auto Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) | RU_1 | Auto Intelligent Machines and Systems (EPSRC CDT) | |
004033 | RV_9A1 | Renewable Energy Marine Structures (EPSRC CDT) | RV_1 | Renewable Energy Marine Structures (EPSRC CDT) | RV_1 | Renewable Energy Marine Structures (EPSRC CDT) | |
004034 | RW_9A1 | EngD Renewable Energy Marine Structures (EPSRC CDT) | RW_1 | EngD Renewable Energy Marine Structs (EPSRC CDT) | RW_1 | EngD Renewable Energy Marine Structs (EPSRC CDT) | |
004014 | RX_9A1 | Science and Application of Plastic Electronic Materials (EPSRC CDT) | RX_1 | Science Applic Plastic Electronic Materials (CDT) | RX_1 | Science Applic Plastic Electronic Materials (CDT) | |
004058 | RX_AC1 | Science and Application of Plastic Electronic Materials (EPSRC CDT) - Condensed Matter Physics | RX_1 | Science Applic Plastic Electronic Materials (CDT) | RX_1 | Science Applic Plastic Electronic Materials (CDT) | |
004060 | RX_EN1 | Science and Application of Plastic Electronic Materials (EPSRC CDT) - Engineering | RX_1 | Science Applic Plastic Electronic Materials (CDT) | RX_1 | Science Applic Plastic Electronic Materials (CDT) | |
004059 | RX_MR1 | Science and Application of Plastic Electronic Materials (EPSRC CDT) - Materials | RX_1 | Science Applic Plastic Electronic Materials (CDT) | RX_1 | Science Applic Plastic Electronic Materials (CDT) | |
003080 | TA_BA1 | MBA | TA_BA1 | MBA | TA_BA1 | Master of Business Administration | |
003080 | TA_BA9P1 | MBA (Part-time) | TA_BA9P1 | MBA (Part-time) | TA_BA1 | Master of Business Administration | |
003970 | TA_BA9P2 | EMBA | TA_BA9P2 | EMBA | TA_BA9P2 | Executive Master of Business Administration | |
002640 | TB_JU1 | BCL | TB_JU1 | BCL | TB_JU1 | Bachelor of Civil Law | |
000050 | TC_AJ9P1 | PGCert Architectural History | TC_AJ9P1 | PGCert Architectural History | TC_AJ9P1 | PGCert Architectural History | |
001725 | TC_AR9P1 | PGCert Archaeology | TC_AR9P1 | PGCert Archaeology | TC_AR9P1 | PGCert Archaeology | |
000070 | TC_BF9P9C1 | PGCert Bioinformatics | TC_BF9P9C1 | PGCert Bioinformatics | TM_BF9P9C1 | Bioinformatics Programme | |
000095 | TC_BT9P9C1 | PGCert Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | TC_BT9P9C1 | PGCert Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | TC_BT9P9C1 | PGCert Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Intro Level) | |
002710 | TC_DS1 | Cert Diplomatic Studies | TC_DS1 | Cert Diplomatic Studies | TD_DS1 | Diplomatic Studies Programme | |
000150 | TC_EH9M9C1 | PGCert Evidence-Based Health Care | TC_EH9M9C1 | PGCert Evidence-Based Health Care | TM_EH9M9C1 | Evidence-Based Health Care Programme | |
000099 | TC_ER9P9C1 | PGCert Ecological Survey Techniques | TC_ER9P9C1 | PGCert Ecological Survey Techniques | TC_ER9P9C1 | PGCert Ecological Survey Techniques | |
003620 | TC_HH9P9C1 | PGCert Health Care and Homelessness | TC_HH9P9C1 | PGCert Health Care and Homelessness | TC_HH9P9C1 | PGCert Provision Health Care to Pple Exp Homeless | |
000155 | TC_HL9M9C1 | PGCert Health Research | TC_HL9M9C1 | PGCert Health Research | TM_HL9M9C1 | Health Research Programme | |
000725 | TC_HY9P1 | PGCert Historical Studies | TC_HY9P1 | PGCert Historical Studies | TC_HY9P1 | PGCert Historical Studies | |
000220 | TC_JP9P1 | PGCert Psychodynamic Counselling | TC_JP9P1 | PGCert Psychodynamic Counselling | TC_JP9P1 | PGCert Psychodynamic Counselling | |
003101 | TC_MG9P1 | Cert Management Studies | TC_MG9P1 | Cert Management Studies | TC_MG9P1 | Certificate in Management Studies | |
003102 | TC_MG9P2 | PGCert Management Studies | TC_MG9P2 | PGCert Management Studies | TC_MG9P2 | PGCert Management Studies | |
003540 | TC_NT9M9C1 | PGCert Nanotechnology | TC_NT9M9C1 | PGCert Nanotechnology | TC_NT9M9C1 | PGCert Nanotechnology | |
000270 | TC_SE5J9P1 | PGCert Software Engineering | TC_SE5J9P1 | PGCert Software Engineering | TM_SE1 | Software Engineering Programme | |
003965 | TC_SE5K9P1 | PGCert Software and Systems Security | TC_SE5K9P1 | PGCert Software and Systems Security | TM_SE1 | Software Engineering Programme | |
000100 | TC_SE5L9P1 | PGCert Computer Security | TC_SE5L9P1 | PGCert Computer Security | TM_SE1 | Software Engineering Programme | |
000190 | TC_SE5M9P1 | PGCert Object Technology | TC_SE5M9P1 | PGCert Object Technology | TM_SE1 | Software Engineering Programme | |
000096 | TC_VH9P9C1 | PGCert Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychological Trauma | TC_VH9P9C1 | PGCert CBT for Psychological Trauma | TC_VH9P9C1 | PGCert Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Psycho Trauma | |
003440 | TC_YV1 | Cert Theology Graduates (Full-time) | TC_YV1 | Cert Theology Graduates (Full-time) | TC_YV1 | Certificate for Theology Graduates | |
003440 | TC_YV9P1 | Cert Theology Graduates (Part-time) | TC_YV9P1 | Cert Theology Graduates (Part-time) | TC_YV1 | Certificate for Theology Graduates | |
002240 | TD_AP1 | PGDip Science and Medicine of Athletic Performance | TD_AP1 | PGDip Sci and Med of Athletic Performance | TD_AP1 | PGDip Science and Medicine of Athletic Performance | |
003630 | TD_BF9P9C1 | PGDip Bioinformatics | TD_BF9P9C1 | PGDip Bioinformatics | TM_BF9P9C1 | Bioinformatics Programme | |
002700 | TD_DS1 | PGDip Diplomatic Studies | TD_DS1 | PGDip Diplomatic Studies | TD_DS1 | Diplomatic Studies Programme | |
002900 | TD_EE9P1 | PGDip Educational Studies | TD_EE9P1 | PGDip Educational Studies | TD_EE9P1 | PGDip Educational Studies | |
000140 | TD_EH9M9C1 | PGDip Evidence-Based Health Care | TD_EH9M9C1 | PGDip Evidence-Based Health Care | TM_EH9M9C1 | Evidence-Based Health Care Programme | |
000180 | TD_FM9M9C1 | PGDip Mathematical Finance | TD_FM9M9C1 | PGDip Mathematical Finance | TM_FM9M9C2 | Mathematical Finance Programme | |
003990 | TD_FS9P1 | PGDip Financial Strategy | TD_FS9P1 | PGDip Financial Strategy | TD_FS9P1 | PGDip Financial Strategy | |
000165 | TD_GB9P1 | PGDip Global Business | TD_GB9P1 | PGDip Global Business | TD_GB9P1 | PGDip Global Business | |
000020 | TD_GT9M9C1 | PGDip Adv Cognitive Therapy Studies | TD_GT9M9C1 | PGDip Adv Cognitive Therapy Studies | TM_GT9P9C1 | Advanced Cognitive Therapy Studies Programme | |
000145 | TD_HL9M9C1 | PGDip Health Research | TD_HL9M9C1 | PGDip Health Research | TM_HL9M9C1 | Health Research Programme | |
003860 | TD_JD9P9C1 | PGDip Paediatric Infectious Diseases | TD_JD9P9C1 | PGDip Paediatric Infectious Diseases | TD_JD9P9C1 | PGDip Paediatric Infectious Diseases | |
000240 | TD_JT9P1 | PGDip Psychodynamic Practice | TD_JT9P1 | PGDip Psychodynamic Practice | TS_JT9P1 | Psychodynamic Practice Programme | |
002903 | TD_LC9P1 | PGDip Learning and Teaching (1 Year) | TD_LC9P1 | PGDip Learning and Teaching (1 Year) | TD_LC9P1 | PGDip Learning and Teaching (1 Year) | |
002904 | TD_LC9P2 | PGDip Learning and Teaching | TD_LC9P2 | PGDip Learning and Teaching | TD_LC9P2 | PGDip Learning and Teaching | |
003991 | TD_LD9P1 | PGDip Organisational Leadership | TD_LD9P1 | PGDip Organisational Leadership | TD_LD9P1 | PGDip Organisational Leadership | |
002905 | TD_LH9P1 | PGDip Learning and Teaching in Higher Education | TD_LH9P1 | PGDip Learning and Teaching in HE | TD_LH9P1 | PGDip Learning and Teaching in Higher Education | |
003415 | TD_LP9P1 | PGDip Intellectual Property Law and Practice | TD_LP9P1 | PGDip Intellectual Prop Law and Practice | TD_LP9P1 | PGDip Intellectual Property Law and Practice | |
003100 | TD_MG1 | PGDip Management Studies (Full-time) | TD_MG1 | PGDip Management Studies (Full-time) | TD_MG1 | PGDip Management Studies | |
003100 | TD_MG9P1 | PGDip Management Studies (Part-time) | TD_MG9P1 | PGDip Management Studies (Part-time) | TD_MG1 | PGDip Management Studies | |
001940 | TD_MY1 | PGDip Integrated Immunology | TD_MY1 | PGDip Integrated Immunology | TD_MY1 | PGDip Integrated Immunology | |
003976 | TD_NF6A9P1 | PGDip Strategy and Innovation (14 Months) | TD_NF6A9P1 | PGDip Strategy and Innovation (14 Months) | TD_NF6A9P1 | PGDip Strategy and Innovation | |
003975 | TD_NF6B9P1 | PGDip Advanced Strategy | TD_NF6B9P1 | PGDip Advanced Strategy | TD_NF6B9P1 | PGDip Advanced Strategy | |
003977 | TD_NF6B9P2 | PGDip Strategy and Innovation (26 Months) | TD_NF6B9P2 | PGDip Strategy and Innovation (26 Months) | TD_NF6B9P2 | PGDip Strategy and Innovation | |
003055 | TD_NY9C1 | PGDip International Wildlife Conservation Practice | TD_NY9C1 | PGDip International Wildlife Cons Prac | TD_NY9C1 | PGDip International Wildlife Conservation Practice | |
002290 | TD_SA1 | PGDip Applied Statistics | TD_SA1 | PGDip Applied Statistics | TD_SA1 | PGDip Applied Statistics | |
000260 | TD_SE5J9P1 | PGDip Software Engineering | TD_SE5J9P1 | PGDip Software Engineering | TM_SE1 | Software Engineering Programme | |
003995 | TD_SE5K9P1 | PGDip Software and Systems Security | TD_SE5K9P1 | PGDip Software and Systems Security | TM_SE1 | Software Engineering Programme | |
003002 | TD_TE9P1 | PGDip Teacher Education | TD_TE9P1 | PGDip Teacher Education | TD_TE9P1 | PGDip Teacher Education | |
000090 | TD_VN9P9C1 | PGDip Cognitive Therapy Studies | TD_VN9P9C1 | PGDip Cognitive Therapy Studies | TD_VN9P9C1 | PGDip Cognitive Therapy | |
000025 | TD_VN9P9C2 | PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | TD_VN9P9C2 | PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | TD_VN9P9C2 | PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | |
000330 | TD_YB1 | PGDip Applied Theology (Full-time) | TD_YB1 | PGDip Applied Theology (Full-time) | TD_YB1 | PGDip Applied Theology | |
000330 | TD_YB9P1 | PGDip Applied Theology (Part-time) | TD_YB9P1 | PGDip Applied Theology (Part-time) | TD_YB1 | PGDip Applied Theology | |
002906 | TD_YG9P1 | PGDip Teaching English Language in University Settings | TD_YG9P1 | PGDip TELUS | TD_YG9P1 | PGDip Teaching English Lang in University Settings | |
003430 | TD_YV1 | PGDip Theology | TD_YV1 | PGDip Theology | TD_YV1 | PGDip Theology | |
000540 | TF_FR1 | MFA (Full-time) | TF_FR1 | MFA (Full-time) | TF_FR1 | Master of Fine Art | |
000540 | TF_FR9P1 | MFA (Part-time) | TF_FR9P1 | MFA (Part-time) | TF_FR1 | Master of Fine Art | |
000310 | TH_YB1 | MTh Applied Theology (Full-time) | TH_YB1 | MTh Applied Theology (Full-time) | TH_YB1 | MTh Applied Theology | |
000310 | TH_YB9P1 | MTh Applied Theology (Part-time) | TH_YB9P1 | MTh Applied Theology (Part-time) | TH_YB1 | MTh Applied Theology | |
003030 | TJ_JU1 | MJur | TJ_JU1 | MJur | TJ_JU1 | Magister Juris | |
001170 | TL_Z1 | BPhil Philosophy | TL_Z1 | BPhil Philosophy | TL_Z1 | Bachelor of Philosopy | |
003320 | TM_AH1 | MSc African Studies | TM_AH1 | MSc African Studies | TM_AH1 | MSc African Studies | |
000030 | TM_AL9P1 | MSc Applied Landscape Archaeology | TM_AL9P1 | MSc Applied Landscape Archaeology | TM_AL9P1 | MSc Applied Landscape Archaeology | |
002270 | TM_AM1 | MSc Applied and Computational Maths | TM_AM1 | MSc Applied and Computational Maths | TM_AM1 | MSc Applied and Computational Mathematics | |
002230 | TM_AP1 | MSc Science and Medicine of Athletic Performance | TM_AP1 | MSc Sci and Med of Athletic Performance | TM_AP1 | MSc Science and Medicine of Athletic Performance | |
001320 | TM_AS1 | MSc Archaeological Science | TM_AS1 | MSc Archaeological Science | TM_AS1 | MSc Archaeological Science | |
TM_BD1 | MSc Biodiversity | TM_BD1 | MSc Biodiversity, Conservation and Mgt | TM_BD1 | MSc Biodiversity, Conservation and Management | ||
003470 | TM_BE1 | MSc Biomedical Engineering | TM_BE1 | MSc Biomedical Engineering | TM_BE1 | MSc Biomedical Engineering | |
000060 | TM_BF9P9C1 | MSc Bioinformatics | TM_BF9P9C1 | MSc Bioinformatics | TM_BF9P9C1 | Bioinformatics Programme | |
001420 | TM_BG1 | MSc Biology (Integrative Bio-Science) | TM_BG1 | MSc Biology (Integrative Bio-Science) | TM_BG1 | MSc Biology (Integrative Bio-Science) | |
003580 | TM_CA1 | MSc Medicinal Chemistry for Cancer | TM_CA1 | MSc Medicinal Chemistry for Cancer | TM_CA1 | MSc Medicinal Chemistry for Cancer | |
003840 | TM_CE1 | MSc Clinical Embryology | TM_CE1 | MSc Clinical Embryology | TM_CE1 | MSc Clinical Embryology | |
003980 | TM_CH1 | MSc Modern Chinese Studies | TM_CH1 | MSc Modern Chinese Studies | TM_CH1 | MSc Modern Chinese Studies | |
003981 | TM_CH2 | MSc Contemporary Chinese Studies | TM_CH2 | MSc Contemporary Chinese Studies | TM_CH2 | MSc Contemporary Chinese Studies | |
002330 | TM_CN1 | MSc Computer Science | TM_CN1 | MSc Computer Science | TM_CN1 | MSc Computer Science | |
001870 | TM_DM1 | MSc Diagnostic Imaging (Full-time) | TM_DM1 | MSc Diagnostic Imaging (Full-time) | TM_DM1 | MSc Diagnostic Imaging | |
001870 | TM_DM9P1 | MSc Diagnostic Imaging (Part-time) | TM_DM9P1 | MSc Diagnostic Imaging (Part-time) | TM_DM1 | MSc Diagnostic Imaging | |
003900 | TM_DV1 | MSc Contemporary India | TM_DV1 | MSc Contemporary India | TM_DV1 | MSc Contemporary India | |
001673 | TM_DY1 | MSc Cognitive Evolutionary Anthropology | TM_DY1 | MSc Cognitive Evolutionary Anthropology | TM_DY1 | MSc Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology | |
003600 | TM_ED6A1 | MSc Comparative and International Education | TM_ED6A1 | MSc Comparative and International Ed | TM_ED6A1 | MSc Educational St (Comparative and Intern Ed) | |
003075 | TM_ED6A2 | MSc Education (Comparative and International Education) | TM_ED6A2 | MSc Education (Comp and Int Ed) | TM_ED2 | MSc Education | |
003610 | TM_ED6D1 | MSc Educational Studies (Higher Education) | TM_ED6D1 | MSc EdStud (Higher Education) | TM_ED1 | MSc Educational Studies | |
003095 | TM_ED6D2 | MSc Education (Higher Education) | TM_ED6D2 | MSc Education (Higher Education) | TM_ED2 | MSc Education | |
003590 | TM_ED6F1 | MSc Educational Studies (E-Learning) | TM_ED6F1 | MSc EdStud (E-Learning) | TM_ED1 | MSc Educational Studies | |
003105 | TM_ED6F2 | MSc Education (E-learning) | TM_ED6F2 | MSc Education (E-learning) | TM_ED2 | MSc Education | |
003076 | TM_ED6F3 | MSc Education (Learning and Technology) | TM_ED6F3 | MSc Education (Learning and Tech) | TM_ED2 | MSc Education | |
003085 | TM_ED6J1 | MSc Education (Child Development and Education) | TM_ED6J1 | MSc Education (Child Dev and Ed) | TM_ED2 | MSc Education | |
002850 | TM_ED6N1 | MSc Educational Research Methodology (Full-time) | TM_ED6N1 | MSc Educational Research Methodology FT | TM_ED6N1 | MSc Educational Research Methodology | |
003090 | TM_ED6N2 | MSc Education (Research Design and Methodology) | TM_ED6N2 | MSc Education (Research Des and Meth) | TM_ED6N2 | MSc Education (Research Design and Methodology) | |
002855 | TM_ED6N3 | MSc Education (Research Training) | TM_ED6N3 | MSc Education (Research Training) | TM_ED2 | MSc Education | |
002850 | TM_ED6N9P1 | MSc Educational Research Methodology (Part-time) | TM_ED6N9P1 | MSc Educational Research Methodology PT | TM_ED6N1 | MSc Educational Research Methodology | |
002890 | TM_EE1 | MSc Educational Studies | TM_EE1 | MSc Educational Studies | TM_EE1 | MSc Educational Studies | |
002750 | TM_EF1 | MSc Economics for Development | TM_EF1 | MSc Economics for Development | TM_EF1 | MSc Economics for Development | |
000130 | TM_EH9M9C1 | MSc Evidence-Based Health Care | TM_EH9M9C1 | MSc Evidence-Based Health Care | TM_EH9M9C1 | Evidence-Based Health Care Programme | |
002910 | TM_ES1 | MSc Evidence-Based Social Work | TM_ES1 | MSc Evidence-Based Social Work | TM_ES1 | MSc Evidence-Based Social Work | |
002911 | TM_ES2 | MSc Evidence Based Social Intervention | TM_ES2 | MSc Evidence Based Social Intervention | TM_ES2 | MSc Evidence Based Social Intervention | |
002913 | TM_ESGE1 | MSc Evidence-Based Soc Int & Pol Eva | TM_ESGE1 | MSc Evidence-Based Soc Int and Pol Eva | TM_ESGE1 | MSc Evidence-Based Soc Int & Pol Eva | |
000120 | TM_ET9P1 | MSc English Local History | TM_ET9P1 | MSc English Local History | TM_ET9P1 | MSc English Local History | |
002600 | TM_FF1 | MSc Theoretical Chemistry | TM_FF1 | MSc Theoretical Chemistry | TM_FF1 | MSc Theoretical Chemistry | |
002930 | TM_FL1 | MSc Forced Migration | TM_FL1 | MSc Forced Migration | TM_FL1 | MSc Forced Migration | |
002931 | TM_FL2 | MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies | TM_FL2 | MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies | TM_FL2 | MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies | |
000170 | TM_FM9M9C1 | MSc Mathematical Finance | TM_FM9M9C1 | MSc Mathematical Finance | TM_FM9M9C2 | Mathematical Finance Programme | |
000172 | TM_FM9M9C2 | MSc Mathematical Finance (28m) | TM_FM9M9C2 | MSc Mathematical Finance (28m) | TM_FM9M9C2 | Mathematical Finance Programme | |
003330 | TM_FN1 | MSc Financial Economics | TM_FN1 | MSc Financial Economics | TM_FN1 | MSc Financial Economics | |
003801 | TM_FT9M9C1 | MSc Experimental Therapeutics | TM_FT9M9C1 | MSc Experimental Therapeutics | TM_FT9M9C1 | MSc Experimental Therapeutics | |
003450 | TM_GG1 | MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy | TM_GG1 | MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy | TM_GG1 | MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy | |
003370 | TM_GH1 | MSc Global Health Science | TM_GH1 | MSc Global Health Science | TM_GH1 | MSc Global Health Science | |
003370 | TM_GH6A1 | MSc Global Health Science (1+3) | TM_GH6A1 | MSc Global Health Science (1+3) | TM_GH1 | MSc Global Health Science | |
000010 | TM_GT9P9C1 | MSc Advanced Cognitive Therapy Studies | TM_GT9P9C1 | MSc Adv Cognitive Therapy Studies | TM_GT9P9C1 | Advanced Cognitive Therapy Studies Programme | |
000011 | TM_GT9P9C2 | MSc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | TM_GT9P9C2 | MSc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | TM_GT9P9C2 | MSc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | |
002940 | TM_HM1 | MSc Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management | TM_HM1 | MSc Ind Relns and Human Resource Mgt | TM_HM1 | MSc Industrial Relations and Human Resource Mgt | |
000580 | TM_HN1 | MSc Economic and Social History | TM_HN1 | MSc Economic and Social History | TM_HN1 | MSc Economic and Social History | |
TM_HS2 | MSc History of Science | TM_HS2 | MSc History of Sci, Med and Tech | TM_HS2 | MSc History of Science, Medicine and Technology | ||
TM_HT1 | MSc History of Science (Inst | TM_HT1 | MSc History of Science (Inst,Mus,Sci,Tec) | TM_HT1 | MSc History of Sci: Instrument, Museum, Sci, Tech | ||
002670 | TM_JC1 | MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice | TM_JC1 | MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice | TM_JC1 | MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice | |
003861 | TM_JD9P1 | MSc Paediatric Infectious Diseaes | TM_JD9P1 | MSc Paediatric Infectious Diseases | TM_JD9P1 | MSc Paediatric In | |
002245 | TM_JN1 | MSc Social Science of the Internet | TM_JN1 | MSc Social Science of the Internet | TM_JN1 | MSc Social Science of the Internet | |
003640 | TM_JR1 | MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (Research Methods) | TM_JR1 | MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (Res Meth) | TM_JR1 | MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (Res Meth) | |
003680 | TM_JS1 | MSc Modern Japanese Studies | TM_JS1 | MSc Modern Japanese Studies | TM_JS1 | MSc Modern Japanese Studies | |
002265 | TM_JV9M9C1 | MSc Surgical Science and Practice | TM_JV9M9C1 | MSc Surgical Science and Practice | TM_JV9M9C1 | MSc Surgical Science and Practice | |
003181 | TM_LC9P1 | MSc Learning and Teaching | TM_LC9P1 | MSc Learning and Teaching | TM_LC9P1 | MSc Learning and Teaching | |
003021 | TM_LF1 | MSc Law and Finance | TM_LF1 | MSc Law and Finance | TM_LF1 | MSc Law and Finance | |
002620 | TM_LL1 | MSc Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition (Full-time) | TM_LL1 | MSc App Linguistics and 2nd Lang Acqn (Full-time) | TM_LL1 | MSc Applied Linguistics and Second Lang Aquisition | |
002620 | TM_LL9P1 | MSc Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition (Part-time) | TM_LL9P1 | MSc App Linguistics and 2nd Lang Acqn (Part-time) | TM_LL1 | MSc Applied Linguistics and Second Lang Aquisition | |
002990 | TM_LT1 | MSc Latin American Studies | TM_LT1 | MSc Latin American Studies | TM_LT1 | MSc Latin American Studies | |
003190 | TM_LTLU1 | MSc Public Policy in Latin America | TM_LTLU1 | MSc Public Policy in Latin America | TM_LTLU1 | MSc Public Policy in Latin America | |
001600 | TM_MA1 | MSc Medical Anthropology | TM_MA1 | MSc Medical Anthropology | TM_MA1 | MSc Medical Anthropology | |
000171 | TM_MC1 | MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance | TM_MC1 | MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance | TM_MC1 | MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance | |
003050 | TM_MH1 | MSc Management Research | TM_MH1 | MSc Management Research | TM_MH1 | MSc Management Research | |
003795 | TM_ML9P1 | MSc Musculoskeletal Sciences | TM_ML9P1 | MSc Musculoskeletal Sciences | TM_ML9P1 | MSc Musculoskeletal Sciences | |
002490 | TM_MM1 | MSc Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing | TM_MM1 | MSc Math Mod and Scientific Computing | TM_MM1 | MSc Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Comp | |
002520 | TM_MS1 | MSc Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science | TM_MS1 | MSc Maths and Fndns of Computer Science | TM_MS1 | MSc Mathematics and Foundations of Comp Sci | |
002630 | TM_MSAE1 | MSc Mathematical & Theoretical Physics | TM_MSAE1 | MSc Mathematical & Theoretical Physics | TM_MSAE1 | MSc Mathematical & Theoretical Physics | |
001930 | TM_MY1 | MSc Integrated Immunology | TM_MY1 | MSc Integrated Immunology | TM_MY1 | MSc Integrated Immunology | |
003660 | TM_NE1 | MSc Endovascular Neurosurgery (Full-time) | TM_NE1 | MSc Endovascular Neurosurgery (Full-time) | TM_NE1 | MSc Endovascular Neurosurgery | |
003660 | TM_NE9P1 | MSc Endovascular Neurosurgery (Part-time) | TM_NE9P1 | MSc Endovascular Neurosurgery (Part-time) | TM_NE1 | MSc Endovascular Neurosurgery | |
TM_NP1 | MSc Nature | TM_NP1 | MSc Nature, Society and Env. Policy | TM_NP1 | MSc Nature, Society and Environmental Policy | ||
TM_NP2 | MSc Nature | TM_NP2 | MSc Nature, Society and Governance | TM_NP1 | MSc Nature, Society and Environmental Policy | ||
001970 | TM_NS1 | MSc Neuroscience | TM_NS1 | MSc Neuroscience | TM_NS1 | MSc Neuroscience | |
001970 | TM_NS6A1 | MSc Neuroscience (1+3) | TM_NS6A1 | MSc Neuroscience (1+3) | TM_NS1 | MSc Neuroscience | |
003955 | TM_PB9P1 | MSc Major Programme Management | TM_PB9P1 | MSc Major Programme Management | TM_PB9P1 | MSc Major Programme Management | |
002100 | TM_PH1 | MSc Pharmacology | TM_PH1 | MSc Pharmacology | TM_PH1 | MSc Pharmacology | |
002220 | TM_PJ1 | MSc Research in Psychology | TM_PJ1 | MSc Research in Psychology | TM_PJ1 | MSc Research in Psychology | |
002221 | TM_PJ2 | MSc Psychological Research (Direct Entry) | TM_PJ2 | MSc Psychological Research (Direct Entry) | TM_PJ2 | MSc Psychological Research | |
002221 | TM_PJ6A2 | MSc Psychological Research (1+3) | TM_PJ6A2 | MSc Psychological Research (1+3) | TM_PJ2 | MSc Psychological Research | |
003110 | TM_PM1 | MSc Political Theory Research | TM_PM1 | MSc Political Theory Research | TM_PM1 | MSc Political Theory Research | |
003140 | TM_PN1 | MSc Politics and International Relations Research | TM_PN1 | MSc Politics and Int Relations Research | TM_PN1 | MSc Politics and International Relations Research | |
003145 | TM_PN2 | MSc Politics Research | TM_PN2 | Master of Science Politics Research | TM_PN2 | MSc Politics Research | |
000210 | TM_PR9C1 | MSc Professional Archaeology (Full-time) | TM_PR9C1 | MSc Professional Archaeology (Full-time) | TM_PR9P9C1 | MSc Professional Archaeology | |
000210 | TM_PR9P9C1 | MSc Professional Archaeology (Part-time) | TM_PR9P9C1 | MSc Professional Archaeology (Part-time) | TM_PR9P9C1 | MSc Professional Archaeology | |
002280 | TM_SA1 | MSc Applied Statistics | TM_SA1 | MSc Applied Statistics | TM_SA1 | MSc Applied Statistics | |
001481 | TM_SD9P9C1 | MSc Sustainable Urban Development | TM_SD9P9C1 | MSc Sustainable Urban Development | TM_SD9P9C1 | MSc Sustainable Urban Development | |
000250 | TM_SE5J9P1 | MSc Software Engineering | TM_SE5J9P1 | MSc Software Engineering | TM_SE1 | Software Engineering Programme | |
003405 | TM_SE5K9P1 | MSc Software and Systems Security | TM_SE5K9P1 | MSc Software and Systems Security | TM_SE1 | Software Engineering Programme | |
001671 | TM_SF1 | MSc Social Anthropology (Research Methods) | TM_SF1 | MSc Social Anthropology (Res Meth) | TM_SF1 | MSc Social Anthropology (Research Methods) | |
001670 | TM_SM1 | MSc Social Anthropology | TM_SM1 | MSc Social Anthropology | TM_SM1 | MSc Social Anthropology | |
002660 | TM_SN1 | MSc Comparative Social Policy | TM_SN1 | MSc Comparative Social Policy | TM_SN1 | MSc Comparative Social Policy | |
003310 | TM_SY1 | MSc Sociology | TM_SY1 | MSc Sociology | TM_SY1 | MSc Sociology | |
002571 | TM_TC1 | MSc Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Direct entry) | TM_TC1 | MSc Theoretical and Comp Chemistry (Direct entry) | TM_TC1 | MSc Theoretica | |
004008 | TM_TC6A1 | MSc Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (EPSRC CDT) | TM_TC6A1 | MSc Theoretical and Comp Chemistry (EPSRC CDT) | RQ_1 | Theory and Modelling in Chem Sciences (EPSRC CDT) | |
003001 | TM_TE9P1 | MSc Teacher Education | TM_TE9P1 | MSc Teacher Education | TM_TE9P1 | MSc Teacher Education | |
001690 | TM_VA1 | MSc Visual Anthropology | TM_VA1 | MSc Visual Anthropology | TM_VA1 | MSc Visual Anthropology | |
001470 | TM_VE1 | MSc Environmental Change and Management | TM_VE1 | MSc Environmental Change and Management | TM_VE1 | MSc Environmental Change and Management | |
TM_VF1 | MSc Drylands | TM_VF1 | MSc Drylands, Science and Management | TM_VF1 | MSc Drylands, Science and Management | ||
001480 | TM_VG1 | MSc Environmental Geomorphology | TM_VG1 | MSc Environmental Geomorphology | TM_VG1 | MSc Environmental Geomorphology | |
TM_VM1 | MSc Visual | TM_VM1 | MSc Visual, Material and Museum Anthrop | TM_VM1 | MSc Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology | ||
TM_VP1 | MSc Water Science | TM_VP1 | MSc Water Science, Policy and Management | TM_VP1 | MSc Water Science, Policy and Management | ||
001570 | TM_VU1 | MSc Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography | TM_VU1 | MSc Material Anth and Museum Ethnography | TM_VU1 | MSc Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography | |
001581 | TM_VV1 | MSc Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (Research Methods) | TM_VV1 | MSc Mat Anthro and Muse Ethno (Res Meth) | TM_VV1 | MSc Mat Anthropology and Mus Ethnography (Res Met) | |
003180 | TM_YF9P1 | MSc Professional Development in Education | TM_YF9P1 | MSc Prof Development in Education | TM_YF9P1 | MSc Professional Development in Education | |
002907 | TM_YG9P1 | MSc TELUS | TM_YG9P1 | MSc TELUS | TM_YG9P1 | MSc TELUS | |
001425 | TM_YL1 | MSc Radiation Biology (Direct Entry) | TM_YL1 | MSc Radiation Biology (Direct Entry) | TM_YL1 | MSc Radiation Biology | |
001425 | TM_YL6A1 | MSc Radiation Biology (1+3) | TM_YL6A1 | MSc Radiation Biology (1+3) | TM_YL1 | MSc Radiation Biology | |
003210 | TM_YN1 | MSc Russian and East European Studies | TM_YN1 | MSc Russian and East European Studies | TM_YN1 | MSc Russian and East European Studies | |
003790 | TM_YR9P1 | MSc Rheumatology | TM_YR9P1 | MSc Rheumatology | TM_YR9P1 | MSc Rheumatology | |
001675 | TM_YT1 | MSc Migration Studies | TM_YT1 | MSc Migration Studies | TM_YT1 | MSc Migration Studies | |
003185 | TN_PP1 | Master of Public Policy | TN_PP1 | Master of Public Policy | TN_PP1 | Master of Public Policy | |
000820 | TP_5S1 | MPhil Judaism and Christianity in Graeco-Roman World | TP_5S1 | MPhil Judaism and Christianity in G/R Wrld | TP_5S1 | MPhil Judaism and Christianity in Graeco-Roman Wld | |
001120 | TP_5TYV1 | MPhil Philosophical Theology | TP_5TYV1 | MPhil Philosophical Theology | TP_5TYV1 | MPhil Philosophical Theology | |
000560 | TP_6HYV1 | MPhil Eastern Christian Studies: Theology | TP_6HYV1 | MPhil E Christian Studies: Theology | TP_6HYV1 | MPhil Eastern Christian Studies (Theology) | |
001705 | TP_AR1 | MPhil Archaeology | TP_AR1 | MPhil Archaeology | TP_AR1 | MPhil Archaeology | |
001710 | TP_ARAU1 | MPhil World Archaeology | TP_ARAU1 | MPhil World Archaeology | TP_ARAU1 | MPhil World Archaeology | |
001490 | TP_AREY1 | MPhil European Archaeology | TP_AREY1 | MPhil European Archaeology | TP_AREY1 | MPhil European Archaeology | |
001550 | TP_ARLA1 | MPhil Landscape Archaeology | TP_ARLA1 | MPhil Landscape Archaeology | TP_ARLA1 | MPhil Landscape Archaeology | |
002857 | TP_BJ1 | MPhil British and European History 1500-present | TP_BJ1 | MPhil British and European History 1500-present | TP_BJ1 | MPhil British and European History 1500-present | |
000350 | TP_BY1 | MPhil Byzantine Studies | TP_BY1 | MPhil Byzantine Studies | TP_BY1 | MPhil Byzantine Studies | |
001430 | TP_CLCR1 | MPhil Classical Archaeology | TP_CLCR1 | MPhil Classical Archaeology | TP_CLCR1 | MPhil Classical Archaeology | |
000650 | TP_CPK1 | MPhil General Linguistics and Comparative Philology | TP_CPK1 | MPhil Gen Linguistics and Comp Philology | TP_CPK1 | MPhil General Linguistics and Comparative Phil | |
002690 | TP_DT1 | MPhil Development Studies | TP_DT1 | MPhil Development Studies | TP_DT1 | MPhil Development Studies | |
000620 | TP_EJ1 | MPhil English Studies (Medieval) | TP_EJ1 | MPhil English Studies (Medieval) | TP_EJ1 | MPhil English Studies (Medieval) | |
002920 | TP_ES1 | MPhil Evidence-Based Social Work | TP_ES1 | MPhil Evidence-Based Social Work | TP_ES1 | MPhil Evidence-Based Social Work | |
002921 | TP_ES2 | MPhil Evidence-Based Social Intervention | TP_ES2 | MPhil Evid-Based Social Interven | TP_ES2 | MPhil Evidence Based Social Intervention | |
002912 | TP_ESGE1 | MPhil Evidence-Based Soc Int & Pol Eva | TP_ESGE1 | MPhil Evidence-Based Soc Int and Pol Eva | TP_ESGE1 | MPhil Evidence-Based Soc Int & Pol Eva | |
000630 | TP_EU1 | MPhil European Literature | TP_EU1 | MPhil European Literature | TP_EU1 | MPhil European Literature | |
000630 | TP_EU3F1 | MPhil European Literature (FRE) | TP_EU3F1 | MPhil European Literature (FRE) | TP_EU1 | MPhil European Literature | |
000630 | TP_EU3G1 | MPhil European Literature (GER) | TP_EU3G1 | MPhil European Literature (GER) | TP_EU1 | MPhil European Literature | |
000630 | TP_EU3N1 | MPhil European Literature (BYZ) | TP_EU3N1 | MPhil European Literature (BYZ) | TP_EU1 | MPhil European Literature | |
000630 | TP_EU3R1 | MPhil European Literature (RUS) | TP_EU3R1 | MPhil European Literature (RUS) | TP_EU1 | MPhil European Literature | |
000630 | TP_EU3T1 | MPhil European Literature (ITA) | TP_EU3T1 | MPhil European Literature (ITA) | TP_EU1 | MPhil European Literature | |
003830 | TP_EV1 | MPhil Geography and the Environment | TP_EV1 | MPhil in Geography and the Environment | TP_EV1 | MPhil Geography and the Environment | |
000450 | TP_FY1 | MPhil Celtic Studies | TP_FY1 | MPhil Celtic Studies | TP_FY1 | MPhil Celtic Studies | |
000680 | TP_GL1 | MPhil Greek and/or Latin Language and Literature | TP_GL1 | MPhil Greek and/or Latin Lang and Lit | TP_GL1 | MPhil Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature | |
000690 | TP_GR1 | MPhil Greek and/or Roman History | TP_GR1 | MPhil Greek and/or Roman History | TP_GR1 | MPhil Greek and/or Roman History | |
000860 | TP_HE1 | MPhil Modern European History | TP_HE1 | MPhil Modern European History | TP_HE1 | MPhil Modern European History | |
000895 | TP_HF1 | MPhil Modern British and European History | TP_HF1 | MPhil Modern British and European History | TP_HF1 | MPhil Modern British and European History | |
000570 | TP_HN1 | MPhil Economic and Social History | TP_HN1 | MPhil Economic and Social History | TP_HN1 | MPhil Economic and Social History | |
000740 | TP_HS1 | MPhil History of Science Medicine and Technology | TP_HS1 | MPhil History of Sci Med and Tech | TP_HS1 | MPhil History of Science, Medicine and Technology | |
003570 | TP_JC1 | MPhil Criminology and Criminal Justice | TP_JC1 | MPhil Criminology and Criminal Justice | TP_JC1 | MPhil Criminology and Criminal Justice | |
003690 | TP_JS1 | MPhil Modern Japanese Studies | TP_JS1 | MPhil Modern Japanese Studies | TP_JS1 | MPhil Modern Japanese Studies | |
002980 | TP_LT1 | MPhil Latin American Studies | TP_LT1 | MPhil Latin American Studies | TP_LT1 | MPhil Latin American Studies | |
003770 | TP_LVBY1 | MPhil Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | TP_LVBY1 | MPhil Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | TP_LVBY1 | MPhil Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | |
001590 | TP_MA1 | MPhil Medical Anthropology | TP_MA1 | MPhil Medical Anthropology | TP_MA1 | MPhil Medical Anthropology | |
003065 | TP_MU6A1 | MPhil Music (Musicology) | TP_MU6A1 | MPhil Music (Musicology) | TP_MU1 | MPhil Music | |
000940 | TP_MU6A6C1 | MPhil Music (Musicology and Performance) | TP_MU6A6C1 | MPhil Music (Musicology and Performance) | TP_MU1 | MPhil Music | |
003045 | TP_MU6B1 | MPhil Music (Composition) | TP_MU6B1 | MPhil Music (Composition) | TP_MU1 | MPhil Music | |
003035 | TP_MU6C1 | MPhil Music (Performance) | TP_MU6C1 | MPhil Music (Performance) | TP_MU1 | MPhil Music | |
002859 | TP_OS5A1 | MPhil Buddhist Studies | TP_OS5A1 | MPhil Buddhist Studies | TP_OS5A1 | MPhil Buddhist Studies | |
001080 | TP_OS5B1 | MPhil Modern Jewish Studies | TP_OS5B1 | MPhil Modern Jewish Studies | TP_OS5B1 | MPhil Modern Jewish Studies | |
001090 | TP_OS5C1 | MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies | TP_OS5C1 | MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies | TP_OS5C1 | MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies | |
001100 | TP_OS5E1 | MPhil Ottoman Turkish Studies | TP_OS5E1 | MPhil Ottoman Turkish Studies | TP_OS5E1 | MPhil Ottoman Turkish Studies | |
001110 | TP_OS5G1 | MPhil Tibetan and Himalayan Studies | TP_OS5G1 | MPhil Tibetan and Himalayan Studies | TP_OS5G1 | MPhil Tibetan and Himalayan Studies | |
001095 | TP_OS5H1 | MPhil Traditional East Asia | TP_OS5H1 | MPhil Traditional East Asia | TP_OS5H1 | MPhil Traditional East Asia | |
000990 | TP_OS6C1 | MPhil Classical and Medieval Islamic History | TP_OS6C1 | MPhil Class and Medieval Islamic History | TP_OS6C1 | MPhil Classical and Medieval Islamic History | |
001000 | TP_OS6F1 | MPhil Classical Indian Religion | TP_OS6F1 | MPhil Classical Indian Religion | TP_OS6F1 | MPhil Classical Indian Religion | |
001010 | TP_OS6G1 | MPhil Cuneiform Studies | TP_OS6G1 | MPhil Cuneiform Studies | TP_OS6G1 | MPhil Cuneiform Studies | |
000550 | TP_OS6H1 | MPhil Eastern Christian Studies | TP_OS6H1 | MPhil Eastern Christian Studies | TP_OS6H1 | MPhil Eastern Christian Studies | |
001020 | TP_OS6J1 | MPhil Egyptology | TP_OS6J1 | MPhil Egyptology | TP_OS6J1 | MPhil Egyptology | |
001030 | TP_OS6M1 | MPhil Islamic Art and Archaeology | TP_OS6M1 | MPhil Islamic Art and Archaeology | TP_OS6M1 | MPhil Islamic Art and Archaeology | |
000995 | TP_OS6N1 | MPhil Islamic Studies and History | TP_OS6N1 | MPhil Islamic Studies and History | TP_OS6N1 | MPhil Islamic Studies and History | |
001040 | TP_OS6S1 | MPhil Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period | TP_OS6S1 | MPhil Jewish Studies in Gr/Rom Period | TP_OS6S1 | MPhil Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period | |
001050 | TP_OS6U1 | MPhil Medieval Arabic Thought | TP_OS6U1 | MPhil Medieval Arabic Thought | TP_OS6U1 | MPhil Medieval Arabic Thought | |
001061 | TP_OS6V1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Art | TP_OS6V1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Art | TP_OS6V1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Art | |
001060 | TP_OS6Y1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Art and Literature | TP_OS6Y1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Art and Literature | TP_OS6Y1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Art and Literature | |
001070 | TP_OSCH1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Studies | TP_OSCH1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Studies | TP_OSCH1 | MPhil Modern Chinese Studies | |
003740 | TP_OSVS1 | MPhil Modern South Asian Studies | TP_OSVS1 | MPhil Modern South Asian Studies | TP_OSVS1 | MPhil Modern South Asian Studies | |
003160 | TP_PL6B1 | MPhil Politics: European Pol and Soc | TP_PL6B1 | MPhil Politics: European Pol and Soc | TP_PL1 | MPhil Politics | |
003170 | TP_PL6C1 | MPhil Politics: Political Theory | TP_PL6C1 | MPhil Politics: Political Theory | TP_PL1 | MPhil Politics | |
003150 | TP_PLGC1 | MPhil Politics: Comparative Government | TP_PLGC1 | MPhil Politics: Comparative Government | TP_PL1 | MPhil Politics | |
003730 | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q2 | MPhil Modern Languages | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003730 | TP_Q3F1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE) | TP_Q3F1 | MPhil Med and Mod Langs (FRE) | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3F2 | MPhil Modern Languages (FRE) | TP_Q3F2 | MPhil Mod Langs (FRE) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003730 | TP_Q3F3G1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and GER) | TP_Q3F3G1 | MPhil Med and Mod Langs (FRE and GER) | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3F3G2 | MPhil Modern Languages (FRE and GER) | TP_Q3F3G2 | MPhil Mod Langs (FRE and GER) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3F3N2 | MPhil Modern Languages (FRE and BYZ) | TP_Q3F3N2 | MPhil Mod Langs (FRE and BYZ) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3F3P2 | MPhil Modern Languages (FRE and POR) | TP_Q3F3P2 | MPhil Mod Langs (FRE and POR) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3F3R2 | MPhil Modern Languages (FRE and RUS) | TP_Q3F3R2 | MPhil Mod Langs (FRE and RUS) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3F3S2 | MPhil Modern Languages (FRE and SPA) | TP_Q3F3S2 | MPhil Mod Langs (FRE and SPA) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3F3T2 | MPhil Modern Languages (FRE and ITA) | TP_Q3F3T2 | MPhil Mod Langs (FRE and ITA) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003730 | TP_Q3G1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (GER) | TP_Q3G1 | MPhil Med and Mod Langs (GER) | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3G2 | MPhil Modern Languages (GER) | TP_Q3G2 | MPhil Mod Langs (GER) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3G3N2 | MPhil Modern Languages (GER and BYZ) | TP_Q3G3N2 | MPhil Mod Langs (GER and BYZ) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3G3P2 | MPhil Modern Languages (GER and POR) | TP_Q3G3P2 | MPhil Mod Langs (GER and POR) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3G3R2 | MPhil Modern Languages (GER and RUS) | TP_Q3G3R2 | MPhil Mod Langs (GER and RUS) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3G3S2 | MPhil Modern Languages (GER and SPA) | TP_Q3G3S2 | MPhil Mod Langs (GER and SPA) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3G3T2 | MPhil Modern Languages (GER and ITA) | TP_Q3G3T2 | MPhil Mod Langs (GER and ITA) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003730 | TP_Q3N1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (BYZ) | TP_Q3N1 | MPhil Med and Mod Langs (BYZ) | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3N2 | MPhil Modern Languages (BYZ) | TP_Q3N2 | MPhil Mod Langs (BYZ) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3N4A2 | MPhil Modern Languages (BYZ and ENG) | TP_Q3N4A2 | MPhil Mod Langs (BYZ and ENG) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003730 | TP_Q3P1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (POR) | TP_Q3P1 | MPhil Med and Mod Langs (POR) | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3P2 | MPhil Modern Languages (POR) | TP_Q3P2 | MPhil Mod Langs (POR) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3P3N2 | MPhil Modern Languages (POR and BYZ) | TP_Q3P3N2 | MPhil Mod Langs (POR and BYZ) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3P3R2 | MPhil Modern Languages (POR and RUS) | TP_Q3P3R2 | MPhil Mod Langs (POR and RUS) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003730 | TP_Q3R1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (RUS) | TP_Q3R1 | MPhil Med and Mod Langs (RUS) | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3R2 | MPhil Modern Languages (RUS) | TP_Q3R2 | MPhil Mod Langs (RUS) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3R3N2 | MPhil Modern Languages (RUS and BYZ) | TP_Q3R3N2 | MPhil Mod Langs (RUS and BYZ) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003730 | TP_Q3S1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA) | TP_Q3S1 | MPhil Med and Mod Langs (SPA) | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3S2 | MPhil Modern Languages (SPA) | TP_Q3S2 | MPhil Mod Langs (SPA) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3S3N2 | MPhil Modern Languages (SPA and BYZ) | TP_Q3S3N2 | MPhil Mod Langs (SPA and BYZ) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3S3P2 | MPhil Modern Languages (SPA and POR) | TP_Q3S3P2 | MPhil Mod Langs (SPA and POR) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3S3R2 | MPhil Modern Languages (SPA and RUS) | TP_Q3S3R2 | MPhil Mod Langs (SPA and RUS) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003730 | TP_Q3T1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA) | TP_Q3T1 | MPhil Med and Mod Langs (ITA) | TP_Q1 | MPhil Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3T2 | MPhil Modern Languages (ITA) | TP_Q3T2 | MPhil Mod Langs (ITA) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3T3N2 | MPhil Modern Languages (ITA and BYZ) | TP_Q3T3N2 | MPhil Mod Langs (ITA and BYZ) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3T3P2 | MPhil Modern Languages (ITA and POR) | TP_Q3T3P2 | MPhil Mod Langs (ITA and POR) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3T3R2 | MPhil Modern Languages (ITA and RUS) | TP_Q3T3R2 | MPhil Mod Langs (ITA and RUS) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
003735 | TP_Q3T3S2 | MPhil Modern Languages (ITA and SPA) | TP_Q3T3S2 | MPhil Mod Langs (ITA and SPA) | TP_Q2 | MPhil in Modern Languages | |
001190 | TP_SL1 | MPhil Slavonic Studies | TP_SL1 | MPhil Slavonic Studies | TP_SL1 | MPhil Slavonic Studies | |
001660 | TP_SM1 | MPhil Social Anthropology | TP_SM1 | MPhil Social Anthropology | TP_SM1 | MPhil Social Anthropology | |
002650 | TP_SN1 | MPhil Comparative Social Policy | TP_SN1 | MPhil Comparative Social Policy | TP_SN1 | MPhil Comparative Social Policy | |
003300 | TP_SY1 | MPhil Sociology | TP_SY1 | MPhil Sociology | TP_SY1 | MPhil Sociology | |
003305 | TP_SYDE1 | MPhil Sociology & Demography | TP_SYDE1 | MPhil Sociology & Demography | TP_SYDE1 | MPhil Sociology & Demography | |
TP_VM1 | MPhil Visual | TP_VM1 | MPhil Visual, Material and Museum Anthrop | TP_VM1 | MPhil Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology | ||
001560 | TP_VU1 | MPhil Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography | TP_VU1 | MPhil Material Anth and Museum Ethnography | TP_VU1 | MPhil Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography | |
002740 | TP_W1 | MPhil Economics | TP_W1 | MPhil Economics | TP_W1 | MPhil Economics | |
003200 | TP_YN1 | MPhil Russian and East European Studies | TP_YN1 | MPhil Russian and East European Studies | TP_YN1 | MPhil Russian and East European Studies | |
002970 | TP_YS1 | MPhil International Relations | TP_YS1 | MPhil International Relations | TP_YS1 | MPhil International Relations | |
003380 | TP_YT1 | MPhil Migration Studies | TP_YT1 | MPhil Migration Studies | TP_YT1 | MPhil Migration Studies | |
001250 | TP_YV1 | MPhil Theology | TP_YV1 | MPhil Theology | TP_YV1 | MPhil Theology | |
001130 | TS_5TYV1 | MSt Philosophical Theology | TS_5TYV1 | MSt Philosophical Theology | TS_5TYV1 | MSt Philosophical Theology | |
001180 | TS_5U1 | MSt Science and Religion | TS_5U1 | MSt Science and Religion | TS_5U1 | MSt Science and Religion | |
001210 | TS_5V1 | MSt Study of Religion | TS_5V1 | MSt Study of Religion | TS_5V1 | MSt Study of Religion | |
001715 | TS_AR1 | MSt Archaeology | TS_AR1 | MSt Archaeology | TS_AR1 | MSt Archaeology | |
001720 | TS_ARAU1 | MSt World Archaeology | TS_ARAU1 | MSt World Archaeology | TS_ARAU1 | MSt World Archaeology | |
001500 | TS_AREY1 | MSt European Archaeology | TS_AREY1 | MSt European Archaeology | TS_AREY1 | MSt European Archaeology | |
001540 | TS_ARLA1 | MSt Landscape Archaeology | TS_ARLA1 | MSt Landscape Archaeology | TS_ARLA1 | MSt Landscape Archaeology | |
001330 | TS_AS1 | MSt Archaeological Science | TS_AS1 | MSt Archaeological Science | TS_AS1 | MSt Archaeological Science | |
003820 | TS_AV1 | MSt Ancient Philosophy | TS_AV1 | MSt Ancient Philosophy | TS_AV1 | MSt Ancient Philosophy | |
002856 | TS_BJ1 | MSt British and European History 1500-present (Full-time) | TS_BJ1 | MSt British and European History 1500-present (FT) | TS_BJ1 | MSt British and European History 1500-present | |
002856 | TS_BJ9P1 | MSt British and European History 1500-present (Part-time) | TS_BJ9P1 | MSt British and European History 1500-present (PT) | TS_BJ1 | MSt British and European History 1500-present | |
000360 | TS_BY1 | MSt Byzantine Studies | TS_BY1 | MSt Byzantine Studies | TS_BY1 | MSt Byzantine Studies | |
001440 | TS_CLCR1 | MSt Classical Archaeology | TS_CLCR1 | MSt Classical Archaeology | TS_CLCR1 | MSt Classical Archaeology | |
000660 | TS_CPK1 | MSt General Linguistics and Comparative Philology | TS_CPK1 | MSt Gen Linguistics and Comp Philology | TS_CPK1 | MSt General Linguistics and Comparative Philology | |
001165 | TS_DG1 | MSt Philosophy of Physics | TS_DG1 | MSt Philosophy of Physics | TS_DG1 | MSt Philosophy of Physics | |
002715 | TS_DS9P1 | MSt Diplomatic Studies | TS_DS9P1 | MSt Diplomatic Studies | TS_DS9P1 | Master of Studies in Diplomatic Studies | |
003460 | TS_EA1 | MSt English and American Studies | TS_EA1 | MSt English and American Studies | TS_EA1 | MSt English and American Studies | |
000610 | TS_EL6A1 | MSt English | TS_EL6A1 | MSt English | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000611 | TS_EL6B1 | MSt English (650-1550) | TS_EL6B1 | MSt English (650-1550) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000612 | TS_EL6C1 | MSt English (1550-1780) | TS_EL6C1 | MSt English (1550-1780) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000613 | TS_EL6D1 | MSt English (1780-1900) | TS_EL6D1 | MSt English (1780-1900) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000614 | TS_EL6E1 | MSt English (1900-present) | TS_EL6E1 | MSt English (1900-present) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000615 | TS_EL6F1 | MSt English (1550-1700) | TS_EL6F1 | MSt in English (1550-1700) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000616 | TS_EL6G1 | MSt English (1660-1830) | TS_EL6G1 | MSt in English (1660-1830) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000619 | TS_EL6G2 | MSt English (1700-1830) | TS_EL6G2 | MSt English (1700-1830) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000617 | TS_EL6H1 | MSt English (1800-1914) | TS_EL6H1 | MSt in English (1800-1914) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000618 | TS_EL6H2 | MSt English (1830-1914) | TS_EL6H2 | MSt English (1830-1914) | TS_EL1 | MSt English | |
000640 | TS_EU1 | MSt European Literature | TS_EU1 | MSt European Literature | TS_EU1 | MSt European Literature | |
003750 | TS_FA1 | MSt Film Aesthetics | TS_FA1 | MSt Film Aesthetics | TS_FA1 | MSt Film Aesthetics | |
000460 | TS_FY1 | MSt Celtic Studies | TS_FY1 | MSt Celtic Studies | TS_FY1 | MSt Celtic Studies | |
000670 | TS_GL1 | MSt Greek and/or Latin Language and Literature | TS_GL1 | MSt Greek and/or Latin Lang and Lit | TS_GL1 | MSt Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature | |
000700 | TS_GR1 | MSt Greek and/or Roman History | TS_GR1 | MSt Greek and/or Roman History | TS_GR1 | MSt Greek and/or Roman History | |
000735 | TS_HD9P1 | MSt History of Design | TS_HD9P1 | MSt History of Design | TS_HD9P1 | MSt the History of Design | |
000893 | TS_HF1 | MSt Modern British and European History | TS_HF1 | MSt Modern British and European History | TS_HF1 | MSt Modern British and European History | |
000892 | TS_HJ1 | MSt Global and Imperial History | TS_HJ1 | MSt Global and Imperial History | TS_HJ1 | MSt Global and Imperial History | |
000730 | TS_HR1 | MSt History of Art and Visual Culture | TS_HR1 | MSt History of Art and Visual Culture | TS_HR1 | MSt History of Art and Visual Culture | |
000894 | TS_HV1 | MSt US History | TS_HV1 | MSt US History | TS_HV1 | MSt US History | |
000890 | TS_HY1 | MSt Modern History | TS_HY1 | MSt Modern History | TS_HY1 | MSt Modern History | |
000891 | TS_HY2 | MSt History | TS_HY2 | MSt History | TS_HY2 | MSt History | |
000160 | TS_JH9P1 | MSt International Human Rights Law | TS_JH9P1 | MSt International Human Rights Law | TS_JH9P1 | MSt International Human Rights Law | |
000645 | TS_JL9P1 | MSt Literature and Arts | TS_JL9P1 | MSt Literature and Arts | TS_JL9P1 | MSt Literature and Arts | |
000230 | TS_JT9P1 | MSt Psychodynamic Practice | TS_JT9P1 | MSt Psychodynamic Practice | TS_JT9P1 | Psychodynamic Practice Programme | |
003850 | TS_JY9P9C1 | MSt Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy | TS_JY9P9C1 | MSt Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy | TS_JY9P9C1 | MSt Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy | |
000595 | TS_LN1 | MSt English Language | TS_LN1 | MSt English Language | TS_LN1 | MSt English Language | |
003760 | TS_LVBY1 | MSt Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | TS_LVBY1 | MSt Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | TS_LVBY1 | MSt Late Antique and Byzantine Studies | |
003781 | TS_MT1 | MSt Medieval Studies | TS_MT1 | MSt Medieval Studies | TS_MT1 | MSt Medieval Studies | |
000950 | TS_MU6A1 | MSt Music (Musicology) | TS_MU6A1 | MSt Music (Musicology) | TS_MU1 | MSt Music | |
003015 | TS_MU6B1 | MSt Music (Composition) | TS_MU6B1 | MSt Music (Composition) | TS_MU1 | MSt Music | |
003025 | TS_MU6C1 | MSt Music (Performance) | TS_MU6C1 | MSt Music (Performance) | TS_MU1 | MSt Music | |
003780 | TS_MV1 | MSt Medieval History | TS_MV1 | MSt Medieval History | TS_MV1 | MSt Medieval History | |
003360 | TS_NV9P1 | MSt Creative Writing | TS_NV9P1 | MSt Creative Writing | TS_NV9P1 | MSt Creative Writing | |
000980 | TS_OS1 | MSt Oriental Studies | TS_OS1 | MSt Oriental Studies | TS_OS1 | MSt Oriental Studies | |
000900 | TS_OS5B1 | MSt Modern Jewish Studies | TS_OS5B1 | MSt Modern Jewish Studies | TS_OS5B1 | MSt Modern Jewish Studies | |
000910 | TS_OS5C1 | MSt Modern Middle Eastern Studies | TS_OS5C1 | MSt Modern Middle Eastern Studies | TS_OS5C1 | MSt Modern Middle Eastern Studies | |
001220 | TS_OS5F1 | MSt Syriac Studies | TS_OS5F1 | MSt Syriac Studies | TS_OS5F1 | MSt Syriac Studies | |
000551 | TS_OS6A1 | MSt Bible Interpretation | TS_OS6A1 | MSt Bible Interpretation | TS_OS6A1 | MSt Bible Interpretation (Oriental Studies) | |
000470 | TS_OS6B1 | MSt Chinese Studies | TS_OS6B1 | MSt Chinese Studies | TS_OS6B1 | MSt Chinese Studies | |
000480 | TS_OS6D1 | MSt Classical Armenian Studies | TS_OS6D1 | MSt Classical Armenian Studies | TS_OS6D1 | MSt Classical Armenian Studies | |
000490 | TS_OS6E1 | MSt Classical Hebrew Studies | TS_OS6E1 | MSt Classical Hebrew Studies | TS_OS6E1 | MSt Classical Hebrew Studies | |
000780 | TS_OS6L1 | MSt Islamic Art and Archaeology (Research Methods and Techniques) | TS_OS6L1 | MSt Islamic Art and Arch (Res Meth and Tech) | TS_OS6L1 | MSt Islamic Art and Archaeology (Res Met and Tec) | |
000770 | TS_OS6M1 | MSt Islamic Art and Archaeology | TS_OS6M1 | MSt Islamic Art and Archaeology | TS_OS6M1 | MSt Islamic Art and Archaeology | |
002858 | TS_OS6N1 | MSt Islamic Studies and History | TS_OS6N1 | MSt Islamic Studies and History | TS_OS6N1 | MSt Islamic Studies and History | |
000790 | TS_OS6P1 | MSt Japanese Studies | TS_OS6P1 | MSt Japanese Studies | TS_OS6P1 | MSt Japanese Studies | |
000800 | TS_OS6R1 | MSt Jewish Studies | TS_OS6R1 | MSt Jewish Studies | TS_OS6R1 | MSt Jewish Studies | |
000810 | TS_OS6S1 | MSt Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period | TS_OS6S1 | MSt Jewish Studies in Gr/Rom Period | TS_OS6S1 | MSt Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period | |
000830 | TS_OS6T1 | MSt Korean Studies | TS_OS6T1 | MSt Korean Studies | TS_OS6T1 | MSt Korean Studies | |
003390 | TS_PR9P9C1 | MSt Professional Archaeology | TS_PR9P9C1 | MSt Professional Archaeology | TS_PR9P9C1 | MSt Professional Archaeology | |
003720 | TS_Q1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q2 | MSt Modern Languages | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3F1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE) | TS_Q3F1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (FRE) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3F2 | MSt Modern Languages (FRE) | TS_Q3F2 | MSt Mod Langs (FRE) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3F3G1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and GER) | TS_Q3F3G1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (FRE and GER) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3F3G2 | MSt Modern Languages (FRE and GER) | TS_Q3F3G2 | MSt Mod Langs (FRE and GER) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3F3N2 | MSt Modern Languages (FRE and BYZ) | TS_Q3F3N2 | MSt Mod Langs (FRE and BYZ) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3F3P2 | MSt Modern Languages (FRE and POR) | TS_Q3F3P2 | MSt Mod Langs (FRE and POR) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3F3R2 | MSt Modern Languages (FRE and RUS) | TS_Q3F3R2 | MSt Mod Langs (FRE and RUS) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3F3S2 | MSt Modern Languages (FRE and SPA) | TS_Q3F3S2 | MSt Mod Langs (FRE and SPA) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3F3T1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (FRE and ITA) | TS_Q3F3T1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (FRE and ITA) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3F3T2 | MSt Modern Languages (FRE and ITA) | TS_Q3F3T2 | MSt Mod Langs (FRE and ITA) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3G1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER) | TS_Q3G1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (GER) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3G2 | MSt Modern Languages (GER) | TS_Q3G2 | MSt Mod Langs (GER) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3G3N1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and BYZ) | TS_Q3G3N1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (GER and BYZ) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3G3N2 | MSt Modern Languages (GER and BYZ) | TS_Q3G3N2 | MSt Mod Langs (GER and BYZ) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3G3P2 | MSt Modern Languages (GER and POR) | TS_Q3G3P2 | MSt Mod Langs (GER and POR) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3G3R2 | MSt Modern Languages (GER and RUS) | TS_Q3G3R2 | MSt Mod Langs (GER and RUS) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3G3S1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (GER and SPA) | TS_Q3G3S1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (GER and SPA) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3G3S2 | MSt Modern Languages (GER and SPA) | TS_Q3G3S2 | MSt Mod Langs (GER and SPA) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3G3T2 | MSt Modern Languages (GER and ITA) | TS_Q3G3T2 | MSt Mod Langs (GER and ITA) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3N1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (BYZ) | TS_Q3N1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (BYZ) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3N2 | MSt Modern Languages (BYZ) | TS_Q3N2 | MSt Mod Langs (BYZ) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3N4A2 | MSt Modern Languages (BYZ and ENG) | TS_Q3N4A2 | MSt Mod Langs (BYZ and ENG) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3P1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (POR) | TS_Q3P1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (POR) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3P2 | MSt Modern Languages (POR) | TS_Q3P2 | MSt Mod Langs (POR) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3P3N2 | MSt Modern Languages (POR and BYZ) | TS_Q3P3N2 | MSt Mod Langs (POR and BYZ) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3P3R2 | MSt Modern Languages (POR and RUS) | TS_Q3P3R2 | MSt Mod Langs (POR and RUS) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3R1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (RUS) | TS_Q3R1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (RUS) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3R2 | MSt Modern Languages (RUS) | TS_Q3R2 | MSt Mod Langs (RUS) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3R3N2 | MSt Modern Languages (RUS and BYZ) | TS_Q3R3N2 | MSt Mod Langs (RUS and BYZ) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3S1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (SPA) | TS_Q3S1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (SPA) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3S2 | MSt Modern Languages (SPA) | TS_Q3S2 | MSt Mod Langs (SPA) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3S3N2 | MSt Modern Languages (SPA and BYZ) | TS_Q3S3N2 | MSt Mod Langs (SPA and BYZ) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3S3P2 | MSt Modern Languages (SPA and POR) | TS_Q3S3P2 | MSt Mod Langs (SPA and POR) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3S3R2 | MSt Modern Languages (SPA and RUS) | TS_Q3S3R2 | MSt Mod Langs (SPA and RUS) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003720 | TS_Q3T1 | MSt Medieval and Modern Languages (ITA) | TS_Q3T1 | MSt Med and Mod Langs (ITA) | TS_Q1 | MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3T2 | MSt Modern Languages (ITA) | TS_Q3T2 | MSt Mod Langs (ITA) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3T3N2 | MSt Modern Languages (ITA and BYZ) | TS_Q3T3N2 | MSt Mod Langs (ITA and BYZ) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3T3P2 | MSt Modern Languages (ITA and POR) | TS_Q3T3P2 | MSt Mod Langs (ITA and POR) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3T3R2 | MSt Modern Languages (ITA and RUS) | TS_Q3T3R2 | MSt Mod Langs (ITA and RUS) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
003725 | TS_Q3T3S2 | MSt Modern Languages (ITA and SPA) | TS_Q3T3S2 | MSt Mod Langs (ITA and SPA) | TS_Q2 | MSt in Modern Languages | |
001200 | TS_SL1 | MSt Slavonic Studies | TS_SL1 | MSt Slavonic Studies | TS_SL1 | MSt Slavonic Studies | |
001672 | TS_SM1 | MSt Social Anthropology | TS_SM1 | MSt Social Anthropology | TS_SM1 | MSt Social Anthropology | |
000625 | TS_VL1 | MSt World Literatures in English | TS_VL1 | MSt World Literatures in English | TS_VL1 | MSt World Literatures in English | |
003749 | TS_VS1 | MSt Modern South Asian Studies | TS_VS1 | MSt Modern South Asian Studies | TS_VS1 | MSt Modern South Asian Studies | |
001280 | TS_VY1 | MSt Women's Studies | TS_VY1 | MSt Women's Studies | TS_VY1 | MSt Women's Studies | |
001290 | TS_YD1 | MSt Yiddish Studies | TS_YD1 | MSt Yiddish Studies | TS_YD1 | MSt Yiddish Studies | |
001270 | TS_YJ1 | MSt Theology (Research Full-time) | TS_YJ1 | MSt Theology (Research Full-time) | TS_YJ1 | MSt Theology (Research) | |
001270 | TS_YJ9P1 | MSt Theology (Research Part-time) | TS_YJ9P1 | MSt Theology (Research Part-time) | TS_YJ1 | MSt Theology (Research) | |
001260 | TS_YV1 | MSt Theology | TS_YV1 | MSt Theology | TS_YV1 | MSt Theology | |
001160 | TS_Z1 | MSt Philosophy | TS_Z1 | MSt Philosophy | TS_Z1 | MSt Philosophy | |
002770 | TT_6B_S11 | PGCE - Biology (School Direct) - Oxford City Learning | TT_6B_S1 | PGCE - Biology (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002770 | TT_6B_X1 | PGCE - Biology (Oxford) | TT_6B_X1 | PGCE - Biology (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002780 | TT_6C_S21 | PGCE - Chemistry (School Direct) - West Oxon Learning Partnership | TT_6C_S1 | PGCE - Chemistry (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002780 | TT_6C_X1 | PGCE - Chemistry (Oxford) | TT_6C_X1 | PGCE - Chemistry (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002790 | TT_6E_S21 | PGCE - English (School Direct) - West Oxon Learning Partnership | TT_6E_S1 | PGCE - English (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002790 | TT_6E_X1 | PGCE - English (Oxford) | TT_6E_X1 | PGCE - English (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002800 | TT_6G_S11 | PGCE - Geography (School Direct) - Oxford City Learning | TT_6G_S1 | PGCE - Geography (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002800 | TT_6G_S21 | PGCE - Geography (School Direct) - West Oxon Learning Partnership | TT_6G_S1 | PGCE - Geography (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002800 | TT_6G_S31 | PGCE - Geography (School Direct) - Wokingham Secondary Federation | TT_6G_S1 | PGCE - Geography (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002800 | TT_6G_X1 | PGCE - Geography (Oxford) | TT_6G_X1 | PGCE - Geography (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002810 | TT_6H_X1 | PGCE - History (Oxford) | TT_6H_X1 | PGCE - History (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002830 | TT_6L_S11 | PGCE - Modern Languages (School Direct) - Oxford City Learning | TT_6L_S1 | PGCE - Modern Languages (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002830 | TT_6L_X1 | PGCE - Modern Languages (Oxford) | TT_6L_X1 | PGCE - Modern Languages (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002820 | TT_6M_S11 | PGCE - Mathematics (School Direct) - Oxford City Learning | TT_6M_S1 | PGCE - Mathematics (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002820 | TT_6M_S21 | PGCE - Mathematics (School Direct) - West Oxon Learning Partnership | TT_6M_S1 | PGCE - Mathematics (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002820 | TT_6M_X1 | PGCE - Mathematics (Oxford) | TT_6M_X1 | PGCE - Mathematics (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002840 | TT_6P_S11 | PGCE - Physics (School Direct) - Oxford City Learning | TT_6P_S1 | PGCE - Physics (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002840 | TT_6P_S21 | PGCE - Physics (School Direct) - West Oxon Learning Partnership | TT_6P_S1 | PGCE - Physics (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002840 | TT_6P_S41 | PGCE - Physics (School Direct) - Oxon Training Schools Alliance | TT_6P_S1 | PGCE - Physics (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002840 | TT_6P_X1 | PGCE - Physics (Oxford) | TT_6P_X1 | PGCE - Physics (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002841 | TT_6T_S11 | PGCE - Religious Education (School Direct) - Oxford City Learning | TT_6T_S1 | PGCE - Religious Education (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002841 | TT_6T_S31 | PGCE - Religious Education (School Direct) - Wokingham Secondary Federation | TT_6T_S1 | PGCE - Religious Education (School Direct) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
002841 | TT_6T_X1 | PGCE - Religious Education (Oxford) | TT_6T_X1 | PGCE - Religious Education (Oxford) | TT_1 | Postgraduate Certificate in Education | |
003420 | TY_DC1 | DClinPsych Psychology | TY_DC1 | DClinPsych Psychology | TY_DC1 | Doctor of Clinical Psychology | |
005010 | UA_ARAN1 | BA Archaeology and Anthropology | UA_ARAN1 | BA Archaeology and Anthropology | UA_ARAN1 | BA Archaeology and Anthropology | |
005000 | UA_AYHY1 | BA Ancient and Modern History | UA_AYHY1 | BA Ancient and Modern History | UA_AYHY1 | BA Ancient and Modern History | |
005020 | UA_BG1 | BA Biological Sciences | UA_BG1 | BA Biological Sciences | UA_BG1 | BA Biological Sciences | |
005595 | UA_BM1 | Biomedical Sciences (Undergraduate) | UA_BM1 | Biomedical Sciences (Undergraduate) | UA_BM1 | BA Biomedical Sciences | |
005983 | UA_BMBS1 | BA Cell and Systems Biology | UA_BMBS1 | BA Cell and Systems Biology | UA_BMBS1 | BA Cell and Systems Biology | |
005984 | UA_BMNS1 | BA Neuroscience | UA_BMNS1 | BA Neuroscience | UA_BMNS1 | BA Neuroscience | |
005200 | UA_CL6E1 | BA Literae Humaniores - Course 1 | UA_CL6E1 | BA Lit Hum - Course 1 | UA_CL1 | BA Literae Humaniores | |
005200 | UA_CL6F1 | BA Literae Humaniores - Course IA | UA_CL6F1 | BA Lit Hum - Course IA | UA_CL1 | BA Literae Humaniores | |
005200 | UA_CL6G1 | BA Literae Humaniores - Course 1B | UA_CL6G1 | BA Lit Hum - Course 1B | UA_CL1 | BA Literae Humaniores | |
005200 | UA_CL6H1 | BA Literae Humaniores - Course IC | UA_CL6H1 | BA Lit Hum - Course IC | UA_CL1 | BA Literae Humaniores | |
005790 | UA_CL6J1 | BA Literae Humaniores - Course IIA | UA_CL6J1 | BA Lit Hum - Course IIA | UA_CL1 | BA Literae Humaniores | |
005790 | UA_CL6K1 | BA Literae Humaniores - Course 2 | UA_CL6K1 | BA Lit Hum - Course 2 | UA_CL1 | BA Literae Humaniores | |
005790 | UA_CL6L1 | BA Literae Humaniores - Course IIB | UA_CL6L1 | BA Lit Hum - Course IIB | UA_CL1 | BA Literae Humaniores | |
005040 | UA_CLEL6M1 | BA Classics and English (3 Year) | UA_CLEL6M1 | BA Classics and English (3 Year) | UA_CLEL1 | BA Classics and English | |
005050 | UA_CLEL6N1 | BA Classics and English (4 Year) | UA_CLEL6N1 | BA Classics and English (4 Year) | UA_CLEL1 | BA Classics and English | |
005810 | UA_CLOS1 | BA Classics and Oriental Studies (Classics with Oriental Studies) | UA_CLOS1 | BA COS (Classics with Oriental Studies) | UA_CLOS1 | BA Classics and Oriental Studies (Programme) | |
005060 | UA_CLQ6R1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (4 Year) | UA_CLQ6R1 | BA Classics and Modern Langs (4 Year) | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005898 | UA_CLQ6R3C1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (CZE) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3C1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (CZE) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005891 | UA_CLQ6R3F1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (FRE) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3F1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (FRE) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005892 | UA_CLQ6R3G1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (GER) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3G1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (GER) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005899 | UA_CLQ6R3L1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (CLT) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3L1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (CLT) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005897 | UA_CLQ6R3M1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (MGRK) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3M1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (MGRK) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005895 | UA_CLQ6R3P1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (POR) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3P1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (POR) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005896 | UA_CLQ6R3R1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (RUS) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3R1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (RUS) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005894 | UA_CLQ6R3S1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (SPA) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3S1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (SPA) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005893 | UA_CLQ6R3T1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (ITA) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ6R3T1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (ITA) I Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005898 | UA_CLQ6T3C1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (CZE) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3C1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (CZE) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005992 | UA_CLQ6T3F1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (FRE) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3F1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (FRE) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005892 | UA_CLQ6T3G1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (GER) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3G1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (GER) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005899 | UA_CLQ6T3L1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (CLT) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3L1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (CLT) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005897 | UA_CLQ6T3M1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (MGRK) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3M1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (MGRK) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005895 | UA_CLQ6T3P1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (POR) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3P1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (POR) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005999 | UA_CLQ6T3R1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (RUS) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3R1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (RUS) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005894 | UA_CLQ6T3S1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (SPA) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3S1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (SPA) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005893 | UA_CLQ6T3T1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (ITA) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ6T3T1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (ITA) I Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005070 | UA_CLQ6U1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (5 Year) | UA_CLQ6U1 | BA Classics and Modern Langs (5 Year) | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005907 | UA_CLQ6U3C1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (CZE) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3C1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (CZE) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005900 | UA_CLQ6U3F1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (FRE) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3F1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (FRE) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005901 | UA_CLQ6U3G1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (GER) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3G1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (GER) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005908 | UA_CLQ6U3L1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (CLT) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3L1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (CLT) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005906 | UA_CLQ6U3M1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (MGRK) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3M1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (MGRK) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005904 | UA_CLQ6U3P1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (POR) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3P1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (POR) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005905 | UA_CLQ6U3R1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (RUS) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3R1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (RUS) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005903 | UA_CLQ6U3S1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (ITA) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3S1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (ITA) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005902 | UA_CLQ6U3T1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (SPA) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ6U3T1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (SPA) II Opt1 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005907 | UA_CLQ6Y3C1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (CZE) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3C1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (CZE) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005900 | UA_CLQ6Y3F1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (FRE) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3F1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (FRE) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005901 | UA_CLQ6Y3G1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (GER) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3G1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (GER) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005908 | UA_CLQ6Y3L1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (CLT) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3L1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (CLT) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005906 | UA_CLQ6Y3M1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (MGRK) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3M1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (MGRK) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005904 | UA_CLQ6Y3P1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (POR) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3P1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (POR) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005905 | UA_CLQ6Y3R1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (RUS) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3R1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (RUS) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005902 | UA_CLQ6Y3S1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (SPA) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3S1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (SPA) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005903 | UA_CLQ6Y3T1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages (ITA) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ6Y3T1 | BA Classics and Mod Langs (ITA) II Opt2 | UA_CLQ1 | BA Classics and Modern Languages | |
005080 | UA_CN1 | BA Computer Science | UA_CN1 | BA Computer Science | US_CN1 | Master of Computer Science | |
005655 | UA_CNZ1 | BA Comp Science and Philosophy | UA_CNZ1 | BA Comp Science and Philosophy | UV_CNZ1 | Master of Computer Science and Philosophy | |
005030 | UA_CRAY1 | BA Classical Archaeology and Ancient History | UA_CRAY1 | BA Classical Arch and Ancient History | UA_CRAY1 | BA Classical Archaeology and Ancient History | |
005150 | UA_EG1 | BA Geology | UA_EG1 | BA Geology | UA_EG1 | BA Geology | |
005120 | UA_EL1 | BA English Language and Literature | UA_EL1 | BA English Language and Literature | UA_EL1 | BA English Language and Literature | |
005110 | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005916 | UA_ELQ3C1 | BA English and Modern Languages (CZE) | UA_ELQ3C1 | BA English and Mod Langs (CZE) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005909 | UA_ELQ3F1 | BA English and Modern Languages (FRE) | UA_ELQ3F1 | BA English and Mod Langs (FRE) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005910 | UA_ELQ3G1 | BA English and Modern Languages (GER) | UA_ELQ3G1 | BA English and Mod Langs (GER) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005917 | UA_ELQ3L1 | BA English and Modern Languages (CLT) | UA_ELQ3L1 | BA English and Mod Langs (CLT) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005915 | UA_ELQ3M1 | BA English and Modern Languages (MGRK) | UA_ELQ3M1 | BA English and Mod Langs (MGRK) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005913 | UA_ELQ3P1 | BA English and Modern Languages (POR) | UA_ELQ3P1 | BA English and Mod Langs (POR) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005914 | UA_ELQ3R1 | BA English and Modern Languages (RUS) | UA_ELQ3R1 | BA English and Mod Langs (RUS) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005912 | UA_ELQ3S1 | BA English and Modern Languages (SPA) | UA_ELQ3S1 | BA English and Mod Langs (SPA) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005911 | UA_ELQ3T1 | BA English and Modern Languages (ITA) | UA_ELQ3T1 | BA English and Mod Langs (ITA) | UA_ELQ1 | BA English and Modern Languages | |
005130 | UA_EP1 | BA Experimental Psychology | UA_EP1 | BA Experimental Psychology | UA_EP1 | BA Experimental Psychology | |
005545 | UA_EPZ1 | BA PPL (Psychology and Philosophy) | UA_EPZ1 | BA PPL (Psychology and Philosophy) | UA_EPZK1 | BA Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics | |
UA_EPZK1 | BA PPL (Psychology | UA_EPZK1 | BA PPL (Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics) | UA_EPZK1 | BA Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics | ||
UA_EPZPY1 | BA Psychology | UA_EPZPY1 | BA Psych, Phil and Physiology | UA_EPZPY1 | BA Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology | ||
005140 | UA_EV1 | BA Geography | UA_EV1 | BA Geography | UA_EV1 | BA Geography | |
005160 | UA_HR1 | BA History of Art | UA_HR1 | BA History of Art | UA_HR1 | BA History of Art | |
005170 | UA_HU1 | BA Human Sciences | UA_HU1 | BA Human Sciences | UA_HU1 | BA Human Sciences | |
005250 | UA_HY1 | BA Modern History | UA_HY1 | BA Modern History | UA_HY1 | BA Modern History | |
005251 | UA_HY2 | BA History | UA_HY2 | BA History | UA_HY2 | BA History | |
005270 | UA_HYEL1 | BA Modern History and English | UA_HYEL1 | BA Modern History and English | UA_HYEL1 | BA Modern History and English | |
005271 | UA_HYEL2 | BA History and English | UA_HYEL2 | BA History and English | UA_HYEL2 | BA History and English | |
005290 | UA_HYPL1 | BA Modern History and Politics | UA_HYPL1 | BA Modern History and Politics | UA_HYPL1 | BA Modern History and Politics | |
005291 | UA_HYPL2 | BA History and Politics | UA_HYPL2 | BA History and Politics | UA_HYPL2 | BA History and Politics | |
005280 | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005281 | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005962 | UA_HYQ3C1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (CZE) | UA_HYQ3C1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (CZE) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005953 | UA_HYQ3C2 | BA History and Modern Languages (CZE) | UA_HYQ3C2 | BA History and Mod Langs (CZE) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005955 | UA_HYQ3F1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (FRE) | UA_HYQ3F1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (FRE) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005946 | UA_HYQ3F2 | BA History and Modern Languages (FRE) | UA_HYQ3F2 | BA History and Mod Langs (FRE) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005956 | UA_HYQ3G1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (GER) | UA_HYQ3G1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (GER) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005947 | UA_HYQ3G2 | BA History and Modern Languages (GER) | UA_HYQ3G2 | BA History and Mod Langs (GER) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005963 | UA_HYQ3L1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (CLT) | UA_HYQ3L1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (CLT) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005954 | UA_HYQ3L2 | BA History and Modern Languages (CLT) | UA_HYQ3L2 | BA History and Mod Langs (CLT) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005961 | UA_HYQ3M1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (MGRK) | UA_HYQ3M1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (MGRK) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005952 | UA_HYQ3M2 | BA History and Modern Languages (MGRK) | UA_HYQ3M2 | BA History and Mod Langs (MGRK) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005959 | UA_HYQ3P1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (POR) | UA_HYQ3P1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (POR) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005950 | UA_HYQ3P2 | BA History and Modern Languages (POR) | UA_HYQ3P2 | BA History and Mod Langs (POR) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005960 | UA_HYQ3R1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (RUS) | UA_HYQ3R1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (RUS) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005951 | UA_HYQ3R2 | BA History and Modern Languages (RUS) | UA_HYQ3R2 | BA History and Mod Langs (RUS) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005958 | UA_HYQ3S1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (SPA) | UA_HYQ3S1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (SPA) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005949 | UA_HYQ3S2 | BA History and Modern Languages (SPA) | UA_HYQ3S2 | BA History and Mod Langs (SPA) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005957 | UA_HYQ3T1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages (ITA) | UA_HYQ3T1 | BA Mod Hist and Mod Langs (ITA) | UA_HYQ1 | BA Modern History and Modern Languages | |
005948 | UA_HYQ3T2 | BA History and Modern Languages (ITA) | UA_HYQ3T2 | BA History and Mod Langs (ITA) | UA_HYQ2 | BA History and Modern Languages | |
005260 | UA_HYW1 | BA Modern History and Economics | UA_HYW1 | BA Modern History and Economics | UA_HYW1 | BA Modern History and Economics | |
005261 | UA_HYW2 | BA History and Economics | UA_HYW2 | BA History and Economics | UA_HYW2 | BA History and Economics | |
005190 | UA_JU1 | BA Jurisprudence | UA_JU1 | BA Jurisprudence | UA_JU1 | BA Jurisprudence | |
005180 | UA_JU6V1 | BA Jurisprudence (with Law in Europe ) | UA_JU6V1 | BA Jurisprudence (with Law in Europe ) | UA_JU1 | BA Jurisprudence | |
005520 | UA_MD6A1 | BA Physiological Sciences (Pre-clinical Medicine) | UA_MD6A1 | BA Physiological Sciences (Pre-clinical Medicine) | UA_MD6A1 | BA Physiological Sciences (Pre-clinical Medicine) | |
005580 | UA_MD6B1 | Medicine - Preclinical (3yr) | UA_MD6B1 | Medicine - Preclinical (3yr) | UA_MD6B1 | Medicine - Pre-clinical (3 years) | |
005210 | UA_MS1 | BA Mathematics | UA_MS1 | BA Mathematics | UM_MS1 | Master of Mathematics in Mathematics | |
005220 | UA_MSCN1 | BA Mathematics and Computer Science | UA_MSCN1 | BA Mathematics and Computer Science | UN_MSCN1 | Master of Mathematics and Computer Science | |
005240 | UA_MSST1 | BA Mathematics and Statistics | UA_MSST1 | BA Mathematics and Statistics | UM_MSST1 | MMathStat Mathematics and Statistics | |
005230 | UA_MSZ1 | BA Mathematics and Philosophy | UA_MSZ1 | BA Mathematics and Philosophy | UL_MSZ1 | Master of Mathematics and Philosophy | |
005310 | UA_MU1 | BA Music | UA_MU1 | BA Music | UA_MU1 | BA Music | |
005360 | UA_OS3A1 | BA Oriental Studies (Arabic) | UA_OS3A1 | BA O S (Arabic) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005350 | UA_OS3A5C1 | BA Oriental Studies (Arabic with Modern Middle Eastern Studies) | UA_OS3A5C1 | BA O S (Arabic with MMES) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005340 | UA_OS3A5J1 | BA Oriental Studies (Arabic with Islamic Studies/History) | UA_OS3A5J1 | BA O S (Arabic with Islamic Stud/Hist) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005341 | UA_OS3A5L1 | BA Oriental Studies (Arabic and Islamic Studies) | UA_OS3A5L1 | BA O S (Arabic and Islamic Studies) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005330 | UA_OS3A6M1 | BA Oriental Studies (Arabic with Islamic Art and Archaeology) | UA_OS3A6M1 | BA O S (Arabic with Islamic Art and Arch) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005320 | UA_OS3B1 | BA Oriental Studies (Chinese) | UA_OS3B1 | BA O S (Chinese) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005440 | UA_OS3E1 | BA Oriental Studies (Persian) | UA_OS3E1 | BA O S (Persian) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005430 | UA_OS3E5J1 | BA Oriental Studies (Persian with Islamic Studies/History) | UA_OS3E5J1 | BA O S (Persian with Islamic Stud/Hist) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005420 | UA_OS3E6M1 | BA Oriental Studies (Persian with Islamic Art and Archaeology) | UA_OS3E6M1 | BA O S (Persian with Islamic Art and Arch) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005400 | UA_OS3J1 | BA Oriental Studies (Japanese) | UA_OS3J1 | BA O S (Japanese) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005480 | UA_OS3U1 | BA Oriental Studies (Turkish) | UA_OS3U1 | BA O S (Turkish) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005989 | UA_OS3U5D1 | BA Oriental Studies (Turkish with Subsidiary Language) | UA_OS3U5D1 | BA O S (Turkish with Subsidiary Language) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005470 | UA_OS3U5M1 | BA Oriental Studies (Turkish with Ottoman History) | UA_OS3U5M1 | BA O S (Turkish with Ottoman History) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005460 | UA_OS3U6M1 | BA Oriental Studies (Turkish with Islamic Art and Archaeology) | UA_OS3U6M1 | BA O S (Turkish with Islamic Art and Arch) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005450 | UA_OS3Y1 | BA Oriental Studies (Sanskrit) | UA_OS3Y1 | BA O S (Sanskrit) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005390 | UA_OS5R1 | BA Oriental Studies (Hebrew Studies) | UA_OS5R1 | BA O S (Hebrew Studies) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005380 | UA_OS6J1 | BA Oriental Studies (Egyptology) | UA_OS6J1 | BA O S (Egyptology) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005370 | UA_OS6J5N1 | BA Oriental Studies (Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies) | UA_OS6J5N1 | BA O S (Egyptology and ANES) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005410 | UA_OS6R1 | BA Oriental Studies (Jewish Studies) | UA_OS6R1 | BA O S (Jewish Studies) | UA_OS1 | BA Oriental Studies | |
005820 | UA_OSCL1 | BA Classics and Oriental Studies (Oriental Studies with Classics) | UA_OSCL1 | BA COS (Oriental Studies with Classics) | UA_CLOS1 | BA Classics and Oriental Studies (Programme) | |
005510 | UA_PS1 | BA Physics | UA_PS1 | BA Physics | UA_PS1 | BA Physics | |
005520 | UA_PY1 | BA Physiological Sciences | UA_PY1 | BA Physiological Sciences | UA_PY1 | BA Physiological Sciences | |
005300 | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005996 | UA_Q2G1 | BA Modern Languages (German Course B) | UA_Q2G1 | BA Mod Langs (German Course B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005973 | UA_Q3C2R1 | BA Modern Languages (CZE and RUS B) | UA_Q3C2R1 | BA Mod Langs (CZE and RUS B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005976 | UA_Q3C3L1 | BA Modern Languages (CZE and CLT) | UA_Q3C3L1 | BA Mod Langs (CZE and CLT) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005830 | UA_Q3F1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE) | UA_Q3F1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005002 | UA_Q3F2G1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE & GER B) | UA_Q3F2G1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE & GER B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005994 | UA_Q3F2P1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE & POR B) | UA_Q3F2P1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE & POR B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005842 | UA_Q3F2R1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and RUS B) | UA_Q3F2R1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and RUS B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005986 | UA_Q3F2T1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and ITA B) | UA_Q3F2T1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and ITA B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005844 | UA_Q3F3C1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and CZE) | UA_Q3F3C1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and CZE) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005837 | UA_Q3F3G1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and GER) | UA_Q3F3G1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and GER) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005845 | UA_Q3F3L1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and CLT) | UA_Q3F3L1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and CLT) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005843 | UA_Q3F3M1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and MGRK) | UA_Q3F3M1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and MGRK) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005840 | UA_Q3F3P1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and POR) | UA_Q3F3P1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and POR) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005841 | UA_Q3F3R1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and RUS) | UA_Q3F3R1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and RUS) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005839 | UA_Q3F3S1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and SPA) | UA_Q3F3S1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and SPA) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005838 | UA_Q3F3T1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE and ITA) | UA_Q3F3T1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE and ITA) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005846 | UA_Q3F3V1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE w/ POL) | UA_Q3F3V1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE w/ POL) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005831 | UA_Q3G1 | BA Modern Languages (GER) | UA_Q3G1 | BA Mod Langs (GER) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005988 | UA_Q3G2C1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and CZE B) | UA_Q3G2C1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and CZE B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005851 | UA_Q3G2R1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and RUS B) | UA_Q3G2R1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and RUS B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005993 | UA_Q3G2T1 | BA Modern Languages (GER & ITA B) | UA_Q3G2T1 | BA Mod Langs (GER & ITA B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005853 | UA_Q3G3C1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and CZE) | UA_Q3G3C1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and CZE) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005854 | UA_Q3G3L1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and CLT) | UA_Q3G3L1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and CLT) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005852 | UA_Q3G3M1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and MGRK) | UA_Q3G3M1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and MGRK) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005849 | UA_Q3G3P1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and POR) | UA_Q3G3P1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and POR) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005850 | UA_Q3G3R1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and RUS) | UA_Q3G3R1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and RUS) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005848 | UA_Q3G3S1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and SPA) | UA_Q3G3S1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and SPA) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005847 | UA_Q3G3T1 | BA Modern Languages (GER and ITA) | UA_Q3G3T1 | BA Mod Langs (GER and ITA) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005855 | UA_Q3G3V1 | BA Modern Languages (GER w/ POL) | UA_Q3G3V1 | BA Mod Langs (GER w/ POL) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005974 | UA_Q3L2R1 | BA Modern Languages (CLT and RUS B) | UA_Q3L2R1 | BA Mod Langs (CLT and RUS B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005836 | UA_Q3M1 | BA Modern Languages (MGRK) | UA_Q3M1 | BA Mod Langs (MGRK) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005003 | UA_Q3M2G1 | BA Modern Languages (MGRK & GER B) | UA_Q3M2G1 | BA Mod Langs (MGRK & GER B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005975 | UA_Q3M2R1 | BA Modern Languages (MGRK and RUS B) | UA_Q3M2R1 | BA Mod Langs (MGRK and RUS B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005881 | UA_Q3M3C1 | BA Modern Languages (MGRK and CZE) | UA_Q3M3C1 | BA Mod Langs (MGRK and CZE) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005882 | UA_Q3M3L1 | BA Modern Languages (MGRK and CLT) | UA_Q3M3L1 | BA Mod Langs (MGRK and CLT) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005883 | UA_Q3M3V1 | BA Modern Languages (MGRK w/ POL) | UA_Q3M3V1 | BA Mod Langs (MGRK w/ POL) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005834 | UA_Q3P1 | BA Modern Languages (POR) | UA_Q3P1 | BA Mod Langs (POR) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005005 | UA_Q3P2G1 | BA Modern Languages (POR & GER B) | UA_Q3P2G1 | BA Mod Langs (POR & GER B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005872 | UA_Q3P2R1 | BA Modern Languages (POR and RUS B) | UA_Q3P2R1 | BA Mod Langs (POR and RUS B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005874 | UA_Q3P3C1 | BA Modern Languages (POR and CZE) | UA_Q3P3C1 | BA Mod Langs (POR and CZE) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005875 | UA_Q3P3L1 | BA Modern Languages (POR and CLT) | UA_Q3P3L1 | BA Mod Langs (POR and CLT) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005873 | UA_Q3P3M1 | BA Modern Languages (POR and MGRK) | UA_Q3P3M1 | BA Mod Langs (POR and MGRK) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005871 | UA_Q3P3R1 | BA Modern Languages (POR and RUS) | UA_Q3P3R1 | BA Mod Langs (POR and RUS) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005876 | UA_Q3P3V1 | BA Modern Languages (POR w/ POL) | UA_Q3P3V1 | BA Mod Langs (POR w/ POL) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005835 | UA_Q3R1 | BA Modern Languages (RUS) | UA_Q3R1 | BA Mod Langs (RUS) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005001 | UA_Q3R2G1 | BA Modern Languages (RUS & GER B) | UA_Q3R2G1 | BA Mod Langs (RUS & GER B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005997 | UA_Q3R2V1 | BA Modern Languages (RUS w/ POL B) | UA_Q3R2V1 | BA Mod Langs (RUS w/ POL B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005878 | UA_Q3R3C1 | BA Modern Languages (RUS and CZE) | UA_Q3R3C1 | BA Mod Langs (RUS and CZE) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005879 | UA_Q3R3L1 | BA Modern Languages (RUS and CLT) | UA_Q3R3L1 | BA Mod Langs (RUS and CLT) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005877 | UA_Q3R3M1 | BA Modern Languages (RUS and MGRK) | UA_Q3R3M1 | BA Mod Langs (RUS and MGRK) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005880 | UA_Q3R3V1 | BA Modern Languages (RUS w/ POL) | UA_Q3R3V1 | BA Mod Langs (RUS w/ POL) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005833 | UA_Q3S1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA) | UA_Q3S1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005006 | UA_Q3S2G1 | BA Modern Languagess (SPA & GER B) | UA_Q3S2G1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA & GER B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005985 | UA_Q3S2P1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA and POR B) | UA_Q3S2P1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA and POR B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005866 | UA_Q3S2R1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA and RUS B) | UA_Q3S2R1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA and RUS B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005995 | UA_Q3S2T1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA & ITA B) | UA_Q3S2T1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA & ITA B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005868 | UA_Q3S3C1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA and CZE) | UA_Q3S3C1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA and CZE) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005869 | UA_Q3S3L1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA and CLT) | UA_Q3S3L1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA and CLT) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005867 | UA_Q3S3M1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA and MGRK) | UA_Q3S3M1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA and MGRK) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005864 | UA_Q3S3P1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA and POR) | UA_Q3S3P1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA and POR) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005865 | UA_Q3S3R1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA and RUS) | UA_Q3S3R1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA and RUS) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005870 | UA_Q3S3V1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA w/ POL) | UA_Q3S3V1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA w/ POL) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005832 | UA_Q3T1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA) | UA_Q3T1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005004 | UA_Q3T2G1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA & GER B) | UA_Q3T2G1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA & GER B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005859 | UA_Q3T2R1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA and RUS B) | UA_Q3T2R1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA and RUS B) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005861 | UA_Q3T3C1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA and CZE) | UA_Q3T3C1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA and CZE) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005862 | UA_Q3T3L1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA and CLT) | UA_Q3T3L1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA and CLT) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005860 | UA_Q3T3M1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA and MGRK) | UA_Q3T3M1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA and MGRK) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005857 | UA_Q3T3P1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA and POR) | UA_Q3T3P1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA and POR) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005858 | UA_Q3T3R1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA and RUS) | UA_Q3T3R1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA and RUS) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005856 | UA_Q3T3S1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA and SPA) | UA_Q3T3S1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA and SPA) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005863 | UA_Q3T3V1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA w/ POL) | UA_Q3T3V1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA w/ POL) | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005800 | UA_QK1 | BA Modern Languages and Linguistics | UA_QK1 | BA Modern Languages and Linguistics | UA_QK1 | BA Modern Languages and Linguistics | |
005987 | UA_QK2T1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA B) and Linguistics | UA_QK2T1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA B) and Lings | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005884 | UA_QK3F1 | BA Modern Languages (FRE) and Linguistics | UA_QK3F1 | BA Mod Langs (FRE) and Lings | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005885 | UA_QK3G1 | BA Modern Languages (GER) and Linguistics | UA_QK3G1 | BA Mod Langs (GER) and Lings | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005890 | UA_QK3M1 | BA Modern Languages (MGRK) and Linguistics | UA_QK3M1 | BA Mod Langs (MGRK) and Lings | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005888 | UA_QK3P1 | BA Modern Languages (POR) and Linguistics | UA_QK3P1 | BA Mod Langs (POR) and Lings | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005889 | UA_QK3R1 | BA Modern Languages (RUS) and Linguistics | UA_QK3R1 | BA Mod Langs (RUS) and Lings | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005887 | UA_QK3S1 | BA Modern Languages (SPA) and Linguistics | UA_QK3S1 | BA Mod Langs (SPA) and Lings | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005886 | UA_QK3T1 | BA Modern Languages (ITA) and Linguistics | UA_QK3T1 | BA Mod Langs (ITA) and Lings | UA_Q1 | BA Modern Languages | |
005100 | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005977 | UA_QOL3C3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (CZE and ARA) | UA_QOL3C3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (CZE and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005979 | UA_QOL3C3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (CZE and PER) | UA_QOL3C3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (CZE and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005978 | UA_QOL3C3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (CZE and HEB) | UA_QOL3C3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (CZE and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005980 | UA_QOL3C3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (CZE and TUR) | UA_QOL3C3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (CZE and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005918 | UA_QOL3F3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (FRE and ARA) | UA_QOL3F3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (FRE and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005932 | UA_QOL3F3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (FRE and PER) | UA_QOL3F3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (FRE and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005925 | UA_QOL3F3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (FRE and HEB) | UA_QOL3F3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (FRE and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005939 | UA_QOL3F3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (FRE and TUR) | UA_QOL3F3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (FRE and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005919 | UA_QOL3G3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (GER and ARA) | UA_QOL3G3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (GER and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005933 | UA_QOL3G3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (GER and PER) | UA_QOL3G3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (GER and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005926 | UA_QOL3G3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (GER and HEB) | UA_QOL3G3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (GER and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005940 | UA_QOL3G3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (GER and TUR) | UA_QOL3G3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (GER and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005991 | UA_QOL3L3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (CLT and ARA) | UA_QOL3L3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (CLT and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005981 | UA_QOL3L3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (CLT and PER) | UA_QOL3L3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (CLT and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005982 | UA_QOL3L3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (CLT and HEB) | UA_QOL3L3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (CLT and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005990 | UA_QOL3L3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (CLT and TUR) | UA_QOL3L3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (CLT and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005924 | UA_QOL3M3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (MGRK and ARA) | UA_QOL3M3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (MGRK and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005938 | UA_QOL3M3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (MGRK and PER) | UA_QOL3M3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (MGRK and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005931 | UA_QOL3M3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (MGRK and HEB) | UA_QOL3M3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (MGRK and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005945 | UA_QOL3M3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (MGRK and TUR) | UA_QOL3M3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (MGRK and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005922 | UA_QOL3P3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (POR and ARA) | UA_QOL3P3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (POR and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005936 | UA_QOL3P3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (POR and PER) | UA_QOL3P3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (POR and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005929 | UA_QOL3P3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (POR and HEB) | UA_QOL3P3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (POR and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005943 | UA_QOL3P3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (POR and TUR) | UA_QOL3P3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (POR and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005923 | UA_QOL3R3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (RUS and ARA) | UA_QOL3R3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (RUS and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005937 | UA_QOL3R3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (RUS and PER) | UA_QOL3R3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (RUS and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005930 | UA_QOL3R3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (RUS and HEB) | UA_QOL3R3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (RUS and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005944 | UA_QOL3R3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (RUS and TUR) | UA_QOL3R3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (RUS and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005921 | UA_QOL3S3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (SPA and ARA) | UA_QOL3S3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (SPA and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005935 | UA_QOL3S3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (SPA and PER) | UA_QOL3S3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (SPA and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005928 | UA_QOL3S3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (SPA and HEB) | UA_QOL3S3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (SPA and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005942 | UA_QOL3S3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (SPA and TUR) | UA_QOL3S3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (SPA and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005920 | UA_QOL3T3A1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (ITA and ARA) | UA_QOL3T3A1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (ITA and ARA) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005934 | UA_QOL3T3E1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (ITA and PER) | UA_QOL3T3E1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (ITA and PER) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005927 | UA_QOL3T3H1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (ITA and HEB) | UA_QOL3T3H1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (ITA and HEB) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005941 | UA_QOL3T3U1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages (ITA and TUR) | UA_QOL3T3U1 | BA Euro and Mid East Langs (ITA and TUR) | UA_QOL1 | BA European and Middle Eastern Languages | |
005090 | UA_WMG1 | BA Economics and Management | UA_WMG1 | BA Economics and Management | UA_WMG1 | BA Economics and Management | |
005550 | UA_YV1 | BA Theology | UA_YV1 | BA Theology | UA_YV1 | BA Theology | |
005555 | UA_YVOS1 | BA Theology and Oriental Studies | UA_YVOS1 | BA Theology and Oriental Studies | UA_YVOS1 | BA Theology and Oriental Studies | |
UA_ZPLW1 | BA Philosophy | UA_ZPLW1 | BA Phil, Politics and Econ | UA_ZPLW1 | BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics | ||
005490 | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005971 | UA_ZQ3C1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (CZE) | UA_ZQ3C1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (CZE) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005964 | UA_ZQ3F1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (FRE) | UA_ZQ3F1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (FRE) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005965 | UA_ZQ3G1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (GER) | UA_ZQ3G1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (GER) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005972 | UA_ZQ3L1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (CLT) | UA_ZQ3L1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (CLT) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005970 | UA_ZQ3M1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (MGRK) | UA_ZQ3M1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (MGRK) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005968 | UA_ZQ3P1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (POR) | UA_ZQ3P1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (POR) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005969 | UA_ZQ3R1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (RUS) | UA_ZQ3R1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (RUS) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005967 | UA_ZQ3S1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (SPA) | UA_ZQ3S1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (SPA) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005966 | UA_ZQ3T1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (ITA) | UA_ZQ3T1 | BA Philosophy and Mod Langs (ITA) | UA_ZQ1 | BA Philosophy and Modern Languages | |
005500 | UA_ZYV1 | BA Philosophy and Theology | UA_ZYV1 | BA Philosophy and Theology | UA_ZYV1 | BA Philosophy and Theology | |
005630 | UB_BC1 | MBiochem Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | UB_BC1 | MBiochem Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | UB_BC1 | MBiochem Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | |
005640 | UC_CY1 | MChem Chemistry | UC_CY1 | MChem Chemistry | UC_CY1 | Master of Chemistry | |
005620 | UD_JU1 | Dip Legal Studies | UD_JU1 | Dip Legal Studies | UD_JU1 | Diploma in Legal Studies | |
005008 | UD_TS1 | UGDip Theological Studies (Full-time) | UD_TS1 | UGDip Theological Studies (Full-time) | UD_TS1 | Undergraduate Diploma Theological Studies | |
005008 | UD_TS9P1 | UGDip Theological Studies (Part-time) | UD_TS9P1 | UGDip Theological Studies (Part-time) | UD_TS1 | Undergraduate Diploma Theological Studies | |
005625 | UD_YU1 | Dip Theological Pastoral Studies (Full-time) | UD_YU1 | Dip Theological Pastoral Studies (Full-time) | UD_YU1 | Diploma in Theological and Pastoral Studies | |
005625 | UD_YU9P1 | Dip Theological Pastoral Studies (Part-time) | UD_YU9P1 | Dip Theological Pastoral Studies (Part-time) | UD_YU1 | Diploma in Theological and Pastoral Studies | |
005700 | UE_EN1 | MEng Engineering Science | UE_EN1 | MEng Engineering Science | UE_EN1 | MEng Engineering Science | |
005670 | UE_ENCN1 | MEng Engineering and Computing Science | UE_ENCN1 | MEng Engineering and Computing Science | UE_ENCN1 | MEng Engineering and Computing Science | |
005680 | UE_ENMR1 | MEng Engineering and Materials | UE_ENMR1 | MEng Engineering and Materials | UE_ENMR1 | MEng Engineering and Materials | |
UE_ENWMG1 | MEng Engineering | UE_ENWMG1 | MEng Engineering, Econ and Management | UE_ENWMG1 | MEng Engineering, Economics and Management | ||
005720 | UE_MR1 | MEng Materials Science | UE_MR1 | MEng Materials Science | UE_MR1 | MEng Materials Science | |
UE_MRWMG1 | MEng Materials | UE_MRWMG1 | MEng Materials, Econ and Management | UE_MRWMG1 | MEng Materials, Economics and Management | ||
005560 | UF_FR1 | BFA Fine Art | UF_FR1 | BFA Fine Art | UF_FR1 | Bachelor of Fine Art | |
005660 | UG_EG1 | MEarthSci Earth Sciences | UG_EG1 | MEarthSci Earth Sciences | UG_EG1 | Master of Earth Sciences | |
005590 | UH_MD6C1 | Medicine - Clinical | UH_MD6C1 | Medicine - Clinical | UH_MD6C1 | Medicine - Clinical | |
005570 | UH_MD6D1 | Medicine - Graduate Entry | UH_MD6D1 | Medicine - Graduate Entry | UH_MD6D1 | Medicine - Graduate Entry | |
005785 | UJ_MSAE1 | MMathPhys Mathematical & Theoretical Physics | UJ_MSAE1 | MMathPhys Mathematical &Theoretical Physics | UJ_MSAE1 | MMathPhys Mathematical &Theoretical Physics | |
005760 | UL_MSZ1 | MMathPhil Mathematics and Philosophy | UL_MSZ1 | MMathPhil Mathematics and Philosophy | UL_MSZ1 | Master of Mathematics and Philosophy | |
005730 | UM_MS1 | MMath Mathematics | UM_MS1 | MMath Mathematics | UM_MS1 | Master of Mathematics in Mathematics | |
005740 | UM_MSST1 | MMath Mathematics and Statistics | UM_MSST1 | MMath Mathematics and Statistics | UM_MSST1 | MMathStat Mathematics and Statistics | |
005750 | UN_MSCN1 | MMathCompSci Mathematics and Computer Science | UN_MSCN1 | MMathCompSci Maths and Comp Science | UN_MSCN1 | Master of Mathematics and Computer Science | |
005770 | UP_PS1 | MPhys Physics | UP_PS1 | MPhys Physics | UP_PS1 | Master of Physics | |
005007 | UR_TS1 | UGCert Theological Studies (Full-time) | UR_TS1 | UGCert Theological Studies (Full-time) | UR_TS1 | Undergraduate Cert Theological Studies | |
005007 | UR_TS9P1 | UGCert Theological Studies (Part-time) | UR_TS9P1 | UGCert Theological Studies (Part-time) | UR_TS1 | Undergraduate Cert Theological Studies | |
005615 | UR_YU1 | Cert Theological Pastoral Studies (Full-time) | UR_YU1 | Cert Theological Pastoral Studies (Full-time) | UR_YU1 | Certificate in Theological and Pastoral Studies | |
005615 | UR_YU9P1 | Cert Theological Pastoral Studies (Part-time) | UR_YU9P1 | Cert Theological Pastoral Studies (Part-time) | UR_YU1 | Certificate in Theological and Pastoral Studies | |
005610 | UR_YV1 | Cert Theology (Full-time) | UR_YV1 | Cert Theology (Full-time) | UR_YV1 | Certificate in Theology | |
005610 | UR_YV9P1 | Cert Theology (Part-time) | UR_YV9P1 | Cert Theology (Part-time) | UR_YV1 | Certificate in Theology | |
005650 | US_CN1 | MCompSci Computer Science | US_CN1 | MCompSci Computer Science | US_CN1 | Master of Computer Science | |
005600 | UT_YV1 | BTh Theology (Full-time) | UT_YV1 | BTh Theology (Full-time) | UT_YV1 | Bachelor of Theology | |
005009 | UT_YV2 | BTh Theology (Full-time) | UT_YV2 | BTh Theology (Full-time) | UT_YV2 | BTh Theology | |
005600 | UT_YV9P1 | BTh Theology (Part-time) | UT_YV9P1 | BTh Theology (Part-time) | UT_YV1 | Bachelor of Theology | |
005009 | UT_YV9P2 | BTh Theology (Part-time) | UT_YV9P2 | BTh Theology (Part-time) | UT_YV2 | BTh Theology | |
005585 | UU_MD6B1 | Medicine - Preclinical (2yr) | UU_MD6B1 | Medicine - Preclinical (2yr) | UU_MD6B1 | Medicine - Pre-clinical (2 years) | |
005655 | UV_CNZ1 | MCompSciPhil Computer Science and Philosophy | UV_CNZ1 | MCompSciPhil Comp Science and Philosophy | UV_CNZ1 | Master of Computer Science and Philosophy | |
005780 | UY_PSZ1 | MPhysPhil Physics and Philosophy | UY_PSZ1 | MPhysPhil Physics and Philosophy | UY_PSZ1 | Master of Physics and Philosophy | |
004820 | VM0_3F1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - French | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_AC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Condensed Matter Physics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_AF1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Atomic and Laser Physics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_AN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_AR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Archaeology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_AY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Ancient History | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_BC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Biochemistry | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_BG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Biology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_BM1 | Visiting Matriculated Biomedical Sciences | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_CH1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Contemporary Chinese Studies | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_CL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Classics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_CM1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Clinical Medicine | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_CN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Computer Science | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
VM0_CPK | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Linguistics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
004820 | VM0_CV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Cardiovascular Medicine | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_CY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Chemistry | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_DT1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award International Development | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_EE1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Educational Studies | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_EG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Earth Sciences | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_EL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_EN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Engineering Science | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_EP1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Experimental Psychology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_EV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Geography | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_FC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Inorganic Chemistry | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_FE1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_FR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Fine Art | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_GMST1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Genomic Medicine and Statistics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_HR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History of Art | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_HU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Human Sciences | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_HY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_JN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Social Science of the Internet | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_JU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Law | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_K1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Linguistics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_LT1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Latin American Studies | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_MD1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - RDM | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_MG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Management Studies | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_MR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Materials | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_MS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Mathematics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_MU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Music | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_OS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Oriental Studies | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_PC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Psychology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_PL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_PS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Physics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_PU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Public Health | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_PUPT1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Public Health and Primary Health Care | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_PY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Physiology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_PYAG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Physiology Anatomy and Genetics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_Q1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Modern Languages | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_SP1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Social Policy | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_ST1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Statistics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_SY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Sociology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_VC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Environmental Change Institute | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_W1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_YS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award International Relations | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_YV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Theology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM0_Z1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ANAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and Archaeology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ANEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and English Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ANEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and Geography Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ANHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and History Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ANQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and Modern Languages Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ANSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and Sociology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_AYAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Ancient History and Archaeology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CLAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Classics and Archaeology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CLAY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Classics and Ancient History Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CLHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Classics and History of Art Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CLQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Classics and Modern Languages Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CNMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Computer Science and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CYAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Chemistry and Archaeology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CYBG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Chemistry and Biology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CYPS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Chemistry and Physics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_CYW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Chemistry and Economics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_EL3F1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and French Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Archaeology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELCL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Classics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELCN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Computer Science Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELCY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Englilsh and Chemistry Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Geography Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and History of Art Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELHU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Human Sciences Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and History Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELK1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Linguistics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELMU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Music Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Oriental Studies Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Psychology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Politics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELPY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Physiology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Modern Languages Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Sociology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Economics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Theology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ELZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Philosophy Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ENMG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Engineering Science and Management Studies Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HY3F1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and French Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Archaeology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYCL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Classics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYCN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Computer Science Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and History of Art Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Psychology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Politics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYPY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Physiology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Modern Languages Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Sociology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYYS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and International Relations Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Theology and History Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_HYZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Philosophy Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_JU3F1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and French Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_JUDT1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and International Development Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_JUEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and English Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_JUEP1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and Experimental Psychology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_JUYS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and International Relations Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_KHU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Linguistics and Human Sciences Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_MSEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and English Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_MSK1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and Linguistics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_OSCL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Oriental Studies and Classics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PCAN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Anthropology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PCBC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Biochemistry Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PCBG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Biology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PCEG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Earth Sciences Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PCOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Oriental Studies Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PLEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics and Geography Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PLJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Law Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PLMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PLOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Oriental Studies Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PLSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics and Sociology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PLVC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Environmental Change Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PLYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics and Theology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_PSMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Physics and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_Q3F1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Modern Languages and French Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_QYS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Modern Languages and International Relations Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_STMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Statistics and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_SYEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Sociology and Geography Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_SYHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Sociology and History of Art Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_SYMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Sociology and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_SYPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Sociology and Politics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WCL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Classics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WCY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Chemistry Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and History of Art Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WHU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Human Sciences Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and History Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Law Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WMG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Management Studies Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WMU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Music Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Oriental Studies Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Politics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Sociology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WYS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and International Relations Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_WZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Philosophy Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_YSPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award International Relations and Politics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_YVJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Theology and Law Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_YVK1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Theology and Linguistics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_YVMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Theology and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZAY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Ancient History Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZBG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Biology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZCL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Classics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZDT1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and International Development Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and History of Art Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Law Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Mathematics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Oriental Studies Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and Psychology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and Politics Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Modern Lanuages | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM1_ZYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and Theology Joint | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and Archaeology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANHU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Anthropology and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Anthropology and Law Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Anthropology and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Anthropology and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Anthropology and Sociology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ANZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Anthropology and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ARHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Archaeology and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_BCCY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Biochemistry and Chemistry Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_BCPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Biochemistry and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_BGCY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Biology and Chemistry Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CLAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Classics and Archaeology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CLEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Classics and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CLPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Classics and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CLW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Classics and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CNK1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Computer Science and Linguistics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CNMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Computer Science and Mathematics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CNW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Computer Science and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CNZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Computer Science and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CYBC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Chemistry and Biochemistry Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CYBM1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CYCP1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Chemistry and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CYMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Chemistry and Mathematics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_CYPS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Chemistry and Physics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_EEPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Education and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_EG3F1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Earth Sciences and French Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELAN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Anthropology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Archaeology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELCL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Classics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Geography Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and History of Art Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELK1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Linguistics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELMU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Music Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Oriental Studies Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Modern Languages Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Sociology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English and Theology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ELZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award English and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ENHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Engineering Science and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ENMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Engineering Science and Mathematics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_EVEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Geography and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_EVW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Geography Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HREL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History of Art and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HRHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History of Art and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HRSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History of Art and Sociology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HRZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History of Art and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HUHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and History of Art Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HUPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Human Sciences and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HUW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Human Sciences and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HUZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Human Sciences and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Archaeology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYCL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Classics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Geography Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and History of Art Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Law Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYMU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Music Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Modern Languages Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYSP1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Social Policy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Sociology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Theology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_HYZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUAN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Law and Anthropology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and History of Art Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUHU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Law and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Law and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Law and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUYS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and International Relations Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_JUZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MGEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Management Studies and Geography Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MGFR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Management Studies and Fine Art Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MGHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Management Studies and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MGMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Management Studies and Mathematics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MGOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Management Studies and Oriental Studies Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MGPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Management Studies and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MGW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Management Studies and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSCN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and Computer Science Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSEN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and Engineering Science Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSHU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Mathematics and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSPS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and Physics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSYS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Mathematics and International Relations Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MSZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Mathematics and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MUHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Music and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_MUMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Music and Mathematics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PC3F1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Physics and French Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCAN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Anthropology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCBC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Biochemistry Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCCN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Psychology and Computer Science Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCCY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Chemistry Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Psychology and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Psychology and History of Art Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Mathematics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCMU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Music Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Sociology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Psychology and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Psychology and Theology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PCZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Psychology and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLEE1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Education Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Geography Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Law Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Moderrn Languages Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLSP1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics and Social Policy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Sociology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLYS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politcis and International Relations Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Politics and Theology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PLZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PSEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Physics and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PSMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Physics and Mathematics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_PSZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Physics and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_QYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Modern Languages and Theology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_QZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Modern Languages and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_SPEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Social Policy and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_SPSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Social Policy and Sociology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_SYPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Sociology and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_SYSP1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Sociology and Social Policy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_SYW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Sociology and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_SYZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Sociology and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WCN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Computer Science Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WEE1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Education Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WFR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Fine Art Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WHU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WHY1 | Visting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics and Law Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WMG1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Management Studies Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Mathematics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WSP1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Social Policy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_WZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Economics and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YSEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award International Relations and Engllish Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YSHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award International Relations and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YSPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - International Relations and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YVAN1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Theology and Anthropology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YVEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Theology and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YVHU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Theology and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YVPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Theology and Politcs Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YVSY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Theology and Sociology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YVW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Theology and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_YVZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Theology and Philosophy Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZCL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Classics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and English Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZHR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and History of Art Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and History Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosphy and Oriental Studies Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and Psychology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and Politics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZPS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and Physcis Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Modern Languages Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy and Economics Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZYS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and International Relations Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004820 | VM2_ZYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy and Theology Major/Minor | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
VM3_ANPLAR1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Anthropology | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_BCBMPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Biochemistry | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_BCMSCY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Biochemistry | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_CLYVEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Classics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_ELPLJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_ELPLZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_ELSYHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_ELYVHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_ELZHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - English | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HRELPC1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History of Art | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HRELYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History of Art | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HRPC3F1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History of Art | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HYELW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HYMGOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HYPCZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HYPLJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HYPLZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - History | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_HYYVPL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award History | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_JUPLZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Law | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_PLELEV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_PLELHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_PLZYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Politics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_QPLZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Modern Languages | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WPCEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WPLEL1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WPLHY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WPLJU1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WPLMS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WPLOS1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WPLPY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WPLQ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_WYVZ1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Economics | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_ZELYV1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_ZPCPY1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award - Philosophy | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
VM3_ZPLW1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Philosophy | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | ||
004820 | VM_9A1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | VM_1 | Visiting Matriculated Non-Award Programme | |
004810 | VN0_3F1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - French | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_AC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Condensed Matter Physics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_AF1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Atomic and Laser Physics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_AN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_AR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Archaeology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_AY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Ancient History | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_BC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Biochemistry | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_BG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Biology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_BM1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Biomedical Sciences | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_CH1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Contemporary Chinese Studies | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_CL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Classics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_CM1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Clinical Medicine | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_CN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Computer Science | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
VN0_CPK | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Linguistics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
004810 | VN0_CV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Cardiovascular Medicine | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_CY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Chemistry | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_DT1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated International Development | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_EE1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Educational Studies | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_EG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Earth Sciences | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_EL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_EN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Engineering Science | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_EP1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Experimental Psychology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_EV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Geography | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_FC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Inorganic Chemistry | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_FE1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_FR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Fine Art | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_GMST1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Genomic Medicine and Statistics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_HR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History of Art | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_HU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Human Sciences | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_HY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_JN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Social Science of the Internet | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_JU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Law | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_K1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Linguistics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_LT1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Latin American Studies | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_MD1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - RDM | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_MG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Management Studies | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_MR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Materials | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_MS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Mathematics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_MU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Music | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_OS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Oriental Studies | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_PC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Psychology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_PL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_PS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Physics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_PU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Public Health | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_PUPT1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Public Health and Primary Health Care | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_PY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Physiology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_PYAG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Physiology Anatomy and Genetics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_Q1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Modern Languages | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_SP1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Social Policy | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_ST1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Statistics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_SY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Sociology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_VC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Environmental Change Institute | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_W1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_YS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated International Relations | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_YV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Theology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN0_Z1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ANAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and Archaeology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ANEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and English Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ANEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and Geography Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ANHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and History Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ANQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and Modern Languages Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ANSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and Sociology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_AYAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Ancient History and Archaeology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CLAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Classics and Archaeology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CLAY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Classics and Ancient History Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CLHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Classics and History of Art Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CLQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Classics and Modern Languages Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CNMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Computer Science and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CYAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Chemistry and Archaeology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CYBG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Chemistry and Biology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CYPS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Chemistry and Physics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_CYW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Chemistry and Economics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_EL3F1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and French Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Archaeology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELCL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Classics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELCN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Computer Science Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELCY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Englilsh and Chemistry Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Geography Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and History of Art Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELHU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Human Sciences Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and History Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELK1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Linguistics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELMU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Music Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Oriental Studies Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Psychology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Politics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELPY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Physiology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Modern Languages Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Sociology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Economics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Theology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ELZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Philosophy Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ENMG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Engineering Science and Management Studies Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HY3F1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and French Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Archaeology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYCL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Classics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYCN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Computer Science Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and History of Art Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Pyschology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Politics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYPY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Physiology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Modern Languages Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Sociology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYYS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and International Relations Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Theology and History Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_HYZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Philosophy Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_JU3F1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and French Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_JUDT1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and International Development Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_JUEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and English Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_JUEP1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and Experimental Psychology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_JUYS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and International Relations Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_KHU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Linguistics and Human Sciences Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_MSEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and English Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_MSK1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and Linguistics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_OSCL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Oriental Studies and Classics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PCAN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Anthropology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PCBC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Biochemistry Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PCBG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Biology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PCEG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Earth Sciences Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PCOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Oriental Studies Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PLEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics and Geography Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PLJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Law Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PLMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PLOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Oriental Studies Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PLSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics and Sociology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PLVC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Environmental Change Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PLYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics and Theology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_PSMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Physics and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_Q3F1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Modern Languages and French Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_QYS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Modern Languages and International Relations Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_STMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Statistics and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_SYEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Sociology and Geography Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_SYHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Sociology and History of Art Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_SYMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Sociology and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_SYPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Sociology and Politics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WCL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Classics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WCY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Chemistry Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and History of Art Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WHU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Human Sciences Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and History Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Law Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WMG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Management Studies Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WMU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Music Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Oriental Studies Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Politics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Sociology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WYS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and International Relations Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_WZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Philosophy Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_YSPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated International Relations and Politics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_YVJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Theology and Law Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_YVK1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Theology and Linguistics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_YVMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Theology and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZAY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Ancient History Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZBG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Biology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZCL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Classics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZDT1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and International Development Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and History of Art Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Law Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Mathematics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Oriental Studies Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and Psychology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and Politics Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Modern Lanuages | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN1_ZYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and Theology Joint | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and Archaeology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANHU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Anthropology and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Anthropology and Law Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Anthropology and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Anthropology and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Anthropology and Sociology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ANZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Anthropology and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ARHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Archaeology and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_BCCY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Biochemistry and Chemistry Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_BCPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Biochemistry and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_BGCY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Biology and Chemistry Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CLAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Classics and Archaeology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CLEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Classics and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CLPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Classics and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CLW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Classics and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CNK1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Computer Science and Linguistics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CNMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Computer Science and Mathematics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CNW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Computer Science and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CNZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Computer Science and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CYBC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Chemistry and Biochemistry Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CYBM1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CYMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Chemistry and Mathematics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CYPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Chemistry and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_CYPS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Chemistry and Physics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_EEPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Education and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_EG3F1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Earth Sciences and French Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELAN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Anthropology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Archaeology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELCL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Classics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Geography Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and History of Art Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELK1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Linguistics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELMU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Music Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Oriental Studies Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Modern Languages Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Sociology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English and Theology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ELZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated English and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ENHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Engineering Science and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ENMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Engineering Science and Mathematics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_EVEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Geography and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_EVW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Geography Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HREL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History of Art and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HRHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History of Art and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HRSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History of Art and Sociology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HRZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History of Art and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HUHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and History of Art Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HUPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Human Sciences and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HUW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Human Sciences and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HUZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Human Sciences and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Archaeology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYCL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Classics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Geography Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and History of Art Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Law Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYMU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Music Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Modern Languages Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYSP1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Social Policy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Sociology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Theology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_HYZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUAN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Law and Anthropology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and History of Art Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUHU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Law and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Law and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Law and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUYS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and International Relations Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_JUZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MGEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Management Studies and Geography Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MGFR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Management Studies and Fine Art Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MGHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Management Studies and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MGMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Management Studies and Mathematics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MGOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Management Studies and Oriental Studies Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MGPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Management Studies and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MGW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Management Studies and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSCN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and Computer Science Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSEN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and Engineering Science Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSHU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Mathematics and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSPS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and Physics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSYS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Mathematics and International Relations Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MSZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Mathematics and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MUHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Music and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_MUMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Music and Mathematics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PC3F1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Physics and French Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCAN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Anthropology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCBC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Biochemistry Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCCN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Psychology and Computer Science Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCCY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Chemistry Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Psychology and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Psychology and History of Art Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Mathematics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCMU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Music Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Sociology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Psychology and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Psychology and Theology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PCZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Psychology and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLEE1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Education Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Geography Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Law Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Moderrn Languages Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLSP1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics and Social Policy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Sociology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLYS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politcis and International Relations Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Politics and Theology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PLZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PSEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Physics and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PSMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Physics and Mathematics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_PSZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Physics and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_QYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Modern Languages and Theology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_QZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Modern Languages and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_SPEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Social Policy and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_SPSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Social Policy and Sociology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_SYPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Sociology and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_SYSP1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Sociology and Social Policy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_SYW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Sociology and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_SYZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Sociology and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WCN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Computer Science Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WEE1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Education Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WFR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Fine Art Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WHU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics and Law Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WMG1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Management Studies Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Mathematics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WSP1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Social Policy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_WZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Economics and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YSEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated International Relations and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YSHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated International Relations and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YSPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - International Relations and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YVAN1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Theology and Anthropology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YVEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Theology and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YVHU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Theology and Human Sciences Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YVPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Theology and Politcs Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YVSY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Theology and Sociology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YVW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Theology and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_YVZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Theology and Philosophy Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZCL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Classics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and English Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZHR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and History of Art Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and History Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosphy and Oriental Studies Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and Psychology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and Politics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZPS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and Physcis Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Modern Languages Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy and Economics Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZYS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and International Relations Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004810 | VN2_ZYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy and Theology Major/Minor | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
VN3_ANPLAR1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Anthropology | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_BCBMPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Biochemistry | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_BCMSCY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Biochemistry | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_CLYVEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Classics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_ELPLJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_ELPLZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_ELSYHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_ELYVHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_ELZHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - English | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HRELPC1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History of Art | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HRELYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History of Art | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HRPC3F1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History of Art | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HYELW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HYMGOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HYPCZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HYPLJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HYPLZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - History | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_HYYVPL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated History | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_JUPLZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Law | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_PLELEV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_PLELHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_PLZYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Politics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_QPLZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Modern Languages | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WPCEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WPLEL1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WPLHY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WPLJU1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WPLMS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WPLOS1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WPLPY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WPLQ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_WYVZ1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Economics | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_ZELYV1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_ZPCPY1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated - Philosophy | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
VN3_ZPLW1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Philosophy | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | ||
004810 | VN_9A1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | VN_1 | Visiting Non-Matriculated Programme | |
004790 | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004996 | VR_AC1 | Recognised Student - Condensed Matter Physics | VR_AC1 | Recognised Student - Condensed Matter Physics | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004830 | VR_AF1 | Recognised Student - Atomic and Laser Physics | VR_AF1 | Recognised Student - Atom Physics | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004990 | VR_AN1 | Recognised Student - Anthropology | VR_AN1 | Recognised Student - Anthropology | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004825 | VR_AR1 | Recognised Student - Archaeology | VR_AR1 | Recognised Student - Archaeology | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004835 | VR_BC1 | Recognised Student - Biochemistry | VR_BC1 | Recognised Student - Biochemistry | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004986 | VR_BL1 | Recognised Student - Plastic Electronic Materials | VR_BL1 | Recognised Student - Plastic Electronic Materials | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004991 | VR_CA1 | Recognised Student - Oncology | VR_CA1 | Recognised Student - Oncology | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004850 | VR_CJ1 | Recognised Student - Clinical Laboratory Sciences | VR_CJ1 | Recognised Student - Clinical Laboratory Science | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004845 | VR_CL1 | Recognised Student - Classics | VR_CL1 | Recognised Student - Classics | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004855 | VR_CM1 | Recognised Student - Clinical Medicine | VR_CM1 | Recognised Student - Clinical Medicine | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004860 | VR_CN1 | Recognised Student - Computer Science | VR_CN1 | Recognised Student - Comp Science | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
VR_CPK1 | Recognised Student - Lin | VR_CPK1 | Recognised Student - Lin, Phil, and Phon | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | ||
004840 | VR_CV1 | Recognised Student - Cardiovascular Medicine | VR_CV1 | Recognised Student - Cardio Medicine | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004985 | VR_ED1 | Recognised Student - Education | VR_ED1 | Recognised Student - Education | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004875 | VR_EL1 | Recognised Student - English | VR_EL1 | Recognised Student - English | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004870 | VR_EN1 | Recognised Student - Engineering Science | VR_EN1 | Recognised Student - Eng Science | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004880 | VR_EP1 | Recognised Student - Experimental Psychology | VR_EP1 | Recognised Student - Exp Psychology | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004885 | VR_EV1 | Recognised Student - Geography | VR_EV1 | Recognised Student - Geography | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004895 | VR_FC1 | Recognised Student - Inorganic Chemistry | VR_FC1 | Recognised Student - Inorg Chemistry | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004980 | VR_FD1 | Recognised Student - Organic Chemistry | VR_FD1 | Recognised Student - Org Chemistry | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004940 | VR_FE1 | Recognised Student - Physical and Theoretical Chemistry | VR_FE1 | Recognised Student - Physical Chemistry | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004970 | VR_FR1 | Recognised Student - Fine Art | VR_FR1 | Recognised Student - Fine Art | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004997 | VR_GMST1 | Recognised Student - Genomic Medicine & Statistics | VR_GMST1 | Recognised Student - Genomic Medicine & Statistics | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004987 | VR_HR1 | Recognised Student - History of Arts | VR_HR1 | Recognised Student - History of Arts | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004890 | VR_HY1 | Recognised Student - History | VR_HY1 | Recognised Student - History | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004999 | VR_JN1 | Recognised Student - Social Science of the Internet | VR_JN1 | Recognised Student - Social Science of Internet | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004905 | VR_JU1 | Recognised Student - Law | VR_JU1 | Recognised Student - Law | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004900 | VR_LT1 | Recognised Student - Latin American Studies | VR_LT1 | Recognised Student - Latin American | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004994 | VR_MD1 | Recognised Student - RDM | VR_MD1 | Recognised Student - RDM | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004910 | VR_MG1 | Recognised Student - Management | VR_MG1 | Recognised Student - Management | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004897 | VR_ML1 | Recognised Student - NDORMS | VR_ML1 | Recognised Student - NDORMS | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004915 | VR_MR1 | Recognised Student - Materials | VR_MR1 | Recognised Student - Materials | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004920 | VR_MS1 | Recognised Student - Mathematics | VR_MS1 | Recognised Student - Mathematics | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004993 | VR_MU1 | Recognised Student - Music | VR_MU1 | Recognised Student - Music | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004998 | VR_ND1 | Recognised Student - Contemporary Chinese Studies | VR_ND1 | Recognised Student - Contemporary Chinese Studies | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004925 | VR_OS1 | Recognised Student - Oriental Studies | VR_OS1 | Recognised Student - Oriental Studies | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004826 | VR_OS5C1 | Recognised Student - Middle East Studies | VR_OS5C1 | Recognised Student - Middle East Studies | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004898 | VR_OSVS1 | Recognised Student - Contemporary South Asian Studies | VR_OSVS1 | Recognised Student - Contemp South Asian Studies | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004894 | VR_PF1 | Recognised Student - Plant Sciences | VR_PF1 | Recognised Student - Plant Sciences | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004930 | VR_PH1 | Recognised Student - Pharmacology | VR_PH1 | Recognised Student - Pharmacology | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004960 | VR_PL1 | Recognised Student - Politics | VR_PL1 | Recognised Student - Politics | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004950 | VR_PT1 | Recognised Student - Primary Care | VR_PT1 | Recognised Student - Primary Care | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004945 | VR_PU1 | Recognised Student - Public Health | VR_PU1 | Recognised Student - Public Health | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004975 | VR_PY1 | Recognised Student - Physiology | VR_PY1 | Recognised Student - Physiology | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004965 | VR_Q1 | Recognised Student - Modern Languages | VR_Q1 | Recognised Student - Mod Langs | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004992 | VR_SN1 | Recognised Student - Comp Soc Policy | VR_SN1 | Recognised Student - Comp Soc Policy | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004989 | VR_ST1 | Recognised Student - Statistics | VR_ST1 | Recognised Student - Statistics | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004995 | VR_VT1 | Recognised Student - Zoology | VR_VT1 | Recognised Student - Zoology | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004865 | VR_W1 | Recognised Student - Economics | VR_W1 | Recognised Student - Economics | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004896 | VR_YN1 | Recognised Student Programme - Russian and East European Studies | VR_YN1 | Recognised Student - Russian East European Studies | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004955 | VR_YV1 | Recognised Student - Theology | VR_YV1 | Recognised Student - Theology | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme | |
004935 | VR_Z1 | Recognised Student - Philosophy | VR_Z1 | Recognised Student - Philosophy | VR1 | Recognised Student Programme |
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