DigiSafe is using the digital preservation platform Libsafe Research, provided by Libnova. The platform includes a dedicated cloud environment with a web interface deployed in UK datacentres with data escrow in UK Amazon AWS Glacier/deep archive. Four copies of every file are stored: two live ('hot') and two in Amazon Glacier ('cold'). The system creates fixity and digital signature information and replicates the content in several storage platforms. Every month, every file deposited in the hot-storage part is verified to detect corruption, bit rot, etc. Data is encrypted both at rest and in transit.
Any type of digital material can be stored on the platform. Files and folders can be added in a number of ways including direct browser upload, (drag-and-drop), S3 and uploads via the API. Other options are also available, such as utilities for transferring and synchronising files between platforms. An optional, customisable data verification process can be activated to make a fast analysis over the deposited content and warn about duplicates, malware, password-protected files or obsolete file formats.
Metadata can be added to files and folders. Metadata fields are customisable and metadata is indexed and searchable.
Textual content (text and metadata) is indexed, so authorised users can perform full-text searches over the content. The embedded file viewer can be used to access the files without downloading them first. The viewer is configured to work on a wide range of file formats (currently 75, including uncommon and obsolete formats) which makes it possible to inspect the content even if the corresponding software is not available on the user's local machine.
A date-based retention policy can be activated. When active, protected content cannot be changed while the policy is active. At the end of the period, defined by date or number of days, the content owner is notified to review or delete the content.
Access rights can be set by each participating unit. Users can be given different level of access and their access can be limited to certain folders. Search results will be limited by user permissions.
Changes are traced and registered. All actions are recorded in an activity log.
Content can be shared with internal and external users (provided the relevant permissions have been granted).
A number of reports can be generated, including reports on space used and preservation risks and potential problems (e.g. duplicated files, empty files, mis-matched formats and extensions).
The platform has been assessed by the University's Information Security team and is deemed safe for storing all kinds of data, including confidential data.