Once you have access to the CUD UI you can request access to additional service interfaces. Refer to the CUD interfaces introduction for details of the various service interfaces to determine which best suits your needs. You are welcome to contact IAM if you're not sure, or need advice as to which may be best.
For requests to register for REST interface access please use the service request linked from the IAM service requests page.
For requests to register for non-REST interface access, please use the following email template to request access via a new service interface.
Subject: Request for access to CUD interface - <interface requested>
Please supply service access to CUD as follows:
Name: <your name>
Reason for access (required if not ITSS):
ITSS Managers:
Machine FQDN:
Interface requested:
When completing the email
- the ITSS section should be answered Y/N, depending on whether you appear in the ITSS register
- if you are not on the ITSS register you must provide a Reason for access, including why you are requesting access and the purpose CUD data will be put to
- the ITSS Managers section requires a list of ITSS members with /itss principals, such as unit0001/itss, who should be given access to download kerberos principals or other credentials generated as a result of this request. At least one must be provided
- the Machine FQDN is the fully qualified network name of the server or service which will be using the interface, for example host.oucs.ox.ac.uk
- the Interface requested should be one or more of:
- SOAP query
- SOAP push
- SQL Push (deprecated, replaced by the CUD Receiver)
- LDAP push
- If your request is for a REST or SOAP interface, and GSSAPI+Kerberos authentication is not supported by the software which will be used to access CUD, please include this information in Interface requested