SMS Inbound Messages

Notice: Telephony replacement project

In response to BT switching off analogue lines in January 2027, the Telephony Replacement Project is currently coordinating the replacement of centrally managed analogue and critical phone lines.  In future (likely later in 2025) the project will also be reviewing the Chorus VOIP (digital line) service. For more information see the Telephony replacement project webpage.


There are a few options to receive messages from recipients.

Please see the FAQs for Textlocal SMS inbound 


We recommend the first four options of texting to a number, as texting to a short code may incur standard network charges to the sender which is dependent on their network provider.

Below are the options but please speak to Textlocal support about your use case, if required.

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  1. Go to the send message page
  2. Select the option of sending from the 'Simple Reply Service'
  • A message will be sent to the recipient from a temporary mobile number that they can reply to. 
  • This will cost 1.5 credits per message received.
  • Please see the Textlocal simple reply service


  1. From the send message page, go to the 'Sender Name'
  2. Click on the drop-down and select your dedicated long number.
  3. Select this option when sending messages
  4. Recipients can then reply to this message 
  • To receive inbound to a dedicated number (e.g. 447537404725), a message can be sent from a Textlocal Dedicated Long Number as above (2 way messaging), or just send a text to the number.
  • With this option, you own the long number so all texts are sent to the inbox associated with this number.
  • Inbound texts do not require a keyword, however, within Messenger you can then set up as many keywords as you like to categorize the texts.
  • For example, a department can add keywords 'LIBRARY' and 'KITCHEN' to their existing dedicated number 447537404725 in messenger; this will create separate inboxes.  A text of 'LIBRARY message' to '447537404725' would go to the LIBRARY inbox, and a text of 'KITCHEN message' to 44753740725' would go to the KITCHEN inbox. 
  • This feature is also useful if you have a case where a word is commonly misspelled.  You could have a keyword of the correct spelling and the common misspelling as a keyword to capture all expected texts to your dedicated number.
  • Note that in order to categorize the keyword it has to be the first word, however the keyword is not case sensitive.
  • There is an ongoing cost for the dedicated long number and will require set up in advance of use.



Example use:  ask senders to text keyword "CHORUS' to 447860027549


  • You get to choose one keyword to start with, which is associated with a number (e.g. 447860027549).
  • Inbound messages must include the keyword in order for them to deliver to the inbox.
  • Sub keywords can be added e.g. 'CHORUS PHONES', 'CHORUS HEADSETS' and these will be delivered to the relevant inbox which is associated with a number (e.g. 447860027549)
  • Additional keywords cannot be added, only sub-keywords.
  • For flexibility, if the keyword is one that is commonly misspelled it would be recommended to use a dedicated number with additional keywords.
  • If the sender has free text bundles then this will be free for them, it's free for you to receive texts to your Messenger account.
  • There is an ongoing cost for the long number keyword and will require set up in advance of use.


To receive messages to any mobile number, you need to send from it:

  1. From the send message page, go to the 'Sender Name'
  2. Click on the drop-down, and select 'Add Sender'
  3. Enter your mobile number  under 'Sender Name'
  4. Click on 'Create
  5. Select this option when sending messages
  6. Recipients can then reply to this message


Example use: text PRIZE to 60777,

  • With this option, you can choose your very own keyword on 60777, 66777
  • This is where someone texts into the service.  This is not two-way like a dedicated number, simply reply service, or to personal mobile.
  • There is a free Short Code Keyword on each account.
  • Depending on their network users may incur a standard charge for texting to shortcodes.
  • There is an ongoing cost for Short Code keyword and will require set up in advance of use.
  • Please see Textlocal short numbers for more information

You can choose your own short code number.

There is a substantial cost to set this up, please see Textlocal sales support for current prices if this is a use case for you.

This is the same as Short Code Keyword but the number sent to is 60002 - so it's free to the sender but you pay 2 credits.

There is a cost to set this up, you can choose your own Keyword, please see Textlocal sales support for current prices if this is a use case for you.


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