Overview: JISC online surveys

JISC Online Surveys (formerly Bristol Online Survey - BOS), is an easy-to-use online tool for creating, distributing and analysing surveys. It is entirely web-based with no limits on the number of surveys you can create or the number of respondents you can have. It also allows surveys to be shared and supports collaborative survey development. Visit the JISC Online Surveys help pages for more information.

Online Surveys V3 was released in September 2023. This supersedes Online Surveys V2, which was retired on July 31st, 2024.

How to get access

IT Services manage an organisation-wide licence for Online Surveys. Any student, staff member or academic visitor can request an account for creating surveys via the Online Surveys Account service request.

InfoSec approved

The University's Information Security Team have assessed the data security statement for the Online Surveys service. Based on the service's ISO27001 certification and pertinent additional security measures the Information Security Team can recommend the service for gathering confidential data. However, survey owners still need to consider data privacy requirements with respect to GDPR and the University.

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