As described in account types, a personal mailbox is created when a new Single Sign-On account is created. At the same time one or more email addresses are created, and one of these becomes the mailbox's sender address.
Personal Oxford email addresses are always in the form This format was chosen because it reduces the chances of duplicate addresses being generated (see below).
The first.last part is taken from name data on the University Card record. If a record has multiple personal names, only the first one is chosen (this often causes problems for Chinese users because they have a two-part first name separated by a space). If a record has multiple family names, these are concatenated together to form the last part of the address (this often causes problems for Spanish users).
The unit part of the address is derived from the affiliation(s) on the card record. In most cases each college and department in the University has its own email domain, but some are shared by several units.
The email precedence rule which is used is as follows: if card status is one of college staff, student, undergraduate or postgraduate the college email address is set as the sender address on the mailbox. Otherwise, the departmental address is used (if one exists). It is possible to change the default Nexus sender address at
If two email addresses are created for a user, a mailbox is not created for each; both email addresses will deliver incoming mail to the same mailbox.
Requests to change an email address can be made by visiting IT self-service and using the Email Address Name Change form (as long as the new name bears some resemblance to the old one). Note that the mailbox name can't be changed as it is tied to the Oxford SSO account.
The routing of a personal email address can be changed by local IT support staff.
In the event that the system detects that an email address it wants to create already exists, the name part of the email address has a '2' appended to it. If a further duplicate was detected, '3' would be appended, and so on.
Reuse of email addresses
Although personal account names are not re-issued, it is possible for an email address to be allocated to a different person. This would only be done where the original owner of the address left more than 6 months ago.
Multiple email addresses
A user may only have one active email address per affiliation. A maximum of eight affiliations are allowed.
It is the convention that a user has the same name part of their address for each affiliation (e.g. you can't be and There is some flexibility here; if there is a good reason for having different names, this can be accommodated.
Non-personal email addresses
These are not to be used for personal email addresses. Non-personal addresses and secondary/project mailboxes should be used where email needs to be accessible after the current post holder fulfilling the role leaves. If a role-based address is routed to a personal mailbox, getting access to the emails in it after the person leaves may not be possible.
Each non-personal (secondary/project) mailbox which is created needs to have an email address assigned to it.
- Email addresses attached to secondary mailboxes work until the mailbox is deleted – which would usually be shortly after the mailbox owner finishes, except that in many cases these mailboxes will be handed over to a new owner; Example: and
- Email addresses not-attached to a mailbox work indefinitely; Example:
Non-personal email addresses can be requested, modified or deleted by local IT support staff.
Alternative email addresses
Users are encouraged to register an alternative (ie non-Oxford) email address with IT Services. This provides a means of communicating with you if access your Nexus mailbox is unavailable (e.g. if you need a rescue code).
Alternative email addresses for new students and staff are obtained automatically, from Student Records and HRIS respectively.
An alternative email address can be added, updated or removed at any time.
When no Oxford address is available
There are certain situations when there is no address available to set on a Nexus mailbox. This usually occurs when a mailbox is created for a user in an own-mail unit. In this case the address will be used instead.