Overview: OxPoints

OxPoints is an RDF dataset of geolinking information for the University of Oxford.

The OxPoints dataset consists of names, postal addresses, web addresses and co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) for all the departments, colleges and other buildings/units of the University, along with some of the relationships between them.  Often used on the University Map.


Notice: OxPoints is read-only

OxPoints is no longer being actively maintained, and the dataset editor has been retired. For critical updates please contact applicationsupport@it.ox.ac.uk


OxPoints dataset summary

The OxPoints dataset provides good coverage of the following types of geolocational data:

  • University
  • College
  • Department
  • Museum
  • Library
  • Site (a contiguous space containing buildings or other such entities)
  • Building
  • Division (academic or administrative division of the University, e.g. Humanities; Academic Services and University Collections)

Each object type has an associated class in the OxPoints namespace.

OxPoints also recognises the following additional types, although coverage of all available physical entities is less complete:

  • Space (a space within a building, including a set of rooms used for the same function)
  • Room
  • Faculty
  • Unit
  • Group (a group of people or team working towards some common goal)
  • Image (actually in the FOAF namespace)
  • Carpark

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