Local IT support staff

Note: undergraduate students should generally contact their college IT team for support in the first instance.

College Name IT Support Email Support Number (unless stated otherwise)
All Souls College support@all-souls.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)79379 (Lodge)
Balliol College helpdesk@balliol.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)77777 (Lodge) 
Brasenose College computer.office@bnc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)77513
Christ Church it-help@chch.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86001
Corpus Christi College it-support@ccc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86546
Exeter College it-servicedesk@exeter.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)79600 (Lodge)
Green Templeton College it-support@gtc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)84797
Harris Manchester College it-help@hmc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86001
Hertford College it-support@hertford.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)79447
Jesus College it-help@jesus.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86001
Keble College it-support@keble.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)72788
Kellogg College it-support@kellogg.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)12000 (Reception)
Lady Margaret Hall it-support@lmh.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74300 (General Enquiries)
Linacre College support@linacre.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)71659
Lincoln College help@lincoln.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)79805
Magdalen College it.support@magd.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)76112
Mansfield College it-help@mansfield.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86001
Merton College it-support@merton.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)76310 (Lodge)
New College it-support@new.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)89094
Nuffield College it@nuffield.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)78500 (Lodge)
Oriel College it-support@oriel.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86546
Pembroke College it-help@pmb.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86001
The Queen's College it-support@queens.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)79205
Regent's Park College See Permanent Private Halls See Permanent Private Halls
Reuben College it.support@reuben.ox.ac.uk No number assigned
Somerville College ict.desk@some.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)70597
St Anne's College it-support@st-annes.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74800 (Lodge)
St Antony's College it-support@sant.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)84700 (Lodge)
St Catherine's College it-support@stcatz.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)71700 (Lodge)
St Cross College itsupport@stx.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)78475
St Edmund Hall help@seh.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)79044
St Hilda's College it-support@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)76884 (Lodge)
St Hugh's College it-support@st-hughs.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74900 (Lodge)
St John's College it-helpdesk@sjc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)77365
St Peter's College it-help@spc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86001
Trinity College helpdesk@trinity.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)79900 (Lodge)
University College helpdesk@univ.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)76618
Wadham College help@wadham.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)77933
Wolfson College it.support@wolfson.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74121
Worcester College ithelpdesk@worc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88343
Department IT Support Email Support Number (unless stated otherwise)
African Studies    it.support@area.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74629
Anthropology  it.support@anthro.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74629
Archaeology      help@arch.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)85205
Area Studies it-support@area.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74629
Ashmolean Museum it@museums.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88188
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies it-support@ames.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88201
Big Data Institute (NDM) itsupport@ndm.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)12871 / 12570
Biochemistry ithelp@bioch.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)13308
Biology itsupport@biology.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)81186
Biomedical Sciences ithelp@medsci.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80030
Blavatnik School of Government ict@bsg.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)14364
Bodleian Libraries No local IT support  
Botanic Garden it@museums.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88188
Cardiovascular Medicine




01865 (7)37888
Centre for Medicines Discovery ithelp@cmd.ox.ac.uk 01865 617577
CSAE (Centre for the Study of African Economies) csae.itsupport@economics.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)71078
Chemistry ithelp@chem.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)75925
Classics itsupport@classics.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88264
COMPAS it.support@anthro.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74629
Computer Science support@cs.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)10810
CTSU (Clinical Trial Service Unit)



01865 (7)43743 (reception)
Continuing Education it-support@conted.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80150
Continuing Education (online courses) tallithelp@conted.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80990
Demographic Science it.mailbox@ndph.ox.ac.uk 01865 (7)43813
Doctoral Training (MPLS) it-support@dtc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)10668
DPAG (Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics) it-support@dpag.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)72519
Earth Sciences helpdesk@earth.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)82136
Economics itsupport@manor-road.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)84240
Education ithelpdesk@education.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74024 (reception)
Engineering Science it.support@eng.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)73069
English it-support@ell.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)71055 (reception)
Experimental Psychology      ithelp@medsci.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80030
GLAM Divisional Office it@museums.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88188
Graduate Accommodation graduate.accommodation@admin.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80923
History     itsupport@history.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)15031/2
History of Art itsupport@history.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)15031/2
History of Medicine itsupport@history.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)15031/2
History of Science Museum it@museums.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88188
Human Sciences it.support@anthro.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74629
International Development  it-support@qeh.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)81821
Internet Institute help@oii.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)87217
ISCA (Institute of Social & Cultural Anthropology) it.support@anthro.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)74629
Isis Innovation it.support@isis.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80824
IT Services https://help.it.ox.ac.uk/request-help 01865 (6)12345
Law it-support@law.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)81269
Linguistics Philology  it-support@ling-phil.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)70448
Martin School it-support@oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)87430 (reception)
Materials  itsupport@materials.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)73667
Maths Institute it-support@maths.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)73629
Medical Sciences (MSD IT main) ithelp@medsci.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80030
Medical Sciences Teaching Centre ithelp@medsci.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80030
Modern Languages it-support@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)70487
Museum of Natural History it@museums.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88188
Music itsupport@music.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)76140
NDCN (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences)



01865 (2)80030 (NDCN)

01865 (6)11460 (WIN)

NDWRH - Women's & Reproductive Health ithelp@medsci.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80030
NDORMS (Botnar) it@ndorms.ox.ac.uk 01865 227374 (reception)
NDORMS (Kennedy) it-support@kennedy.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)12600 (reception)
Nissan Institute it-support@sant.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)84700
NPEU (National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit)



01865 (7)43813
OeRC (Oxford e-Research Centre) support@oerc.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)10739
Oncology it@oncology.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)17432
Oxford Man it-support@oxford-man.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)16600 (reception)
Pandemic Sciences Institute itsupport@ndm.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)12871 / 12570
Pharmacology  it@pharm.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)71850 (reception)
Philosophy  it.support@philosophy.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86201
Physics  itsupport@physics.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)73485 (west site) 73388 (east site)
Pitt Rivers Museum it@museums.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88188
Plant Sciences  itsupport@biology.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)81186
Politics  itsupport@manor-road.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)84240
Population Ageing No local IT support  
(Oxford) Population Health (NDPH)



01865 (7)43743 (reception)
Primary Health Care ithelp@medsci.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80030
Psychiatry ithelp@medsci.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)80030
Ruskin School of Art it-support@rsa.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)76940 (reception)
Said Business School it@sbs.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88868
Smith School enquiries@smithschool.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)14963 (reception)
Social Policy and Intervention itdesk@spi.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)70325 (reception)
Sociology itsupport@manor-road.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)84240
SoGE (School of Geography and the Environment) itsupport@ouce.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)85089
Statistics  ithelp@stats.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)72860 (reception)
Structural Biology support@strubi.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)87558
Target Discovery Institute itsupport@ndm.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)12871 / 12570
Theology Faculty it-support@theology.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)70790 (reception)
Tropical Medicine itsupport@ndm.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)12871 / 12570
UAS https://help.it.ox.ac.uk/request-help 01865 (6)12345
Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics ithelp@well.ox.ac.uk  
Zoology itsupport@biology.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)81186


Permanent Private Halls (PPH)
PPH Name IT Support Email Support Number (unless stated otherwise)


01865 (2)78400 (Lodge)
Campion Hall it-help@campion.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86001
Regent's Park College it-support@regents.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)88120 (Lodge)
St Stephen's House it-support@ssho.ox.ac.uk 01865 (6)13500 (College Secretary)
Wycliffe Hall it-help@wycliffe.ox.ac.uk 01865 (2)86001


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