Plan early
It's a good idea to start planning for staff moves leavers at least a month before their end date.
University Card
You should contact the University Card Office to update the expiry date. This is important in order to remove access to key IT systems including departmental network files, email, Teams and web services.
User registration / desktop login
Please contact the service desk to request closure of the user account. We will need to know the user's email address or SSO, and the date after which access should be removed.
User files on network and local storage
Check with your member of staff to check that they have stored all business critical information in a group drive that can be accessed by colleagues. If they have any important files stored in their H: drive, C: drive or on USB memory sticks then you should arrange to transfer this to a suitable group drive before they leave.
Return of desktop / laptop
Remember to ask that your member of staff returns any desktop, laptop, mobile phones and other IT equipment before they leave. We can re-image desktops and laptops back to a fresh set up ready for a new member of staff if this is required.
Licensed software
If you took out any annual / subscription based software licenses for your member of staff then please contact the relevant supplier to end the contract.
Remote desktop service
If your member of staff had access to the remote desktop service, complete a remote desktop service request form to request removal of access and prevent any further charges.
Email, business systems and other IT facilities
Staff often access a large number of IT services during their employment. When they leave, it is important that you make sure that business-critical information is preserved for use by colleagues, and that they remove any personal data. We have provided additional guidance on removing IT access for staff leavers covering as many of these as possible.