My Chorus phone details

Notice: Telephony replacement project

In response to BT switching off analogue lines in January 2027, the Telephony Replacement Project is currently coordinating the replacement of centrally managed analogue and critical phone lines.  In future (likely later in 2025) the project will also be reviewing the Chorus VOIP (digital line) service. For more information see the Telephony replacement project webpage.


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To find out the number on your phone, dial 10888 and listen to the message.

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If you see the text 'Your telephone extension is...' underneath the Self Service section, your phone number is linked to your SSO.

If you see the text 'You are not yet provisioned on Chorus' underneath the Self Service section, your phone is not linked to your SSO.

Dialling rights relate to the kind of numbers you are allowed to dial

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In the self-service section, you will see this:

Image of icons showing user's dialling permissions

The dialling rights are from left to right: Restricted, University Only, National, Mobile, International, Premium.

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In the self-service section, you will see this:

Image of icons showing user's ex-directory status

From left to right, this is ex-directory, University only and public. 

Private - the number will not be shown in the Nexus Global Address List (GAL).

University only - the number will be shown in the Nexus Global Address List (GAL). 

Public - the number will be shown in the Nexus Global Address List (GAL)

The Public status no longer has relevance following the decommissioning of the contact search, which is where the information was shown. This status will be removed in a future version of Phoneman.

For more information for administrators how to set these options in Phoneman, please see the instructions.


Ex-directory settings and voicemail

The default personal greeting for voicemail provides a greeting that announces your number even if you're set as ex-directory in phoneman.  Some users may not find this satisfactory, so we recommend recording a personal greeting.  This will override the voicemail system's default greeting, thereby preventing the system from reading out your number.

To view information about your phone, directory status and dialling permissions


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