How to use OxPoints

Notice: OxPoints is read-only

OxPoints is no longer being actively maintained, and the dataset editor has been retired. For critical updates please contact


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The OxPoints dataset can be accessed by submitting a document request or SPARQL query to our Open Data service using the public store SPARQL submission form.

Query URLs

Query URLs are no longer available. They were part of a custom API and enabled pre-defined query URLs to be submitted to

Query URLs comprise the service endpoint, query path, format extension (optional), and query parameters (optional):[.format][?parameters]

For example:

The server response will contain any matching objects in the requested format.

OxPoints object properties are implemented as RDF predicates. Where possible we use common RDF predicates from well-known namespaces. The following predicates are implemented:

RDF Predicate Use
dc:title Object name
dc:description Object description / longer name
foaf:depiction Image (photo) of the location
foaf:homepage URL to a web page relevant to the object, such as department homepage
foaf:logo Image of the University or college crest
vCard:adr Postal address of this object
dcterms:isPartOf Identifies a parent location that this object forms part of
owl:sameAs Identifies an object that is an alternative representation of the same conceptual object
geo:lat Latitude of the object's position
geo:long Longitude of the object's position


The following OxPoints-specific predicates define relationships between objects and are primarily used in query paths or parameters:

RDF predicate Use
oxp:occupies A unit which occupies the building, site, room etc
oxp:hasOUCSCode The unique code used by IT Services' registration database to refer to a unit [list all IT Services' registration unit codes]
oxp:hasOLISCode The pre-Aleph code used by the Bodleian Libraries to refer to a library [list all OLIS codes]
oxp:hasOLISAlephCode The code used by the Bodleian Libraries to refer to a library [list all OLIS Aleph codes]
oxp:hasOBNCode The unique code used by Estates to refer to a building/room [list all OBN codes]
oxp:hasFinanceCode The unique code used by Finance to refer to a sub-unit or unit (also called a two-three code) [list all Finance codes]
oxp:hasDivisionCode The unique code used by Finance to refer to a division [list all Division codes]
oxp:hasDepartmentCode The unique code used by Finance to refer to a department [list all Department codes]
oxp:hasITHomepage URL for the unit's IT information
oxp:primaryPlace The main building/site occupied by the unit
oxp:hasLibraryHomepage URL for the unit's Library homepage


OxPoints data can include time-based scoping in order to represent a property value that has changed. Please note that historic details are incomplete and largely based on anecdotal information.

You can use a query parameter in the format date=YYYY-MM-DD to request date-scoped data. The day or month (and associated hyphen) can be omitted, in which case defaults of 01 are used.

By way of example, consider the Computing Services, which has had three names through the course of its history:

List all units in the dataset

SELECT ?unit ?title WHERE {
  ?unit a oxp:Unit .
  ?unit dc:title ?title .
} LIMIT 10

List latitude and longitude for all "rooms" in the dataset

SELECT ?place ?lat ?long WHERE {
    ?place a oxp:Room .
        ?place spatialrelations:within* ?container .
        ?container geo:lat ?lat ; geo:long ?long .
        # This next bit excludes containers where there's something
        # between ?place and ?container that also has co-ordinates.
        NOT EXISTS {
            ?place spatialrelations:within* ?intermediate .
            ?intermediate spatialrelations:within+ ?container ;
                geo:lat ?intermediate_lat ;
                geo:long ?intermediate_long

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