Information on how to add single and multiple contacts and how they can be used and managed by groups
Notice: Telephony replacement project
In response to BT switching off analogue lines in January 2027, the Telephony Replacement Project is currently coordinating the replacement of centrally managed analogue and critical phone lines. In future (likely later in 2025) the project will also be reviewing the Chorus VOIP (digital line) service. For more information see the Telephony replacement project webpage.
There are further tabs of 'Groups', 'Contacts', and 'Opt Outs'
Select the 'Contacts tab'
Click on 'Add/Paste/Upload' button
You can paste a list or upload a csv
If you have created a group you can select multiple or single contacts and move or copy into a group using the 'Move/copy to..' dropdown, and select the group