Accessibility features of Panopto

Accessibility features of Panopto

Panopto offers several key accessibility features which are detailed in the below guides. The Oxford University Panopto accessibility statement can be found at the following link:

Further accessibility features, such as screen reader support and shortcut keys, are detailed on the Panopto support website.

  1. Captions
  2. Smart Search
  3. Playback speed
  4. Exporting Panopto content (MP4, PowerPoint, Keynote and PDF files)
  5. Webcasting (live streaming)

DAS (Disability Advisory Service) Replay guidance

The University Disability Advisory Services (DAS) provides an overview of the most common reasonable adjustments to teaching and learning that are recommended in Student Support Plans, including Replay.

Comprehensive advice on how to improve the accessibility of online teaching for disabled students can be found at the following link: DAS’s guidance on Replay service recordings

For guidance on making your educational recordings accessible, please visit the following link: Creating accessible videos

Get support

Local IT and administration staff provide your first line of Replay support

Local Replay support


For more complex queries, contact the central Replay team

Contact Replay team