Canvas and Replay

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Direct access to Panopto can be given to each Canvas course you administer. By linking Panopto to Canvas, you create a unique Panopto folder than can host all the recordings/teaching materials in one easy to access location.  To enable Panopto:

  1. Log in to Canvas using your SSO
  2. Click on the Courses tab
  3. Click All Courses
  4. Click on the course you have access to
  5. Click Settings
  6. Click Navigation
  7. Drag the Panopto Recordings tab into the upper panel. The below panel shows what tabs are hidden to the student
  8. Click Save at the bottom of the page

NB. it is important to note that Panopto can get confused about which folder to go to if you have multiple courses open in different internet browser tabs. To this extent, try to use Canvas and its associated Panopto folder one tab at a time.

Panopto offer very detailed instructions on how to enable Panopto on a Canvas course which can be viewed on their website by clicking the following link: How to add Panopto to a Canvas course

Detailed instructions on embedding videos recorded to or stored in your Panopto folder(s) can be found at the following link: Embedding Panopto content in Canvas

As a creator of Panopto recordings, if you navigate to your Canvas Course and click the Panopto recordings tool, you will see a menu for creating new recordings. Recordings and webcasts are automatically uploaded and published to the associated Canvas course Panopto folder.  After you have created a recording, it uploads automatically.

Image showing location of Panopto recordings

When finished uploading, refresh the Canvas browser window and you should see your recording. You now have additional options to edit, delete, or move the recording to another course folder. 

A training video that shows the basics of using the manual recorder to log in through the Oxford Canvas VLE and record a PowerPoint with audio is here: Recording a PowerPoint talk

A training video that covers the task of moving videos to a specific course is available here: Moving Panopto videos to a Canvas course site

Every user with access to at least one Canvas course, will also have access to Panopto. In addition to folders associated with Canvas courses, Panopto users each have a personal folder, labelled in Panopto as My Folder.

By default, only you can access content in your personal folder

Unless you deliberately change the share settings of the content in your personal folder, only you can access this material. Bear this in mind when choosing to record to your personal folder, as it will be your responsibility to move the material to the appropriate student-accessible course folder once it has been edited.


To access your personal Panopto folder:

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in using your SSO (or if you don't have one, using the external e-mail address that you use to access Canvas)
  3. Click My Folder in the left-hand Panopto menu
  4. You can then use the Create button at the top, to create new or upload existing recordings to this folder.

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