How to Embed a YouTube Video into a Panopto Video

1. Navigate to the YouTube video and copy the link.  

youtube link

Fig 1. The URL location of a YouTube video

Once you have the YouTube video link, open the editor for the Panopto video you would like to add the YouTube content to.


2. Open your Panopto video in the editor. Hover over the recording and press 'edit'.

panopto editor button

Fig 2. Revealing the edit button on a Panopto recording


Creator rights are required

You must have Creator rights of the video. You will automatically have Creator rights if the video is within your personal folder.


3. With the “pointer” tool, click the timeline location where you would like to add the YouTube content. Then click the 'Add Content' icon, followed by 'Add a YouTube Video'.

  • The YouTube option menu will appear in the secondary source view.
add youtube video

Fig 3. The location of the Add content button on the Panopto editor. The red line has been set to the time of the video insertion.


4. Within the secondary source view, you will see the YouTube option menu and values. The following fields need to be filled out:

  • Link - Paste in the link to the video that you would find in the address bar of your browser for the video.
  • Time - This is the time in your session in which the YouTube video will start (Optional) - This field allows you to designate where in the YouTube video you want it to begin playing.
  • End (Optional) - This field allows you to designate where in the YouTube video you want it to stop playing
  • Show YouTube Controls (Checkbox) - If checked, the controls for the YouTube video will appear when you hover over the video.
  • Autoplay (Checkbox) - If checked, when the Panopto session reaches the YouTube video the video will play automatically. In unchecked, the session pauses and waits for the viewer to begin watching the video.
YouTube controls in Panopto

Fig 4. The YouTube option menu


5. Once all of the fields have been filled, click 'Done' followed by 'Apply' at the top of the editor. 

apply panopto editor

Fig 5. The Apply button

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