Overview: Microsoft Stream

Warning: Microsoft Stream Classic is closing down

Microsoft Stream Classic is in wind-down and will be closed to new content on 15 August 2023. The service will be shut down on 14 April 2024. Please ensure that you download any business-critical content before Stream is closed. See Microsoft Stream migration for information about the migration.


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Log in to your Nexus365 account.  You may be prompted for Multi-factor authentication.  Click the Stream icon on your Nexus365 app launcher, or

Log in the Stream portal directly via https://stream.microsoft.com

Note that Stream Classic will be available in wind-down "read only" mode until 15th February 2024 (the service will be placed in read only mode by Microsoft on 15th August 2023). To access Stream Classic, use https://web.microsoftstream.com

New tutorial pages have been created for Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint), accessed through the Microsoft Learn portal. Overview of Stream (on SharePoint) - Microsoft Stream | Microsoft Learn is a good place to start, showing the differences between Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint) - the new name for Stream and Stream Classic (the service currently being phased out). 

Instead of uploading videos to Microsoft Stream, any video content you have stored in your OneDrive for Business Instance, or any Microsoft Teams or Microsoft SharePoint sites you own or have access to will be surfaced in your modern Microsoft Stream home page. You also have the option to record new videos or upload videos (both of these options will upload content into your OneDrive for Business instance). You can also create custom playlists of videos which can be shared with other Nexus365 users. These can be hosted in your "My Lists" instance (a location tied to your OneDrive hosting Microsoft Lists) or in a Microsoft Team or SharePoint site. See more about Stream (on SharePoint) playlists here: Use Playlists to create collections of video or audio files in Microsoft 365

Permissions and Privacy of Stream content in the new Stream (on SharePoint) service are governed by the location of those video files. Normal sharing options apply to Stream content in OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint so files can be shared with individuals, Office365 groups or teams, or SharePoint users depending on your choice of service to host your Stream files. 

Recordings are no longer saved directly into Stream and are now saved directly to the users OneDrive.   

Prior to this recorded video in Nexus365 Teams was uploaded and saved to Stream after the recording ended and these recordings still remain in Stream. 

If you have any business-critical teams meeting recordings that are currently hosted in the Stream Classic service, this content will need to be moved to your OneDrive, Teams or SharePoint sites as soon as possible. More migration options will be made available over Summer 2023 to assist you in moving content to one of these services via an Oxford Self-Service request (we will update this page with more details once this service is available in August 2023). 

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