How to reference in Panopto


  1. Reference another Panopto session
  2. Reference and embed a webpage
  3. Reference and embed a YouTube video

1. Reference another Panopto session

Using the Panopto editor, you can directly insert a session you have already recorded by referencing it. This is a handy tool if you want to refer to another lecture or you want to re-record a section of your lecture. You can also use this tool to refer to websites within the recording.

Do not delete the original clip

If the clip you are referencing is deleted, it will be removed from the session. The referenced session must remain on the Panopto servers. An alternative to referencing a session is to merge two or more sessions together. Unlike referencing, merging creates stand-alone sessions.


1. Open your Panopto session in the Panopto web editor.

2. Using the edit timeline, position your playhead at the point where you would like to insert your clip, and click on the timeline. A red line will appear. Click the + icon above the timeline to add a clip (Fig. 1). Clips will play automatically for the student.

timeline add clip

Fig. 1. Panopto editor timeline.


3. On the new window that pops up, select your recording. Use the dropdown menu to select the folder and the search bar to text search. Once selected, press Insert (Fig. 2.)

add a clip popup window

Fig. 2. Choose the session you wish to reference.


4. You will notice the session has now been inserted in its entirety onto the timeline. You can drag from the beginning and end of the clip to edit out any sections you want to cut. You can also choose the time the clip starts. If you edit the clip in the Contents tab, you will have the choice to have the clip play at the beginning, end, or any custom point in your recording (Fig. 3).

edit clip contents

Fig. 3. Edit the start times of a clip.


5. Click Apply to save your changes and exit the editor.

2. Reference and embed a webpage

You can embed a fully working webpage in your Panopto session.

1. Open your Panopto session in the Panopto web editor.

2. Using the edit timeline, position your playhead at the point where you would like to insert your webpage, and click on the timeline. A red line will appear. Click the + icon above the timeline (Fig. 1) but rather than select 'Add a Clip', select 'Add a webpage'.

3. A new window will pop up. Here you can input which website you would like to appear, at what time, on what stream, and a clickable link.

Webpage embedded

Fig. 4. Edit settings for webpage embedding.


Add the URL to both the Title and Link fields. By adding it to the Title field, the URL will also be displayed to the viewer as a clickable link in the Contents tab. Note that some web pages cannot be referenced due to the configuration of the referenced website. The Replay team cannot assist with this.

4. Click Save and Apply your changes.

3. Reference and embed a YouTube video

1. Open your Panopto session in the Panopto web editor.

2. Using the edit timeline, position your playhead at the point where you would like to insert your webpage, and click on the timeline. A red line will appear. Click the + icon above the timeline (Fig. 1) but rather than select 'Add a Clip', select 'Add a YouTube video'.

3. The YouTube option menu will appear in the secondary source view (Fig. 5). Here you can complete the following fields:

  • Link - paste the unique URL of the YouTube video.
  • Time - the timecode of your Panopto session at which you would like to show the YouTube video. This will be pre-filled with the current timecode of your playhead, but can easily be changed to show your YouTube video either earlier or later in your Panopto session.
  • Start/End (optional) - allows you to designate start and end times of the YouTube video, allowing you to show only a portion of the YouTube video.
  • Show YouTube Controls - if checked, the controls for the YouTube video will appear when the viewer hovers over the video.
  • Autoplay - if checked, the YouTube video will autoplay when the Panopto session reaches the timecode specified in the 'Time' field. Otherwise the Panopto session will pause until the viewer clicks play on the embedded YouTube video.

Click 'Done' when finished.

YouTube controls in Panopto

Fig. 5. Options when referencing a YouTube video in a Panopto session.

4. Ensure you click 'Apply' at the top of the edit page to save your changes.

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