Troubleshooting Replay
Within this page, you will find solutions to common error messages that can occur with Replay and the Panopto software
Encountering problems?
For up to date information on the global Panopto service, please visit
Clicking on one of the below issues or error messages opens a drop-down with the solution or you can see all by clicking + Expand all
How to enable third party cookies and turn off cross-site tracking prevention in browsers
Panopto utilises third-party cookies to authenticate third-party identity providers and requires that your browser accept third-party cookies.
If you receive the following errors, you will need to turn on third-party cookies in your browser:
“Sign-in succeeded but your browser isn’t accepting cookies. Third-party cookies may be disabled.”
“Enable third-party cookies for [your site] in your browser, then refresh the page to continue.”
NB. Another setting in Safari (cross-site tracking prevention) also needs to be turned off and steps to do that are at the bottom of the guide.
If you receive any of the above errors or are having trouble viewing Panopto recordings then please follow the steps at the below link, for any browsers you use to access Panopto recordings:
How to enable third party cookies and turn off cross-site tracking prevention in browsers
If you are still having issues after adjusting browser settings, please email:
If you are experiencing issues logging in and accessing Panopto, it could be that your browser's third party cookies and/or cross-site tracking settings need to be adjusted.
An easy to follow guide is available at the following link for all supported browsers:
How to enable third party cookies for Panopto in browsers
For users logging into the service for the first time, please click this link: Getting Started
For installing or accessing the Panopto recorder, it is recommended to use Google Chrome, which can be downloaded via the following link:
NB. You may also need to adjust browser settings, e.g. 3rd party cookies, cross-site tracking, and an easy to follow guide is available at the following link for all supported browsers:
How to enable third party cookies for Panopto in browsers
If you have errors installing the manual recorder
- Restart your computer
- Check your OS is up to date; Windows requires min. 4.7.2
.Net Framework (Programs and Features under Control Panel) - Install with Admin rights (Right click 'Run as Admin' - Windows) (login as Admin - Mac)
- Check your anti-virus isn't blocking it
Below is a quick response list displaying error messages that you may encounter before, during or after a recording.
Error Message |
Cause |
Solution |
"No Primary video" |
No audio was captured in the recording. No audio device was selected. |
Plug in an audio device. Select the audio device in the settings drop-down menu in the remote recorder configuration or on the manual recorder window. |
"Podcast encode attempt limit exceeded." |
The recording took too long to upload. |
Find a solid internet connection. Then try re-encoding the video. To do this. 1) Open your settings tab on your recording 2) Click on the manage tab on the left-hand side and then 3) Click 'Re-Process' under the Reprocessing Management section. |
"Error encoding. Please contact support." |
Possible server error. |
Try re-encoding the video. To do this. 1) Open your settings tab on your recording 2) Click on the manage tab on the left-hand side and then 3) Click 'Re-Process' under the Reprocessing Management section. |
"Error packaging. Please contact support." |
Possible server error. |
Please contact |
"Could not process. Task failed." |
Faulty video stream error. |
Please contact |
On Remote Recorder Page: "Blocked" |
The manual recorder window is open. |
Shut down manual recorder. If the manual recorder does not shut down properly try restarting the machine. |
On Remote Recorder Page: "Disconnected" |
The laptop/PC is currently off. Wifi or internet connection currently disabled. |
Make sure the computer is on and fully connected to the internet. |
On manual recorder: "Starting the device 'Main Screen' Failed. Error Media pipeline failure." |
The Graphics driver isn't running the most recent and up to date version. |
Update your graphics driver within the computer's control panel. |
"Faulted" |
Your remote recorder will not record properly and remains in a faulted state |
If your operating system is Windows Enterprise N, then it will not install all the relevant media features for Panopto. Please visit: to download the correct Windows 10 pack. |
Once a recording has finished and has been uploaded, errors can still occur. Errors such as 'Could Not Process. Task Failed' may hinder your recording's playback. If this happens try the following method to re-enable the video.
- Duplicate the recording in Replay.
- Wait for the recording to reprocess.
- Once it has reprocessed, click on the 'Settings' button of the recording and click 'Manage'.
- Scroll to the bottom and select 'Reprocess' or 'Repackage. Either one of these should reprocess the recording and correct the error.
- If the problem persists please get in touch with the Replay team by emailing
This issue is usually caused by a problem with the streams. You can manage the streams by selecting the streams tab on the settings window of the recording. If there is a stream that looks like it has only recorded a second or two then this may be interfering with the process of the recording. Try deleting this stream and then reprocess. Always remember to duplicate the recording first before deleting streams.
There is a known issue with the macOS version of the manual recorder affecting recording quality. The macOS recorder defaults to minimum resolution when starting the program for the first time. Follow the steps below to adjust the quality of the recorder.
1. On the menu-bar, click on 'Panopto' and from the drop-down menu select 'Preferences':

2. In the window that opens, adjust the Primary Video Quality to 'Ultra (motion)' and the Secondary Video Quality to 'Ultra (resolution)':

Panopto only supports macOS 10.13 onwards and it is not possible to install on previous Mac operating systems.
There are two options available for Mac users
- Update your OS. All Mac Users can update, for free, to the latest OS. Please see Apple's official support page for updating macOS at the following link:
NB. If you are on a University-managed device, you may need to ask your IT team to facilitate this.
- Another option is to use the Apple QuickTime Player's built-in screen recording function to record your screen, and then upload the exported video (.mp4) to your course folder in Panopto.
Apple's guide for recording your screen is available at this link:
The Replay how-to-build-a-session page covers the uploading of the screen recording file and combining it with your webcam/audio-only plus slides.
You may be trying to share a video with someone but when you type their name, SSO, or email, Panopto does not return a contact. Instead a red box appears around the typed details.

This means that Panopto cannot find any information on this user because they have never accessed Panopto before. It is necessary for a user to login to Panopto at least once before recorded material can be shared with them.
The quickest way to do this is to ask the user to do the following:
- Login to Canvas,
- Click Account,
- Click My Panopto folder,
- Accept the EULA agreement.
Following the above will generate account information for this user that is linked to their name, SSO, and email and they can now be found in the Panopto database.
Can't log in to Panopto?
Click for a solution to browser settings for Panopto
This will usually solve most log-in issues caused by cookie and cross-site tracking settings for most browsers
On an Apple mobile device, e.g. iPad or iPhone?
Click for Apple mobile device settings for Panopto
Get support
Local IT and administration staff provide your first line of Replay support
For more complex queries, contact the central Replay team