Explore Replay


We recommend all staff working at home to download the Panopto manual recorder, from our Downloads & Resources page, and follow our Panopto Manual Recorder Guide.
Alternatively, try the new browser-based Panopto recorder (no installation required). Panopto will automatically ask you to authenticate via Canvas.

We run regular online training sessions that are available for all University users. Information on those, including how to book, can be found at our Replay Training & How-to Guides page and a recording of a session is also available to watch at any time:


Interested in recording lectures or seminars?

If you are a member of staff and interested in recording lectures, we recommend you first read the Educational Recordings Policy Also, review the Frequently Asked Questions section and the Accessibility and Equipment pages to find out more about these topics.

How do I get started?

Typically needed to get started is a Windows or Mac computer with a built-in or external microphone, and the Panopto recorder software installed on your computer. Advanced users may wish to consider adding video to their recordings by using a USB webcam or external video camera.

The Panopto recorder will capture the audio from the microphone and synchronise it automatically with whatever is displayed on the computer screen, typically a PowerPoint presentation. If a camera is connected, the software will also capture video. The ease of use of Panopto enables non-technical users to easily record lectures and manage content without the need for AV personnel to be present.

Once the recording is completed, it will be automatically uploaded to the Panopto cloud server where it can be edited using a quick and easy-to-use web editor, before being delivered to your students via your Canvas course.

Image showing an example of the Panopto lecture capture online viewer


1. Contact the Replay Service

The Replay Service strives to ensure that academics, departmental AV/IT staff, and administrators are comfortable and capable when using the software. We prefer to meet new users face-to-face to discuss the service and options available to you or your department. Whilst waiting for a reply, you may wish to look at the Introduction to Replay video on our training page.


If you are an academic and would like to record your own lectures, get in touch via replay@it.ox.ac.uk and our team can help you get started using the Panopto software on your Windows or Mac computer, as well as offer you basic training. The system is extremely easy to use, and we're confident that even the most ardent technophobe can be up and running within a few minutes of using the software. In addition, many departments have already signed up for the service and if you are delivering lectures at your department, Panopto may already be set up in the lecture theatre. You can view a list of current departments using the service, along with local Replay Service representatives.

Please visit our manual recorder page for installation advice and support.

Departmental staff, IT/AV officers, and administrators

If you are an IT Officer or administrator and are interested in installing Panopto within your department, get in touch via replay@it.ox.ac.uk, and we can advise on installation, recommended audio-visual equipment, and best practices. We can also advise on how to remotely schedule recordings on lecture theatre PCs, and more advanced technical details such as capturing projector feeds, recording from multiple computers at the same time to a single video, and live-streaming a lecture over the network to an overflow room. You can view a list of recommended equipment and costs here.

Panopto can also be used to generate training material or mini-tutorials from your office using a Windows or Mac laptop with a built-in webcam and microphone.

Please visit our Remote Recorder page for installation advice and support.

2. Install the software

Visit our Panopto Manual Recorder Guide page to help with installation and a test recording.

NB. If you are an IT Officer - You can find all the latest versions of the Panopto manual and remote recorders on our Downloads & Resources page - for more on the remote recorder, please visit our Panopto Remote Recorder Guide page for installation guidance. 

The Lecture Capture service team will inform all administrators and IT Officers of any major version changes via the mailing list.

For Linux users, please refer to our Panopto alternative guidance.

Get support

Local IT and administration staff provide your first line of Replay support

Local Replay support


For more complex queries, contact the central Replay team

Contact Replay team